Cover: THE EDGE OF DAWN by Melinda Snodgrass


Above is the UK cover for Melinda Snodgrass‘s THE EDGE OF DAWN. The third novel in the author’s Edge series, it is due to be published in the UK in August 2015 by Titan Books. Here’s the synopsis…

The final battle approaches for a band of modern paladins, fighting for the light of science and reason, and against an ancient supernatural army poised to destroy the world.

What do you do when the Earth is under assault from monstrous creatures by alternate dimensions and you’re the only person who can wield the weapon that can destroy them? That’s the situation facing Richard Oort, hero of the Edge novels.

Lonely and overwhelmed after a series of terrifying, catastrophic global and personal events, Richard is still determined to save the world from the horrific Old Ones. He goes undercover in a Christian fundamentalist compound, playing house with an attractive FBI agent. At first, this only serves to increase his loneliness, missing his real family, but against all odds discovers another unique human who can use the paladin’s weapon, one who might be able to join him and lighten the burden of responsibility. There’s only one problem — Mosi is a nine-year-old Navajo girl.

Their enemies are trying to kill both Richard and Mosi — and have already killed Mosi’s family. To keep her safe Richard becomes her guardian, but an error in judgement leads to disaster and betrayal, and now the odd pair will need to summon all their strength to survive the coming battle. From the American southwest to a secret society in Turkey, the paladin and his ward try to stay in front of their enemies, but the world is at stake — and time is running short.

Titan Books have also published the first two novels in the series, THE EDGE OF REASON and THE EDGE OF RUIN (covers below). The series is published in the US by Tor Books. Here’s just a small selection of the great reviews the series has received thus far…

‘If H.P. Lovecraft and H. L. Mencken had ever collaborated, they might have come up with something like THE EDGE OF REASON. This one will delight thinkers — and outrage true believers — of all stripes.’ — George R. R. Martin 

Melinda melds science, urban fantasy and light philosophy to create a very absorbing tale…The Book Bag on THE EDGE OF REASON

‘Snodgrass pulls no punches with this one. It’s certain to ruffle some feathers, but readers who like a challenge will rejoice. It’s filled with some deep ideas that will spark discussion.’ — Bookgasm on THE EDGE OF REASON

‘Snodgrass strongly and convincingly highlights the danger of unreason…’  —  Publishers Weekly on THE EDGE OF RUIN

‘Snodgrass has a thick, meaty writing style that will satisfy the hungriest reader… she deftly weaves [her characters’] stories together to bind the interest and excitement of the story. Events in this novel will challenge the beliefs and thought systems of many and leave readers questioning themselves – but in a highly satisfying manner.’ — RT Book Reviews on THE EDGE OF RUIN


Zeno represents Melinda Snodgrass in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of Kay McCauley at Aurous, Inc.

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