Return of the Dragon: Peter A. Flannery’s BATTLE MAGE Part 2 Available in Germany!

The second part of Peter A. Flannery‘s acclaimed BATTLE MAGE is out now in Germany! Published by Heyne as RÜCKKEHR DES DRACHEN, and translated by Bernhard Stäber, here’s the synopsis…

Noch immer tobt in den Sieben Königreichen von Grimm ein schrecklicher Krieg zwischen den Menschen und der übermächtigen Armee der Besessenen. Um das Blatt zugunsten der Menschen zu wenden, wagt der junge Kampfmagier Falco Dante ein ebenso kühnes wie verzweifeltes Unterfangen: Er will einen schwarzen Drachen beschwören und auf ihm in die alles entscheidende Schlacht gegen die Besessenen ziehen. Doch schwarze Drachen sind wahnsinnig, das weiß Falco besser als jeder andere, schließlich wurde sein eigener Vater von einem getötet. Dann stößt Falco auf ein Geheimnis, das tief in der Vergangenheit der Sieben Königreiche von Grimm verborgen liegt und das die schwarzen Drachen in einem völlig anderen Licht erscheinen lässt…

The first part of BATTLE MAGE is also published by Heyne, as KAMPF DER MAGIER.

The novel has also been published in France (Albin Michel) and Poland (Fabryka Słów).

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The world is falling to the burning shadow of the Possessed and only the power of a battle mage can save it. But the ancient bond with dragonkind is failing. Of those that answer a summoning too many are black. Black dragons are the enemy of humankind. Black dragons are mad.

Falco Dante is a weakling in a world of warriors, but worse than this, he is the son of a madman. Driven by grief, Falco makes a decision that will drive him to the brink of despair. As he tries to come to terms with his actions Falco follows his friends to the Academy of War, an elite training school dedicated to martial excellence. But while his friends make progress he struggles to overcome his doubts and insecurity. Even Queen Catherine of Wrath has her doubts about Falco’s training.

While the Queen tries to unite the Kingdoms against the Possessed, Falco struggles to overcome his fears. Will he unlock the power trapped inside of him or will he succumb to madness and murder like his father?

Zeno represents Peter A. Flannery in Translation.