Interview with Lavie Tidhar

Today, we just wanted to share this interview (above) with Lavie Tidhar, which was conducted by Librería Gigamesh a little while ago to mark the release of the Italian edition of UNHOLY LAND. Published by by Duermevela, as TIERRA PROFANA, it was translated by Alexander Páez, and the cover art is by Adara Sánchez. Here’s the synopsis…

Una ucronía llena de suspense, universos alternativos y giros inesperados que reflexiona sobre la realidad del pueblo judío

Lior Tirosh es un escritor de ciencia ficción pulp que regresa a su hogar en Ararat, África, tras una larga ausencia. Pero Palestina, un estado judío fundado a principios del siglo XX, se enfrenta a sus horas más bajas. Asolada por ataques terroristas y presa de una violencia cada vez mayor, construye un polémico muro que la separa de la vecina Uganda.

La muerte de un viejo conocido y la desaparición de su sobrina enredan a Tirosh en una intrincada trama detectivesca cada vez más confusa en la que comienzan a fundirse su propio pasado, el presente y diversas realidades que parecen no encajar en ninguna parte.

Lavie Tidhar compone una obra inclasificable, que se mueve entre el noir detectivesco y las novelas de universos paralelos, mientras analiza sin concesiones la problemática del pueblo judío.

UNHOLY LAND is published in the UK and North America by Tachyon Publications, with a cover by Sarah Anne Langton. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘… will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history… Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.’ — Publishers Weekly (PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018)

‘Lavie Tidhar is a genius at conjuring realities that are just two steps to the left of our own — places that look and smell and feel real, if just a bit hauntingly alien. UNHOLY LAND develops slowly. It begins with banal strangeness (this Palestinia, so like and unlike modern-day Israel) and leans gently into it… This is a story that gets weirder the deeper you get into it; that cultivates strangeness like something precious. It has three narrators: Investigator Bloom, Tirosh and a woman, Nur, who works as a field agent for the Border Agency. There are echoes of Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union in it, wild strains of P.K. Dick and Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. But UNHOLY LAND is its own thing. Something that no one but Tidhar could’ve written. Gorgeous in its alienness, comfortingly gray in its banality, and disquieting throughout.’ — NPR

‘Shifting perspectives will keep readers trying to catch up with this fast-paced plot involving incredible twists on multiple realities and homecoming. This latest from Campbell and World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (Central Station) is fascinating and powerful.’ — Library Journal

‘[O]ne of those lovely books that starts out presenting itself as one thing, and mutates into another almost without you seeing it… a game-player of a writer who uses the spectrum of science fiction canon for his pieces… a grand game of alternate worlds cast like jewels on the sand. The long second act is all dust and blood and madness and glory, and the fast third act comes down on you like a sharpened spade… Lavie Tidhar is a clever bastard, and this book is a box of little miracles.’ — Warren Ellis

UNHOLY LAND starts out hard-boiled and comes at you sideways with the speculative elements. Tidhar has blended alternative history with murder in hotel rooms, missing women, an honest-to-god Fedora and mysterious borders in a tale that evokes Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Casablanca and Mieville’s The City & the City. Political and pulpy, with distinct metafictional elements, Tidhar adroitly pulls off this fantastical tale of an occupied territory.’ — Tade Thompson

‘… adventurous readers will appreciate this well-written and ambitious book. It should find a place at any library that offers high-quality literary fiction.’ — Booklist

‘Tidhar has turned a suspenseful adventure tale into a complex meditation on the possible paths of modern Jewish history.’ — Chicago Tribune

‘By extending Tidhar’s exploration of multiple and metafictional realities in even more sophis­ticated and assured ways than his earlier novels, UNHOLY LAND is quite an irritated oyster.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘… provocative and brash… UNHOLY LAND is a wildly inventive and entertaining novel that moves at a breathless gallop… [Tidhar has] staked a claim as the genre’s most interesting, most bold, and most accomplished writer.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

Coming Soon: TIERRA PROFANA by Lavie Tidhar

A new Spanish translation of Lavie Tidhar‘s acclaimed UNHOLY LAND is due out next year! Translated by Alexander Páez, TIERRA PROFANA is due to be published by Duermavela in January 2023. Here’s the synopsis…

Una ucronía llena de suspense, universos alternativos y giros inesperados que reflexiona sobre la realidad del pueblo judío

Lior Tirosh es un escritor de ciencia ficción pulp que regresa a su hogar en Ararat, África, tras una larga ausencia. Pero Palestina, un estado judío fundado a principios del siglo XX, se enfrenta a sus horas más bajas. Asolada por ataques terroristas y presa de una violencia cada vez mayor, construye un polémico muro que la separa de la vecina Uganda.

