Naomi Foyle Interviewed by Writers Forum


In the May issue of Writers Forum, Naomi Foyle has been interviewed about her novels and writing (you can read the interview, above, by clicking on the image).

To coincide with the interview, Naomi has written an article for the Jo Fletcher Books blog, which you can read here.

Naomi is the author of the critically-acclaimed SEOUL SURVIVORS, ASTRA and ROOK SONG. She is published in the UK and US by Jo Fletcher Books. Here’s the synopsis for ROOK SONG, the second novel in her Gaia Chronicles sci-fi series…

Astra Ordott is in exile. Evicted from Is-Land for a crime she cannot regret, she has found work in an ancient fortress in Non-Land: headquarters of the Council of New Continents, the global body charged with providing humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of this toxic refugee camp.

Recovering from a disorienting course of Memory Pacification Treatment, Astra struggles to focus on her overriding goals – to find her Code father and avenge the death of her Shelter mother, Hokma.

But can the CONC compound director, the ambiguous Major Thames, protect her from the hawk-eyed attentions of her old enemies? And who in this world of competing agendas can she trust? The deeper Astra ventures into this new world, the more she realises her true quest may be to find herself.

Here’s just a small sample of the great reviews Naomi’s novels have received…

‘Foyle’s strengths are her impeccable plotting, her rendering of a futuristic Seoul and the depiction of Sydney Travers’ gradual inveiglement in the nightmare of Dr Kim’s cloning experiment.’ — Guardian on SEOUL SURVIVORS

‘It’s a beautiful story, unique and daring, which serves as a solid foundation for everything else to come.’ — Bibliosanctum on ASTRA

‘An enthralling and absorbing read… Offering plenty of twists and surprises, ROOK SONG outdoes its predecessor with a more developed story and plenty of conspiracies that pull the reader in. Book one was a comment on how society should live to protect the planet, book two is a comment on how people should prevent international conflict and wars. We can only wait with bated breath to see what book three will campaign for.’ — Starburst on ROOK SONG


Ben Aaronovitch’s Cityread London Schedule for Next Week…

Aaronovitch-PG1-RiversOfLondonUK-BlogHere are Ben Aaronovitch‘s events for next week’s continuing Cityreads London celebrations…

  • Monday, April 13th

1:00pm-6:00pm — Newham: The Gate Library — ‘Celebratory events… animation work shop, magic show/workshop, lost rivers interactive lecture, punch and Judy show/discussion and also a discussion by the police / scenes of crime investigators’

6:00pm — Newham: The Gate Library — Talk from Ben

  • Tuesday, April 14th

6:00-8:00pm — Hackney Central Library

  • Wednesday, April 15th

7:00-8:30pm — City of London: Barbican Library

  • Thursday, April 16th

1:00pm — Tower Hamlets: Idea Store

7:00pm — Enfield Town Library

  • Friday, April 17th

6:30-8:00pm — Havering: Hornchurch Library

  • Saturday, April 18th

2:30-4:00pm — Barking & Dagenham: Barking Learning Centre

  • Sunday, April 19th

2:00-4:00pm — Haringey: Hornsey Library

Cityreads London is a city-wide celebration of reading, and the 2015 title is Ben’s debut, RIVERS OF LONDON. Thus far, the events have been huge successes and great fun — certainly judging from reactions from across social media platforms. You can find more details of Ben’s schedule on his website.

We mentioned in the past that there was a Cityreads London Goodreads group dedicated to RIVERS OF LONDON. Below you’ll find Ben’s introductory video, which includes some comments on the novel and reading in general…

We mentioned last week that the Cityread launch was held at Covent Garden. The Londonist shot a bit of video at the event…

RIVERS OF LONDON and the other Peter Grant novels are published in the UK by Gollancz. So far, the series also includes MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, BROKEN HOMES and FOXGLOVE SUMMER. As a bonus, here is a video clip Ben and Gollancz made for release of FOXGLOVE SUMMER

Ian McDonald, Ian R. MacLeod and Simon Green Interviewed by Sword & Laser

Last year, Zeno clients Ian R. MacLeodIan McDonald and Simon R. Green were interviewed by Sword & Laser during Loncon 3. We thought it would be a nice idea to share the video, which is above.

