Russian Editions of James P. Blaylock’s THE ADVENTURES OF LANGDON ST. IVES and GOBBLIN’ SOCIETY Out Now!

We’re very happy to report that Аркадия has published two more of James P. Blaylock‘s books in Russia! First up, we have THE ADVENTURES OF LANGDON ST. IVES, a collection of the author’s acclaimed Langdon St. Ives short stories! Published in Russian as Глаз идола, here’s the synopsis…

Что может быть лучше, чем вечер, проведенный в уютном лондонском пабе, где можно выпить пинту хорошего эля и отведать зажаренного на вертеле фазана? Только необычайные приключения и полная опасностей дорога — так считают ученый-любитель Лэнгдон Сент-Ив и его верные друзья, готовые ринуться за ним в огонь и в воду в буквальном смысле этого слова. В поисках удивительных артефактов им предстоит то нырять вглубь гибельных зыбучих песков, то путешествовать по дну Темзы, то исследовать таинственные пещеры и подземелья. И хотя инфернальный профессор Нарбондо со своими жестокими подручными идет за ними по пятам, преодоление препятствий на нелегком пути к цели делают ее только желаннее.

The collection is published in North America by Subterranean Press, and by JABberwocky in the UK and eBook, as THE STEAMPUNK ADVENTURES OF LANGDON ST. IVES.

Here’s the English-language synopsis

Within this volume lie the complete Steampunk short stories of Professor Langdon St. Ives, Victorian adventurer, written by avowed Steampunk Legend, James P. Blaylock.

St. Ives, traveler through time and space and an often misunderstood member of the Explorers Club and the Royal Society, has trodden the foggy London streets and Thames-side alleyways for decades, caught up in near-death adventures in pursuit of nefarious villains and obscure knowledge.

In the pages of this chronicle, the intrepid Professor and his stalwart friends face down strange enemies and avert catastrophes that the world scarcely knows exist, finding themselves stalked through the idol-infested jungles of Borneo, set adrift in the starlit reaches of outer space, plunged into the infamous “barrel madness” that descended upon London in the late 18th century, and wandering in a past-and-future age when they stumble upon a time portal in the midst of ancient standing stones in the idyllic Kent countryside.

Next up is Blaylock’s latest Langdon St. Ives novella, GOBBLIN’ SOCIETY! Published in Russia as Общество гурманов, here’s the synopsis…

Лэнгдону Сент-Иву, эксцентричному ученому-натуралисту, джентльмену и отменному семьянину, неведомы спокойствие и скука. Приключения обрушиваются на него и его близких ежедневно, если не ежеминутно. Невинная поездка в Лондонскую оперу оборачивается смертельно опасным сплавом на бочках по Темзе, а прогулка по пустошам к неолитическим постройкам — купанием в водопаде, падающем с безоблачного неба, и путешествием на воздушном шаре через дыру в пространстве-времени. Неудивительно, что любые события с участием Сент-Ива превращаются в фантасмагорию, даже если он пытается всего лишь понять причины загрязнения речки или помогает жене Элис разобраться с документами. Одно несомненно: любой враг рано или поздно будет разбит, и справедливость восторжествует.

Хотя без жертв не обойдется…

The novella is published in the UK by JABberwocky, and in North America by Subterranean Press. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The story begins with an inheritance. Following a protracted legal battle, Alice St. Ives, Langdon’s wife, has come into full possession of Seaward, the house left to her by her late Uncle Godfrey, a man with a number of bizarre proclivities. Heartened by this good fortune, Alice, Langdon and their surrogate son Finn prepare to take possession of the house. From this point forward, events spin out of control, taking on a madcap logic of their own that is exhilarating and — in typical Blaylock fashion — often quite funny. 

What follows is, in a sense, a tale of two houses. The first, of course, is Seaward, a “rambling, eccentric old house” with it its history, its secrets, its priceless accumulation of volumes of arcane lore. The other is a neighboring house known, for good reasons, as “Gobblin’ Manor,” home base of The Gobblin’ Society, a “culinary establishment” with its own peculiar — and very dark — traditions. In the course of an event filled few days, St. Ives and his cohorts will encounter smuggling, mesmerism, kidnapping, cannibalism and murder. It is, in other words, a typical — and typically eccentric — Langdon St. Ives adventure.

