Ian McDonald’s Luna series continues with MOON RISING…

We’re very happy to report that Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed Luna series has been nominated for the Kurd Laßwitz Preis in the ‘Bestes ausländisches SF-Werk mit deutscher Erstausgabe’ category (Best Foreign SF available in German translation)!

Both of the novels — LUNA and WOLFSMOND — are published in Germany by Heyne. Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

Kampf der Fünf Drachen

Die Zukunft: Schon lange ist der Mond den Menschen zu einer zweiten Heimat geworden. Doch auf dem Erdtrabanten geschieht nichts, ohne dass die dort ansässigen, rivalisierenden Wirtschaftsgiganten – die sogenannten Fünf Drachen – davon erfahren. Einer davon ist die Corta Helio Corporation unter dem Vorsitz der Patriarchin Adriana Corta. Als junge Frau musste sich Adriana in der brutalen Mondgesellschaft nach oben kämpfen – und hat sich dabei eine Menge Feinde gemacht. Feinde, die Adriana und ihren Clan nun zu Fall bringen wollen…

The winner of the award will be announced on September 22nd, 2018, at ElsterCon in Leipzig.

The series — NEW MOON, WOLF MOON and the upcoming MOON RISING (2019) — is published in the UK by Gollancz and in the US by Tor Books. The series has also been published widely in translation (for more information on the other editions available, be sure to check out Ian’s author page). Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel…

The scions of a falling house must navigate a world of corporate warfare to maintain their family’s status in the Moon’s vicious political atmosphere…

The Moon wants to kill you.

Maybe it will kill you when the per diem for your allotted food, water, and air runs out, just before you hit paydirt. Maybe it will kill you when you are trapped between the reigning corporations — the Five Dragons — in a foolish gamble against a futuristic feudal society. On the Moon, you must fight for every inch you want to gain. And that is just what Adriana Corta did.

As the leader of the Moon’s newest “dragon,” Adriana has wrested control of the Moon’s Helium-3 industry from the Mackenzie Metal corporation and fought to earn her family’s new status. Now, in the twilight of her life, Adriana finds her corporation — Corta Helio — confronted by the many enemies she made during her meteoric rise. If the Corta family is to survive, Adriana’s five children must defend their mother’s empire from her many enemies… and each other.