You may have seen the news via Twitter already, but there’s a new, limited edition of Ian Tregillis‘s superb debut novel, BITTER SEEDS on the way! Due to be published by Midworld Press, you can see the stunning cover above.
BITTER SEEDS is the first novel in the highly-acclaimed Milkweed Triptych, which also includes THE COLDEST WAR and NECESSARY EVIL. The trilogy is published in the UK by Orbit Books, in North America by Tor Books, and in a number of translated editions.

Here’s the synopsis for BITTER SEEDS…
The year is 1939. Raybould Marsh and other members of British Intelligence have gathered to watch a damaged reel of film in a darkened room. It appears to show German troops walking through walls, bursting into flames and hurling tanks into the air from afar.
If the British are to believe their eyes, a twisted Nazi scientist has been endowing German troops with unnatural, unstoppable powers. And Raybould will be forced to resort to dark methods to hold the impending invasion at bay.
But dealing with the occult exacts a price. And that price must be paid in blood.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews BITTER SEEDS has received since it was first published…
‘Debut novelist Tregillis breathes new life into alternate military history with this fun take on WWII… exciting and intense, and the clash of magic and (mad) science meshes perfectly with the tumultuous setting.’ — Publishers Weekly
‘Tregillis… has created a unique, unsettling, and deeply atmospheric setting; populated it with a diversity of grimly fascinating characters; and turned up the heat with the sort of plot that requires those characters to keep shovelling frantically if they are ever to stay in advance of the needs of the firebox… These are the book’s strengths – its atmosphere, its setting, the vividly imagined consequences of immoral and desperate actions… All in all, this is an excellent first book, and I am eagerly awaiting number two.’ — Tor.Com (Elizabeth Bear)
‘Invoking black magic in an alternate history sounds silly, but Tregillis makes the psychic and physical costs to the combatants so painfully high that the supernatural elements become terrifying indeed. This novel is too bleak to be fun, but true horror was never supposed to be humorous.’ — Cleveland Plain Dealer
‘[O]ne of the best novels I’ve read this year. It’s original, inspired and engrossing from the first page until the last… brilliantly written, and filled with so many great passages – from brisk and realistic dialogue to lush, gothic description. The story kept me guessing until the end, and drops plenty of hints for things to come in the future… a superb novel, and a wonderful start to this series… I loved everything about BITTER SEEDS, and I definitely consider it among my best reads this year.’ — Civilian Reader
‘BITTER SEEDS is a book of questions and is far deeper than you might expect… Aside from the depth of characters and meanings, this book is filled with the kinds of exciting, intelligent and intense scenes that you’ll find in only the best page turners… another huge point regarding BITTER SEEDS and that is that it is just written so damned beautifully. The prose really is some of the most accessible yet academic that I have read in a while. Tregillis writes with authority while displaying a firm understanding of the subtler things that make us human… Whether you are looking for a cool alternate history that questions the core of humanity or just a damned brilliant story with twisted powers and great action, you should check this out and be wowed. It’s one hell of a ride.’ — Fantasy Faction
Ian’s second (and equally acclaimed) trilogy, the Alchemy Wars is also out now, published by Orbit Books in both the UK and North America (it is also available in a growing number of translated editions).