Ian McDonald features at 1:34. He is the author of many award-winning novels. Open Road Media have published a number of his novels in eBook. including: OUT ON BLUE SIX, KING OF MORNING QUEEN OF DAY, THE BROKEN LAND, SCISSORS CUT PAPER WRAP STONE and SACRIFICE OF FOOLS.


Ian R. MacLeod features at 2:20. He is also the author of many award-winning novels. Open Road Media have published the following novels of his in eBook: THE GREAT WHEEL, THE LIGHT AGES, THE HOUSE OF STORMS, THE SUMMER ISLES, SONG OF TIME, WAKE UP AND DREAM and SNODGRASS AND OTHER ILLUSIONS.


Simon R. Green, who Zeno represents in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency, also features in the video. Simon is the author of the best-selling Nightside and Secret Histories urban fantasy series, both of which were recently released in eBook by Jo Fletcher Books in the UK. He is also, most recently, the author of THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD, which was published in the UK by Severn House in January, and will follow in the US in May 2015.


Andrew Hodges Event This Sunday at CalTech

At 2pm this Sunday, December 7th, Caltech University is hosting Andrew Hodges for a lecture about his critically-acclaimed book ALAN TURING: THE ENIGMA. The lecture will take place in the Baxter Lecture Hall. Seating is limited, so admittance will be purely on a first come first served basis. Tickets are $10 for Skeptics Society members and the JPL/Caltech community, $15 for nonmembers.

The lecture will be followed by a book signing, and the organisers of the event will have copies of the book available for purchase.

Andrew’s book has been much in the news recently (here and also mainstream media) because it is the inspiration behind the Benedict Cumberbatch-starring movie THE IMITATION GAME, which opened in US cinemas last week. Movie tie-in editions of the book were published last week by Vintage Books (UK), Princeton University Press (North America) and Michel Lafon (France/Quebec).


Upcoming Event: Ben Aaronovitch in Harrogate this Saturday! (12th)

Aaronovitch-310x310Great news! This Saturday, Ben Aaronovitch will be appearing at the Raworths Harrogate Literary Festival! Ben will be speaking at the St. George Hotel at 2.00pm. Tickets are only £8 (and currently 2-for-1!). You can book your tickets (and find more details) here.

‘Ever wondered what books your favourite crime writers read? Or what your favourite books say about you?’ Ben will be speaking on these topics and more with Ella Berthoud in a session of Bibliotherapy: LIVE! ‘Ella Berthoud believes that reading the right book could help ease pain, settle your mind or mend a broken heart. Sit back and relax as she diagnoses what ails best selling writer Ben Aaronovitch and recommends the perfect books for him…’

Ben is the author of the fan-favourite and critically-acclaimed London-based urban fantasy Peter Grant Series. The next novel in the series, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz in September 2014. It follows RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND and BROKEN HOMES (all published in the UK by Gollancz, as well).


Upcoming Ben Aaronovitch Event! (Bristol)

This Friday, May 16th, best-selling author Ben Aaronovitch will be taking part in an event hosted by Waterstone’s Bristol.

Murder Most Magical features three of the biggest names in crime/fantasy: alongside Ben, Paul Cornell and Jasper Fforde will be in conversation courtesy of BristolCon. The event is ticketed – tickets are just £3, and are available from the shop.

Ben is, of course, the author of the Sunday Times Bestselling Peter Grant series, published in the UK by Gollancz. The series currently comprises RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND and BROKEN HOMES, with more novels planned. The series has also been published in the US (by Del Rey and DAW Books), Germany (DTV), France (J’ai Lu), and a number of other territories (more details, here). The next novel in the series, tentatively titled FOXGLOVE SUMMER, is due out later this year – watch this space for more information as-and-when we have it!


Ian McDonald Interviewed at DeepCon15 (Video)

Back in March, Ian McDonald was interviewed by Francesco Verso during the DeepCon15 in Fiuggi, Italy. Ian spoke about the craft of writing science fiction, his most important novels – including BRAZYL, RIVER OF GODS and THE DERVISH HOUSE – and it touches on a wide variety of issues such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence and nanotechnology. Ian also offers some hints and information about a certain new book, set on the Moon… Here’s the clip, which was only just made available online:

Ian McDonald’s latest novels, the YA Sci-Fi series EvernessPLANESRUNNER, BE MY ENEMY, and EMPRESS OF THE SUN – are published in the UK by Jo Fletcher Books, and in the US by Pyr Books. His critically-acclaimed and award-winning novels, mentioned near the start of this post (among others), are published in the UK by Gollancz. A number of his backlist titles were recently released as audiobooks by Audible.

