Anne Griffin’s WHEN ALL IS SAID Out Now in Estonia!

Anne Griffin‘s best-selling, critically-acclaimed and award-winning debut novel, WHEN ALL IS SAID is available in Estonia! Published by Eesti Raamat as KUI KÕIK ON ÖELDUD, here’s the synopsis…

Kui peaksite oma elu kokkuvõtmiseks valima viis inimest, kes nad oleksid? Mida ütleksite toostiks, kui tõstaksite neist igaühe auks klaasi? Ja mida saaksite lõpuks teada enda kohta, kui kõik on öeldud?

Ühel juunikuu laupäevaõhtul tellib Maurice Hannigan Rainford House’i hotelli baaris viis erinevat jooki. Iga toostiga tervitab ta enda jaoks olulist inimest, jutustades nende kaudu loo oma elust, kahetsusest ja vaenust, armastusest ja õnnestumistest.

Süü ja kadeduse, vääritimõistmiste ja valede võrku põimitud naabrite ja perekonna lugu on huvitavalt ajatu, justkui tahaks autor öelda, et elulõksud ei muuda tegelikult väga palju selles, mis on inimloomusele omane. Liigsesse nostalgiasse ja kurvameelsusse kaldumata ohjab Griffin meisterlikult üsna keerulist süžeed, luues luust ja lihast tegelaskujud, kes ei jäta lugejat ükskõikseks. Ta oskab hoida parajalt pinget vaheldumisi mitmel ajareal kulgevas narratiivis.

WHEN ALL IS SAID is published in the UK by Sceptre, in North America by St. Martin’s Press, and widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the novel…

Five toasts. Five people. One lifetime.

‘I’m here to remember – all that I have been and all that I will never be again.’

At the bar of a grand hotel in a small Irish town sits 84-year-old Maurice Hannigan. He’s alone, as usual -though tonight is anything but. Pull up a stool and charge your glass, because Maurice is finally ready to tell his story.

Over the course of this evening, he will raise five toasts to the five people who have meant the most to him. Through these stories – of unspoken joy and regret, a secret tragedy kept hidden, a fierce love that never found its voice – the life of one man will be powerfully and poignantly laid bare.

Heart-breaking and heart-warming all at once, the voice of Maurice Hannigan will stay with you long after all is said.

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