New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s SIGN OF THE UNICORN out now!

A new Russian edition of SIGN OF THE UNICORN, Roger Zelazny’s third Chronicles of Amber novel is out now! Published by Эксмо as Знак Единорога, here’s the synopsis…

Говорят, бывшие друзья — худшие враги. Время для возвращения в Амбер принц Корвин выбрал самое удачное. Но как заявить свои права на престол и стать победителем в игре на выживание? Не погибнуть от руки неведомого врага и объединиться перед лицом надвигающейся на королевство угрозы? И какую дорогу выбрать, чтобы объяснить Знак Единорога?

This new edition is published as part of Эксмо’s Эксклюзивная фантастика series, which also includes the first two novels in the series — NINE PRINCES IN AMBER and THE GUNS OF AVALON — and Zelazny’s A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER and THIS IMMORTAL. Эксмо also published another edition of the series, which is available in its entirety.

The novel was first published in 1975. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

He who rules Amber rules the one true world. He who thwarts Amber invites the wrath of Amber betrayed.

An unseen enemy of immense strength has seized a Prince of the Blood, and now threatens the perfect kingdom by striking at the very core of its power — the secret knowledge of Shadow.

When Corwin summons forces to defend the throne, he finds himself challenged by royal conspirators, hideous demons, supernatural patterns and the ominous unknown that suddenly transcends all he ever suspected about the true nature of Amber.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

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