Ian McDonald’s HOPELAND Out Next Year in North America!

Last week, we shared the UK cover for Ian McDonald‘s highly-anticipated new novel, HOPELAND (due out early next year). Today, we have the North American cover! Due to be published by Tor Books, on February 16th, 2023, here’s the synopsis…

A time-traveling, futuristic saga of a family trying to outlast and remake a universe with a power unlike any we’ve seen before.

When Raisa Hopeland, determined to win her race to become the next electromancer of London, bumps into Amon Brightbourne — tweed-suited, otherworldly, guided by the Grace — in the middle of a London riot, she sets in motion a series of events which will span decades, continents and a series of events which will change the world.

From rioting London to geothermal Iceland to the climate-struck islands of Polynesia, from birth to life to death, from tranquillity to terror to joy, Raisa’s journey will encompass the world. But one thing will always be true.

Hopeland is family — and family is dangerous

The UK edition of the novel is due out on February 16th, via Gollancz. Here’s the cover again…

Ian is also the author of the acclaimed Luna series, published by Gollancz (UK) and Tor Books (North America): NEW MOON, WOLF MOON, and MOON RISING. A prequel novella is also available — A MENACE FROM THE FAR SIDE — published by Tor.com.

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