La muerte de un viejo conocido y la desaparición de su sobrina enredan a Tirosh en una intrincada trama detectivesca cada vez más confusa en la que comienzan a fundirse su propio pasado, el presente y diversas realidades que parecen no encajar en ninguna parte.

Lavie Tidhar compone una obra inclasificable, que se mueve entre el noir detectivesco y las novelas de universos paralelos, mientras analiza sin concesiones la problemática del pueblo judío.

The novel is published in the UK and North America by Tachyon Publications, with a cover by Sarah Anne Langton. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Lior Tirosh is a semi-successful author of pulp fiction, an inadvertent time traveler, and an ongoing source of disappointment to his father.

Tirosh has returned to his homeland in East Africa. But Palestina — a Jewish state founded in the early 20th century — has grown dangerous. The government is building a vast border wall to keep out African refugees. Unrest in Ararat City is growing. And Tirosh’s childhood friend, trying to deliver a warning, has turned up dead in his hotel room. A state security officer has identified Tirosh as a suspect in a string of murders, and a rogue agent is stalking Tirosh through transdimensional rifts — possible futures that can only be prevented by avoiding the mistakes of the past.

From the bestselling author of Central Station comes an extraordinary new novel recalling China Miéville and Michael Chabon, entertaining and subversive in equal measures.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘… will leave readers’ heads spinning with this disorienting and gripping alternate history… Readers of all kinds, and particularly fans of detective stories and puzzles, will enjoy grappling with the numerous questions raised by this stellar work.’ — Publishers Weekly (PW Picks: Books of the Week, October 15, 2018)

‘Lavie Tidhar is a genius at conjuring realities that are just two steps to the left of our own — places that look and smell and feel real, if just a bit hauntingly alien. UNHOLY LAND develops slowly. It begins with banal strangeness (this Palestinia, so like and unlike modern-day Israel) and leans gently into it… This is a story that gets weirder the deeper you get into it; that cultivates strangeness like something precious. It has three narrators: Investigator Bloom, Tirosh and a woman, Nur, who works as a field agent for the Border Agency. There are echoes of Chabon’s The Yiddish Policeman’s Union in it, wild strains of P.K. Dick and Roger Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber. But UNHOLY LAND is its own thing. Something that no one but Tidhar could’ve written. Gorgeous in its alienness, comfortingly gray in its banality, and disquieting throughout.’ — NPR

‘Shifting perspectives will keep readers trying to catch up with this fast-paced plot involving incredible twists on multiple realities and homecoming. This latest from Campbell and World Fantasy Award winner Tidhar (Central Station) is fascinating and powerful.’ — Library Journal

‘[O]ne of those lovely books that starts out presenting itself as one thing, and mutates into another almost without you seeing it… a game-player of a writer who uses the spectrum of science fiction canon for his pieces… a grand game of alternate worlds cast like jewels on the sand. The long second act is all dust and blood and madness and glory, and the fast third act comes down on you like a sharpened spade… Lavie Tidhar is a clever bastard, and this book is a box of little miracles.’ — Warren Ellis

UNHOLY LAND starts out hard-boiled and comes at you sideways with the speculative elements. Tidhar has blended alternative history with murder in hotel rooms, missing women, an honest-to-god Fedora and mysterious borders in a tale that evokes Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, Casablanca and Mieville’s The City & the City. Political and pulpy, with distinct metafictional elements, Tidhar adroitly pulls off this fantastical tale of an occupied territory.’ — Tade Thompson

‘… adventurous readers will appreciate this well-written and ambitious book. It should find a place at any library that offers high-quality literary fiction.’ — Booklist