Like its predecessors, this latest extravaganza is fast-paced, unpredictable, and a thorough delight to read. Few novelists evoke the essence of Victorian England as successfully as Blaylock. Fewer still bring such wit, style, and propulsive narrative talents to the task. In The Gobblin’ Society, Blaylock has given vibrant new life to one of his signature creations. The result is a gift both for Blaylock’s longtime fans, and for newcomers lucky enough to come along for this astonishing — and thoroughly enjoyable — ride.

James P. Blaylock’s Подземелья Лондона out now!

Some more James P. Blaylock news! Following on from Monday’s announcement that two of the author’s Langdon St. Ives novellas have been published as eBooks, we are happy to also report that BENEATH LONDON, the fourth novel in the series, is out now in Russia! Published by Аркадия as Подземелья Лондона, here’s the synopsis…

Внезапное обрушение набережной Темзы открывает проход в таинственный подземный мир Лондона. Аристократ-изобретатель Лэнгдон Сент-Ив и его друзья решают исследовать неизвестные просторы, не зная, что им противостоит хладнокровный гений зла, перед которым демонический доктор Нарбондо покажется сущим ребенком! На стороне психопата-душегуба весь преступный мир британской столицы, смертоносные изобретения вивисектора Пиви и даже грибы-вампиры. Убийства и похищения ни в чем не повинных людей следуют одно за другим… Сумеет ли Сент-Ив избежать уготованной ему печальной участи и восстановить мир и покой на улицах Лондона…?

Аркадия has also published the first three novels in the series: Гомункул (HOMUNCULUS), Машина лорда Кельвина (LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE) and Айлсфордский череп (THE AYLESFORD SKULL).

The novels are published in the UK and North America by Titan Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis for BENEATH LONDON

The collapse of the Victoria Embankment uncovers a passage to an unknown realm beneath the city. Langdon St. Ives sets out to explore it, not knowing that a brilliant and wealthy psychopathic murderer is working to keep the underworld’s secrets hidden for reasons of his own.

St. Ives and his stalwart friends investigate a string of ghastly crimes: the gruesome death of a witch, the kidnapping of a blind, psychic girl, and the grim horrors of a secret hospital where experiments in medical electricity and the development of human, vampiric fungi, serve the strange, murderous ends of perhaps St. Ives’s most dangerous nemesis yet.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the Langdon St. Ives series has received…

‘… the fastest, funniest, and most colorful and grotesquely horrifying novel that could ever be written about Victorian London.’ Tim Powers on HOMUNCULUS

‘… every page is crammed with evidence of Blaylock’s feverishly Gothic imagination. Think Charles Dickens by way of Mervyn Peake and M. John Harrison, and you’ll have some notion of what’s in store. The wheels of the plot spin manically fast, but at the same time the weight of description makes everything feel as if it’s happening in slow motion. That might sound like a criticism, but the effect is strangely impressive and nightmarish. A steampunk Titus Groan.’ Starburst on HOMUNCULUS

‘St. Ives’s journey through time is very well handled, at once playful and thoughtful’ Publishers Weekly on LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE

‘Blaylock allows us to see the mundane world through new eyes, to perceive the familiar as strange, and therefore exciting.’ Charles de Lint on LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE

‘Nerve-wrenching, deeply moving, and sparked with comic touches… brilliantly achieved.’ Locus on LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE

‘James P Blaylock has been underpublished on this side of the Atlantic, a state of affairs Titan are addressing with THE AYLESFORD SKULL (£7.99), the first of three titles by one of the founders of the steampunk genre… Blaylock throws in all the furniture of the genre: derring-do and cliffhangers, a vivid portrayal of Victorian London, a gallery of grotesque characters and the obligatory airship, but the strength of the novel is his rendering of St Ives caught between his love of the chase and his commitment to family.’ Guardian

‘St. Ives has to be one of the most fleshed out Victorian characters ever written, and I’m sincerely hoping that Blaylock isn’t finished with this scientist adventurer. THE AYLESFORD SKULL can easily stand alone without any knowledge of Blaylock’s previous steampunk stories, but you’ll want to hunt down additional St. Ives tales, I’m for certain.’

