LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE out today in France!

Today, Bragelonne publishes James P. Blaylock‘s second Langdon St. Ives novel, LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE! Published in France as LA MACHINE DE LORD KELVIN, here’s the synopsis…

Dans les rouages mystérieux de l’incroyable machine de Lord Kelvin réside le secret du temps lui-même. L’abject docteur Ignacio Narbondo serait capable de tuer pour mettre la main dessus, et le célèbre inventeur et explorateur Langdon St. Ives ferait n’importe quoi pour l’utiliser. Pour l’un, cela revient à dominer le monde, et pour l’autre, la fantastique machine représente le moyen de sauver sa bien-aimée des portes de la mort… Qui des deux hommes obtiendra gain de cause le premier?

Une trépidante course contre le temps commence dès maintenant!

Bragelonne have also published the first novel in the series, HOMUNCULUS.

LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE is published in the UK and US by Titan Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Within the magical gears of Lord Kelvin’s incredible machine lies the secret of time. The deadly Dr. Ignacio Narbondo would murder to possess it and scientist and explorer Professor Langdon St. Ives would do anything to use it. For the doctor it means mastery of the world and for the professor it means saving his beloved wife from death. A daring race against time begins…

Titan Books has also published the other novels in the series. Here’s the reading order: HOMUNCULUS, LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE, THE AYLESFORD SKULL and BENEATH LONDON.

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