‘Tidhar has turned a suspenseful adventure tale into a complex meditation on the possible paths of modern Jewish history.’ — Chicago Tribune

‘By extending Tidhar’s exploration of multiple and metafictional realities in even more sophis­ticated and assured ways than his earlier novels, UNHOLY LAND is quite an irritated oyster.’ — Locus (Gary K. Wolfe)

‘… provocative and brash… UNHOLY LAND is a wildly inventive and entertaining novel that moves at a breathless gallop… [Tidhar has] staked a claim as the genre’s most interesting, most bold, and most accomplished writer.’ — Locus (Ian Mond)

CENTRAL STATION Nominated for Award in Spain!

Lavie Tidhar‘s critically-acclaimed novel CENTRAL STATION has garnered another award nomination! This time, the Spanish-language edition (translated by Alexander Páez) has been nominated for Spain’s Kelvin 505 Award! The winner will be announced at the Celsius 232 convention on July 14th, 2019.

Published in Spain as ESTACIÓN CENTRAL, by Alethé, here’s the synopsis…

Una diáspora mundial ha dejado un cuarto de millón de personas a los pies de una estación espacial. Las culturas chocan en la vida real y en la virtual. La vida apenas tiene valor, y la información tiene incluso menos.

Mucho ha cambiado cuando Boris Chong vuelve de Marte a Tel Aviv. La examante de Boris está criando a un extraño y familiar niño que puede meterse en el torrente de información con el simple roce de un dedo. Su prima  está enamoradísima de un robotnik: un soldado ciborg destrozado que necesita mendigar piezas de repuesto. Su padre tiene una enfermedad terminal, una plaga mental multigeneracional. Y una atormentada vampira informática ha seguido a Boris a un lugar al que tiene prohibido volver.

Alzándose sobre todos ellos está la Estación Central, el núcleo interplanetario en medio de todo: la Tel Aviv con sus constantes cambios; una potente arena virtual y las colonias espaciales donde la humanidad se ha marcado para escapar de los estragos de la pobreza y la guerra. Todo está conectado por los Otros, poderosas entidades alienígenas que, a través de la Conversación (un torrente inestable de conciencia) suponen el inicio de un cambio irreversible.

En la Estación Central, los humanos y las máquinas siguen adaptándose, prosperando e incluso… evolucionando.

The novel has the following award wins and nominations…

  • 2017 John W. Campbell Award Winner
  • 2018 Neukom Institute Literary Arts Award Winner
  • 2017 Arthur C. Clarke Award, Shortlist
  • 2016 British Science Fiction Award, Longlist
  • 2017 Geffen Award nominee, Best Translated Science Fiction Book
  • 2019 Premio Italia, Best International Novel, Finalist (Italy)
  • 2019 Kurd Laßwitz Preis Shortlist (Germany)

CENTRAL STATION is published in English by Tachyon Publications, and has been published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A worldwide diaspora has left a quarter of a million people at the foot of a space station. Cultures collide in real life and virtual reality. Life is cheap, and data is cheaper.

When Boris Chong returns to Tel Aviv from Mars, much has changed. Boris’s ex-lover is raising a strangely familiar child who can tap into the datastream of a mind with the touch of a finger. His cousin is infatuated with a robotnik — a damaged cyborg soldier who might as well be begging for parts. His father is terminally-ill with a multigenerational mind-plague. And a hunted data-vampire has followed Boris to where she is forbidden to return.

Rising above them is Central Station, the interplanetary hub between all things: the constantly shifting Tel Aviv; a powerful virtual arena, and the space colonies where humanity has gone to escape the ravages of poverty and war. Everything is connected by the Others, powerful alien entities who, through the Conversation — a shifting, flowing stream of consciousness — are just the beginning of irrevocable change.

At Central Station, humans and machines continue to adapt, thrive… and even evolve.

The cover is by Sarah Anne Langton, and it also has racked up some awards and nominations…

  • 2016 British Science Fiction Award Best Cover Illustration
  • Chesley Award, Best Cover Illustration
  • 2017 British Fantasy Society – Shortlist for Best Artist