New Russian Cover for Andrew Hodges’s ALAN TURING: THE ENIGMA


There is a new Russian edition of Andrew Hodges‘s ALAN TURING: THE ENIGMA. As you can see from the image above, it reflects the Oscar-winning movie adaptation, THE IMITATION GAME. Published in Russia by ACT as Игра в имитацию: Биография Алана Тьюринга, here is the synopsis…

О загадочной, «зашифрованной» судьбе великого криптографа снят фильм «Игра в имитацию», который получил главную награду Кинофестиваля в Торонто в 2014 году. В роли Тьюринга – Бенедикт Камбербэтч, прославившийся своей ролью в телесериале «Шерлок». А его несостоявшуюся невесту Джоан Кларк сыграла Кира Найтли.

Национальный совет кинокритиков США и Американский институт киноискусства включили «Игру в имитацию» в топ 10 фильмов 2014 года. Также фильм получил пять номинаций на премию «Золотой глобус».

Настало время миру узнать о Тьюринге.

ALAN TURING: THE ENIGMA is published in the UK by Vintage Books and in the US by Princeton University Press. It has also been published widely in translation (check Andrew’s author page for more details and covers). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The official book behind the film, THE IMITATION GAME. This is a dramatic portrayal of the life and work of Alan Turing, Britain’s most extraordinary unsung heroes, and the world’s greatest innovators.

Alan Turing was the mathematician whose cipher-cracking transformed the Second World War. Taken on by British Intelligence in 1938, as a shy young Cambridge don, he combined brilliant logic with a flair for engineering. In 1940 his machines were breaking the Enigma-enciphered messages of Nazi Germany’s air force. He then headed the penetration of the super-secure U-boat communications. 

But his vision went far beyond this achievement. Before the war he had invented the concept of the universal machine, and in 1945 he turned this into the first design for a digital computer.

Turing’s far-sighted plans for the digital era forged ahead into a vision for Artificial Intelligence. However, in 1952 his homosexuality rendered him a criminal and he was subjected to humiliating treatment. In 1954, aged 41, Alan Turing took his own life.


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