Next Month, Ben Aaronovitch & Andrew Cartmel’s CRY FOX arrives in Germany!

Next month (September 22nd), Panini is due to publish the German translation of CRY FOX, the fifth Rivers of London comic collection! Written by Ben Aaronovitch and Andrew Cartmel, the comics are set in the same universe as Ben’s internationally bestselling novels and novellas. The German edition was translated by . Here’s the synopsis…

Die russische Mafia will Rache für ihren „Verrat“ an der (Nacht) Hexe Varvara üben. Dazu heuern sie zahlreiche Schurken der magischen Londoner Unterwelt an. Die ehemalige sowjetische Zauberin steht jedoch unter dem Schutz von Londons ganz eigenem Zauberer-Polizisten Peter Grant … Detective Peter Grant! Um die Aufmerksamkeit von Peter und seinen Kollegen in eine andere Richtung zu lenken, wird die Tochter eines prominenten russischen Oligarchen von Unbekannten entführt …

The English-language edition of the collection is published by Titan Comics, who have published all eight collections to date (covers below). Here’s the English-language synopsis for CRY FOX

The bookstore smash-hit returns for a brand-new story, picking up the threads from the most recent bestselling Rivers of London novel, The Hanging Tree!

Vengeful Russian mobsters are looking to hire members of London’s own more-then-natural underworld to bring bloody retribution down on the witch Varvara. However, the ex-Soviet sorcerer is under the protective wing of London’s own wizarding cop, Peter Grant (now a proper detective and everything), and to get the attention of Grant and his colleagues, the daughter of a prominent Russian oligarch is kidnapped by parties unknown but possibly fox-like.

What makes it worse is that Peter is going to have to leave his beloved London and gasp go out into the countryside! And when there’s trees and fields and wildlife involved, things never end well…

The Rivers of London/Peter Grant novels and novellas are published in Germany by DTV; in the UK by Gollancz; in North America by Del Rey, DAW Books, and Subterranean Press; and also widely in translation. The latest novel is FALSE VALUE. The latest novel, THE OCTOBER MAN, features a new protagonist and is the first book set in Germany.

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