Ian Tregillis Hang Out (Video)

Earlier this year, Ian Tregillis, author of the critically acclaimed alternative history Milkweed Triptych and the noir supernatural thriller SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT, was a guest for a Sword & Laser hang out. During the interview, he discussed his trilogy and stand alone novel, dropped hints about his upcoming novel, and expanded the backstory of one of his greatest creations, Gretel. The video of the interview is now available online (YouTube), but we thought we’d share it here, too…

Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych is one of the best-reviewed series we’ve seen in a long time. The three novels – BITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL – are published in the UK by Orbit Books, and Tor Books in the US. The equally acclaimed SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT is published in the US by Tor Books. Head on over to his author page for some of the best review clips for his novels. The first book in Ian’s latest project, The Alchemy Wars series – CLAKKERS, is due to be published by Orbit Books in November 2014.

Zeno represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous Inc.

Locus Covers Daryl Gregory

LocusApr2014-BlogNot only has Kirkus been raving about Daryl Gregory’s latest novel, AFTERPARTY, but the novel has been attracting keen attention and interest elsewhere.

We’re very happy to report that Locus Magazine has put Daryl Gregory on the cover of its April 2014 issue! In his cover story, Gregory takes an in-depth look at his novels, in a chronological approach. He describing the impetuses and influences behind THE DEVIL’S ALPHABET, PANDEMONIUM, and RAISING STONY MAYHALL, and also explains how his work in comics has influenced the way he approaches his fiction-writing. Gregory then moves on to his latest science fiction thriller, which is published this month by Tor Books in the US. The novel is due to be published by Titan Books in the UK, in August 2014. The article is, of course, really interesting for many reasons. We thought we’d share a couple of snippets from those passages in which Gregory talked about his new novel…

‘The new book, AFTERPARTY, is about neuro­science and the feeling of the numinous. This is something I’ve toyed around with at various points. There’s a story called “Damascus” where I deal with this, and in every single thing I’ve written there’s this religious flavor that comes from being raised as a Southern Baptist. It just comes like grits in the South: there’s gonna be Jesus imagery in everything I write. AFTERPARTY has ideas I’ve been working on in science fiction short stories that never made it explicitly into a novel before (though weird stuff about identity keeps showing up even in the ostensibly fantasy novels, because that’s what keeps bothering me).’

On his intentions for the novel…

‘I wanted to write a book with velocity. I’ve always read a lot of crime novels, so I wanted to do an Elmore Leonard/Philip K. Dick/Hunter S. Thompson book. That was the original pitch, actually. The crime novel is at odds with the science fiction novel, in that in crime novels you don’t have to explain money or jealousy (the engines that drive almost everything in those stories). Of course you want more money! But with a science fiction novel, you’ve got people pursuing these goals you’ve got to stop to explain. It was kind of a formal trick to figure out how to get the neuroscience in there but still keep the velocity… AFTERPARTY is a mystery that has more of a classic science fiction ending, in that it opens up – things are about to get really weird. I’ve always liked it when science fiction novels kick open that door at the end.’

And the real-world influences on the near-future setting he chose…

‘I knew AFTERPARTY was going to be near-future, but it’s something like ten minutes into the future, with many small tech changes that are almost here. A lot of these ideas came from my day job as a pro­grammer. One of my favorites is a little side thing where a bunch of people are playing a Dungeons & Dragons-style Live Action RPG on their handhelds. This seems like an eminently doable thing, but it’s not quite there.’

GregoryD-Afterparty-BlogOnce again, AFTERPARTY is published by Tor Books in the US, and is due to be published by Titan Books in the UK in August 2014.

There was even more love for the novel in the April issue of Locus, in fact, with not one but two reviews!