THE AYLESFORD SKULL now available in Russia!

THE AYLESFORD SKULL by James P. Blaylock is available now in Russia! Published by Аркадия as Джеймс Блэйлок: Айлсфордский череп, here’s the synopsis…

Профессор Лэнгдон Сент-Ив, блестящий, хотя и немного эксцентричный ученый и изобретатель, наслаждается семейной жизнью в роскошном поместье: играет с сыном и дочкой, ходит с женой на рыбалку, планирует вволю полетать на собственном дирижабле и мечтает завести слона. Но его злейший враг, доктор Игнасио Нарбондо, не дремлет. Он уже задумал новое злодейство. И если некроманту-вивисектору удастся осуществить задуманное, улицы разрушенного Лондона заполнят духи умерших людей! Пока же Нарбондо занимается разграблением могил, устраивает взрывы, а заодно похищает сынишку Сент-Ива, Эдди. И профессор бросается в погоню…

Аркадия has also published the first two novels in the series in Russia: Гомункул and Машина лорда Келвина.

The third novel in Blaylock’s fan-favourite Langdon St. Ives steampunk series, it is published in the UK and US by Titan Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

It is the summer of 1883 and Professor Langdon St. Ives brilliant but eccentric scientist and explorer is at home in Aylesford with his family. However a few miles to the north a steam launch has been taken by pirates above Egypt Bay, the crew murdered and pitched overboard. In Aylesford itself a grave is opened and possibly robbed of the skull. The suspected grave robber, the infamous Dr. Ignacio Narbondo, is an old nemesis of Langdon St. Ives. When Dr. Narbondo returns to kidnap his four-year-old son Eddie and then vanishes into the night, St. Ives and his factotum Hasbro race into London in pursuit…

Titan has also published the other novels in the series: HOMUNCULUS, LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE and BENEATH LONDON.

‘James P Blaylock has been underpublished on this side of the Atlantic, a state of affairs Titan are addressing with THE AYLESFORD SKULL… Blaylock throws in all the furniture of the genre: derring-do and cliffhangers, a vivid portrayal of Victorian London, a gallery of grotesque characters and the obligatory airship, but the strength of the novel is his rendering of St Ives caught between his love of the chase and his commitment to family.’ — Guardian

‘St. Ives has to be one of the most fleshed out Victorian characters ever written, and I’m sincerely hoping that Blaylock isn’t finished with this scientist adventurer. THE AYLESFORD SKULL can easily stand alone without any knowledge of Blaylock’s previous steampunk stories, but you’ll want to hunt down additional St. Ives tales, I’m for certain.’ —

‘I never found it less than gripping. In fact I sped through it in just two sittings. I especially enjoyed the way Blaylock split his heroes up and had them all working vaguely towards the same end, while having no clear idea where the others were, or what they were up to. Even so, he managed to keep a tight control on who was where and when, so that the action ties up properly in the end… Narbondo is deranged, as all such villains should be. His plot to overthrow the throne and government would leave even the likes of Fu Manchu speechless. Off-the wall doesn’t cover it… The climactic scenes are spectacular to say the least, and I found it hard not to visualise it in terms of a Hollywood Blockbuster.’ — British Fantasy Society

‘This is steampunk at full power and it’s a heady, thrilling read as a result. Packed with high adventure, mad science and derring do, THE AYLESFORD SKULL is a perfect place to start the Langdon St Ives books and, with Titan re-releasing the other books in the series, there’s plenty to keep you and St Ives busy. Which is, I suspect, just how he likes it.’ — SFX

Cover Reveal: Машина лорда Кельвина by James P. Blaylock

Today, we wanted to share with you the cover for the Russian edition of James P. Blaylock‘s LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE! Published by Аркадия as Машина лорда Кельвина, we don’t yet have a synopsis just yet.

