Ian McDonald’s PLANESRUNNER Sails into Bulgaria!


The first novel in Ian McDonald‘s Everness series, PLANESRUNNER, is now available in Bulgaria! Published by Artline Studios as Беглец по равнините, here’s the synopsis…

Няма само едно „ти“. Има много „ти“. Ние сме част от многообразието на вселените в паралелните измерения… и бащата на Еверет Синг е открил път към тях. Сега баща му е отвлечен и сякаш никога не е съществувал. Все пак има една улика, която синът му може да последва – мистериозното софтуерно приложение Инфундибулум. Програмата е карта, не само за Десетте познати свята, а за цялата мултивселена – и съществуват хора, на които много им се иска да се доберат до нея. За да я опази и за да спаси баща си, Еверет се нуждае от приятели: като например капитан Анастейзия Сикссмит, нейната осиновена дъщеря и екипажа на въздушния кораб Евърнес.


PLANESRUNNER is published in the UK by Jo Fletcher Books, and in the US by Pyr Books. The other two books in the series — BE MY ENEMY and EMPRESS OF THE SUN — are also published by Jo Fletcher Books and Pyr Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

An airship-duelling, guns-blazing fantasy novel that will leave you wishing you could unlock the infundibulum, join the Airish and take to the skies.

There is not just one you, there are many yous. We’re part of a multiplicity of universes in parallel dimensions — and Everett Singh’s dad has found a way in.

But he’s been kidnapped, and now it is as though Everett’s dad never existed. Yet there is one clue for his son to follow, a mysterious app: the Infundibulum.

The app is a map, not just to the Ten Known Worlds, but to the entire multiverse — and there are those who want to get their hands on it very badly. If Everett’s going to keep it safe and rescue his dad, he’s going to need friends: like Captain Anastasia Sixmith, her adopted daughter and the crew of the airship Everness.

Ian McDonald’s latest novel, the critically-acclaimed LUNA: NEW MOON, is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Tor Books.
