ROGUE MOON, one of Algis Budrys‘s masterpieces of science fiction, is due to come out in Germany in July. Published by Heyne as PROJEKT LUNA, here’s the synopsis…
Wir schreiben die 1960er-Jahre, und die Mondlandung der ersten Menschen sorgt weltweit für Furore. Eines der vielen Geheimnisse, die der Mond für die Astronauten bereithält, ist ein gewaltiges Labyrinth, das anscheinend von einer außerirdischen Zivilisation errichtet wurde. Als die Wissenschaftler, neugierig geworden, das Bauwerk betreten, erwartet sie dort ein grauenvoller Tod. Der Physiker Dr. Edward Hawks und der todesmutige Abenteurer Al Barker wollen das Rätsel des Labyrinths lösen, doch so leicht gibt der Mond seine Geheimnisse nicht preis…
ROGUE MOON, which was shortlisted for the 1961 Hugo Award, is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of the SF Masterworks series. The novel was described by Robert Silverberg as containing the ‘most terrifying pages in any SF novel I have ever read.’ Here’s the English-language synopsis…
The disquieting and story of what happens when monstrous scientific ambition is matched by human obsession.
The moon had finally been reached, and on it was found the most terrifying structure, that killed men over and over again, in torturous, unfathomable ways. Clearly, only a mad man or a suicidal maniac could explore its horrible secrets.
All his life, Al Barker has toyed with death. So when the US lunar programme needs a volunteer to penetrate a murderous labyrinth, alien to all human comprehension, Barker’s the man to do it. But what is required of Barker is that he withstand the trauma of dying, not just once, but time and time and time again…
In addition to ROGUE MOON, the SF Gateway has also published an omnibus, containing THE IRON THRONE, MICHAELMAS and HARD LANDING, and also a selection of individual eBooks in the UK. A handful of Budrys’s novels are due to be published as eBooks in the US later this year, by Open Road Media (we’ll feature them properly on the website, soon).