Faren Miller had the following to say: ‘Daryl Gregory began to delve into the col­lective unconsciousness with his Crawford Award-winning first novel PANDEMONIUM, and he continues to find bold new ways to enter that zone… it’s clear that Daryl Gregory continues to be one of the top writers in a field where literature works along­side adventure – and both forms benefit from the exchange.’

Russell Letson, who was particularly taken with the genetically-engineered miniature bison in the novel (we kid you not), also wrote the following: ‘[AFTERPARTY] is a chase-thriller, a noir mystery, and an international road-trip adventure, with a cast that is mostly crazy, criminal, or both… The intellectual side of the trip recalls Greg Egan’s ‘‘Mister Volition’’ or ‘‘Chaff’’: an adventure in neurochemistry and mental plasticity that invites us to consider just how crazy we can be and still retain a humanity that is recognizable, decent, and functional… philosophical and moral questions are implicit in the novel, but one could be forgiven for putting them to one side while going along for the story’s twisty, gritty ride… This is a real science-fiction crime thriller: the old evils and insanities are all there, given new twists by the double-edged blades of science and technology. And, like the best crime and SF novels, those moral and philosophi­cal questions linger, after the mere whodunnit puzzles have been solved.’

Zeno represents Daryl Gregory in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency in New York.

Simon Unsworth Interviewed by This Is Horror…


In the latest This Is Horror podcast, Dan Howarth interviews Zeno client Simon Unsworth, the author of QUIET HOUSES and the forthcoming horror novel THE SORROWFUL (which we announced on the site last year). During the interview, Simon talks about his writing, the editorial process; working with literary agents, small and large presses; film adaptations and more. You can listen to the interview on This Is Horror, or download it from iTunes, or just press play, below…

Ian Tregillis Interviewed on the Sword & Laser Podcast

On January 14th, 2014, Ian Tregillis was interviewed for the Sword & Laser Podcast #159. We decided to share the interview – in which Ian ‘alludes to his secret Clakkers project, explains how to make an angel talk like a shamus, and reveals Gretel’s secret Reagan baby’ – with you, here…

Ian’s critically-acclaimed Milkweed TriptychBITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL – is published by Orbit Books in the UK. His latest novel, SOMETHING MORE THAN NIGHT, is published by Tor Books in the US (and has won a long string of accolades). His upcoming series, Clakkers, is due to be published by Orbit Books in late 2014.


Zeno Agency represents Ian Tregillis in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

Charlie Human on Letting Go of APOCALYPSE NOW NOW

Last week, Charlie Human was interviewed by Channel 24 in South Africa about his novel APOCALYPSE NOW NOW. During the interview, Charlie spoke about writing the novel, the possibility of a screen adaptation…

And also the amusing mix-up that occurred after Charlie Hunnam was selected to star in the film adaptation of 50 Shades of Grey

APOCALYPSE NOW NOW is published by Century in the UK and Umuzi/Struik in South Africa.


New Interview with Samit Basu

We just wanted to take this opportunity to share with you a link to Samit Basu‘s latest interview, with The Hindu. Samit discusses not only his most recent graphic novel, but also the critically-acclaimed TURBULENCE and hints at his future plans.


Here’s the synopsis for TURBULENCE, published by Titan Books, in case you haven’t caught it yet…

Aman Sen is smart, young, ambitious and going nowhere. He thinks this is because he doesn’t have the right connections—but then he gets off a plane from London to Delhi and discovers that he has turned into a communications demigod. Indeed, everyone on Aman’s flight now has extraordinary abilities corresponding to their innermost desires. 

Vir, an Indian Air Force pilot, can now fly. Uzma, a British- Pakistani aspiring Bollywood actress, now possesses infinite charisma. And then there’s Jai, an indestructible one-man army with a good old-fashioned goal — to rule the world! 

Aman wants to ensure that their new powers aren’t wasted on costumed crime-fighting, celebrity endorsements, or reality television. He wants to heal the planet but with each step he takes, he finds helping some means harming others. Will it all end, as 80 years of superhero fiction suggest, in a meaningless, explosive slugfest? 

Turbulence features the 21st-century Indian subcontinent in all its insane glory—F-16s, Bollywood, radical religious parties, nuclear plants, cricket, terrorists, luxury resorts, crazy TV shows — but it is essentially about two very human questions. How would you feel if you actually got what you wanted? And what would you do if you could really change the world?