The novel is published in the UK and US by Titan Books, and here’s the English-language synopsis…

Within the magical gears of Lord Kelvin’s incredible machine lies the secret of time. The deadly Dr. Ignacio Narbondo would murder to possess it and scientist and explorer Professor Langdon St. Ives would do anything to use it. For the doctor it means mastery of the world and for the professor it means saving his beloved wife from death. A daring race against time begins…

Аркадия has also published the first novel in the series, Гомункул (HOMUNCULUS).


Here are just a few of the reviews LORD KELVIN’S MACHINE has received…

‘Blaylock allows us to see the mundane world through new eyes, to perceive the familiar as strange, and therefore exciting.’ Charles de Lint

‘Nerve-wrenching, deeply moving, and sparked with comic touches… brilliantly achieved.’ Locus

‘St. Ives’s journey through time is very well handled, at once playful and thoughtful’ Publishers Weekly

What does HOMUNCULUS look like in Russia?

Above you can see the cover for a new Russian edition of James P. Blaylock‘s critically-acclaimed, Philip K. Dick Award-winning, classic steampunk novel HOMUNCULUS! The first novel in the author’s Langdon St. Ives series, it is published by Аркадия as Гомункул. Here’s the synopsis…

Викторианская эпоха, затянутые туманами улицы Лондона. В тусклом небе проплывает ведомый скелетом в истлевшем костюме загадочный аэростат. Ужасные тайны, скрытые на его борту, силятся раскрыть сбитые с толку члены Королевской академии наук, корыстный проповедник Армагеддона, изувер-вивисектор с обезумевшим подручным, лишенный совести миллионер и… пестрая компания поборников истины, ведомая ученым-изобретателем Лэнгдоном Сент-Ивом. Сумеет ли «существо из бутылки», в незапамятные времена прибывшее на Землю, уберечься от хищных лап злодеев?

HOMUNCULUS and the other novels in the series are published in the UK and US by Titan Books (covers at the end). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

It is the late 19th century and a mysterious airship orbits through the foggy skies. Its terrible secrets are sought by many, including the Royal Society, a fraudulent evangelist, a fiendish vivisectionist, an evil millionaire and an assorted group led by the scientist and explorer Professor Langdon St. Ives. Can St. Ives keep the alien homunculus out of the claws of the villainous Ignacio Narbondo?


Here’s some of the aforementioned critical acclaim that HOMUNCULUS has received…

‘… the fastest, funniest, and most colorful and grotesquely horrifying novel that could ever be written about Victorian London.’ Tim Powers

‘… every page is crammed with evidence of Blaylock’s feverishly Gothic imagination. Think Charles Dickens by way of Mervyn Peake and M. John Harrison, and you’ll have some notion of what’s in store. The wheels of the plot spin manically fast, but at the same time the weight of description makes everything feel as if it’s happening in slow motion. That might sound like a criticism, but the effect is strangely impressive and nightmarish. A steampunk Titus Groan.’ Starburst

‘I absolutely love this book. I picked it up and, although I was initially a little sceptical of the idea of a ghostly airship, I soon became completely absorbed into the deep and exciting story… easy to read as a stand alone novel and due to this fact, even though I haven’t read the prequel book I could easily keep up with the wide variety of characters and plot lines… Imagery is used once more, to blow any reader’s mind completely out of their perceived realms of possibility. I couldn’t help but fall in love with the portrait of London that Blaylock has once again moulded with terrific use of words. I am now used to zoning out of the real world and into the fantasy world of Professor St.Ives, as this seems to happen whenever I pick up one of Blaylock’s novels…  be prepared to be lost in the wonderful world of Langdon St.Ives.’ Nerd Cabinet

‘I found HOMUNCULUS entertaining, with its cast of Victorian characters and ingenious contraptions making me smile. It’s a book that makes you cheer for the good guys and will give your imagination a great workout.’ SF Crowsnest