The Washington Post has launched a new SFF review column written by award-winning authors Lavie Tidhar and Silvia Moreno-Garcia! The first instalment was published this past week, in which Lavie and Silvia will turn their attentions to SFF works from outside the predominantly white and US/UK-centric norm. Here’s the introduction…
Even 10 years ago, the fields of science fiction and fantasy were still overwhelmingly American and white. And, if you grew up speaking Spanish in Mexico City, (as I, Silvia, did), or Hebrew on a small kibbutz in Israel (as I, Lavie, did), it meant that the world of science fiction, filtered through translation, was as remote and alien as the other side of the moon. The very idea we could be writing novels like these seemed, well, fantastical.
Lavie is, most recently, the author of the acclaimed, award-winning UNHOLY LAND and CENTRAL STATION, both published by Tachyon Publications. He is also the author of the Bookman Chronicles, THE VIOLENT CENTURY, and his first novel for young readers, CANDY.