RESISTANCE is due to be published by Titan Books in July 2014.

Tim Powers – Coming to a blog near you! (October)

Further to the exciting news that Tim Powers will be making his first trip to the UK in a long while, we are also able to share with you news of his upcoming Blog Tour. The tour, organised by Corvus, celebrates the recent paperback release of Tim’s latest novel, HIDE ME AMONG THE GRAVES (September 2013). The author will be writing guest posts and be interviewed for a number of the best genre blogs. The first stop is on October 7th. Here’s the tour poster, with the complete schedule…


Here are the links to the blogs, so you can bookmark them in preparation: Fantasy Book Critic, Falcata Times, A Fantastical Librarian, SF Signal, Civilian Reader, Fantasy Book Review, J for Jetpack, Speculative Scotsman, and Pornokitsch

An Interview with Ian Tregillis…

Ian Tregillis, author of the critically-acclaimed Milkweed trilogy (Orbit), has been interviewed for the Agony Column Podcast. In the interview, Ian discusses how he went about writing and planning the series, the research he conducted, and the fascinating real-world inspirations that went into the series.

Here’s some of what Rich Kleffel wrote in his introduction to the podcast:

‘With Bitter Seeds, The Coldest War and now Necessary Evil, Ian Tregillis managed to set a new standard for speculative fiction. When I sat down to talk with him, I felt a bit in danger of coming unstuck in time. But Tregillis is the most grounded, down-to-earth physicist I have ever met… The real problem with discussing The Milkweed Triptych is that having read it, one wants to keep it as much a mystery as possible for other readers, so that they can enjoy the machinations of the both the author and the characters. The power of these books is that the reader feels that the characters are enough their own men and women to have their own plans, independent of the whims of readers or author… I suppose it comes as no surprise that Ian Tregillis is smart and well spoken. There an air of informality in our conversation that I really liked. I’m already looking forward to his next novel and set of novels — yes, he works that far in advance — a well as our next conversation.’


All three novels in the Milkweed TriptychBITTER SEEDS, THE COLDEST WAR, and NECESSARY EVIL – are out now in the UK, published by Orbit Books.

Here’s just a small snapshot of the praise the Milkweed novels have received…

BITTER SEEDS grabbed me from the first pages… one of those novels I could not put down until I finished it and reread it immediately to get the subtler nuances I missed on my first read… Based on writing quality and main characters, BITTER SEEDS (A++) is hands down the best debut of 2010 so far. It is also the one novel of 2010 I would recommend to anyone who believes that speculative fiction cannot compete with “literary” novels, while having a strong core-genre content.’  —  Fantasy Book Critic

‘The engrossing second book in Tregillis’s Milkweed Triptych… Tregillis ably mixes cold war paranoia with his mythology, also nicely expanding characters (particularly Gretel)… The monstrous, extra-dimensional Eidolons add a genuinely convincing menace that transcends the more banal evil motivations of the political game players, although Gretel’s more complicated motivations really drive the action. A few nice twists keep things interesting, and the cliffhanger ending sets up the concluding volume quite well…’  —  Publishers Weekly

‘Independently intelligible sequel to the dark fantasy BITTER SEEDS, something like a cross between the devious, character-driven spy fiction of early John le Carré and the mad science fantasy of the X-Men… Despite the jaw-dropping backdrop and oblique plotting, the narrative is driven by character and personal circumstance, the only possible drawback being certain important developments that annoyingly take place offstage. Grim indeed, yet eloquent and utterly compelling.’  —  Kirkus (Starred Review, “Best of 2012”)

‘With NECESSARY EVIL… Ian Tregillis triumphantly concludes his astonishing, brilliant, pulse-pounding debut trilogy, The Milkweed Triptych… This is a book that veers precipitously from unexpected and chilling ruminations on the inherent evil of precognition; to the questions of loyalty and betrayal so thorny that they need a time-travel loop to really be explored; to spy-thriller action sequences that will keep you up under the covers with a flashlight, turning pages and unable to sleep. This is a remarkable set of books, and with all three in hand, would make a fabulous spring read.’  —  BoingBoing

Ian Tregillis is represented by Zeno in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Kay McCauley of Aureous Inc., in New York.