Audio Spotlight: Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber in Russia

Today, we wanted to draw your attention to the Russian audiobook editions of Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series. Published by Студия озвучания «Глагол», all ten of the novels are out now!

  1. NINE PRINCES IN AMBERДевять принцев Амбера
  2. THE GUNS OF AVALONРужья Авалона
  3. SIGN OF THE UNICORNЗнак Единорога
  4. THE HAND OF OBERONРука Оберона
  5. THE COURTS OF CHAOSВладения Хаоса
  6. TRUMPS OF DOOMКарты Судьбы
  7. BLOOD OF AMBERКровь Амбера
  8. SIGN OF CHAOSЗнак Хаоса
  9. KNIGHT OF SHADOWРыцарь Теней
  10. PRINCE OF CHAOSПринц Хаоса

Here’s the synopsis for the first book…

Первый законный сын Оберона Корвин вспоминает свое прошлое с помощью карт таро. С братом Рэндомом он отправляется в вечный город Амбер через Арденский лес. В лабиринте подводного города Рембы открывает правду: все миры — отражения Амбера, а он, Корвин, должен унаследовать престол внезапно исчезнувшего отца. Но за трон Янтарного королевства предстоит побороться…

The Russian print and eBook editions of the novels are published by Эксмо.

First published in English between 1970-91, here’s the English-language synopsis for NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

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