James P. Blaylock’s HOMUNCULUS Out Now in France!


HOMUNCULUS, the Philip K. Dick Award-winning first novel in James P. Blaylock‘s fan-favourite and critically-acclaimed Langdon St. Ives series, is out now in France! Published by Bragelonne, here’s the synopsis…

Londres, fin du xixe siècle.

Une compétition acharnée oppose une bande de scientifiques géniaux à une sinistre ligue constituée d’un milliardaire débauché, d’un savant aussi dément qu’amoral et d’une horde de morts-vivants.

L’objet de leur lutte?

Un homuncule, créature fantastique à l’existence tenue secrète et dotée de tous les pouvoirs, capable de triompher de la mort et du temps. Et celui qui réussira à s’en emparer règnera sur l’éternité… reste à savoir quel camp l’emportera le premier!

HOMUNCULUS is published in the UK and US by Titan Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

It is the late 19th century and a mysterious airship orbits through the foggy skies. Its terrible secrets are sought by many, including the Royal Society, a fraudulent evangelist, a fiendish vivisectionist, an evil millionaire and an assorted group led by the scientist and explorer Professor Langdon St. Ives. Can St. Ives keep the alien homunculus out of the claws of the villainous Ignacio Narbondo?

Bragelonne are also due to publish the second novel in the series, LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE. More details to come. Titan Books has published the first four novels in the series — LORD KELVIN’S MACHINETHE AYLESFORD SKULL and BENEATH LONDON.


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