THIS IMMORTAL Zelazny in Russia…

Above you can see the new Russian cover for Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL. Coming soon from Эксмо, and published as ЭТОТ БЕССМЕРТНЫЙ, here’s the synopsis…

Планета Земля, отравленная радиацией и истерзанная жестокими войнами, оставлена людьми ради новых, прекрасных миров. Немногие оставшиеся вернулись в античную эпоху — эпоху богов и героев, жутких чудовищ и волшебных артефактов. Вернуть историю на круги своя, а человечество на родную планету способен только он, Конрад, этот бессмертный…

Дебютный роман Грандмастера НФ Роджера Желязны, удостоенный престижной премии “Хьюго”, лучшее переосмысление античной мифологии за всю историю фантастики!

THIS IMMORTAL was first published in 1966. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

“…and call me Conrad!” Such was the only comment that Conrad Nomikos would make on his life-history, an enigma that faded out in lost records and obscurity a few decades back. There were those who said he had once had a different name, that of the liberator of Earth, the man who had fought the star-empire of Vega to a standoff. And some even said that he had had other names, stretching back through the centuries….

But Conrad wouldn’t talk about his past. For the future was at stake now — the future of Earth and her peoples, as the Vegans returned on a mission which would decide for all time the place of Earth among the worlds of the stars.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

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