Lavie Tidhar unleashes the Schokoladen-Mafia on Germany…

On October 9th, Loewe are due to publish the German edition of Lavie Tidhar‘s new kids’ book CANDY! Published as GEHEIMAGENTIN CANDY UND DIE SCHOKOLADEN-MAFIA, here’s the synopsis…

Nelle lebt in einer Stadt, in der es seit drei Jahren keine Schokolade mehr gibt. Sie wurde verboten, doch es gibt Banden, die die illegale Ware für die Zucker-Junkies in die Stadt schmuggeln. Eines Tages steht der berüchtigte Gangster Eddie de Menthe in Nelles Detektivbüro. Und er hat einen Auftrag für sie. Was sie zu hören bekommt, gefällt ihr ganz und gar nicht.

Ohne es zu wollen, wird sie immer tiefer hineingezogen in die dunklen Machenschaften der Schokoladen-Mafia… Ihr Deckname lautet nun Candy – Geheimagentin Candy.

Eine starke Mädchenheldin ermittelt in einem spannenden Kriminalfall, rund um Intrigen,Schmuggelware und ein Geheimnis, das seit Jahrzehnten gut gehütet wird. Doch Candy taucht immer tiefer hinein in die Abgründe ihrer Stadt, in der Schokolade und Süßigkeiten ein Tabu sind.

CANDY is published in the UK by Scholastic, and is out now. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Guard your chocolate! Imagine living in a place where Mars bars are banned and sweeties are totally outlawed. Ugh – how depressing! In this miserable place, is it any wonder that gangsters trade in illegal sweeties? We can’t even blame them. Nelle Faulkner is a twelve-year-old private detective looking for her next client. So when notorious candy gangster Eddie de Menthe walks in and asks her to find a missing teddy bear, Nelle takes the case. But as soon as the teddy turns up, Eddie himself goes missing. Can Nelle track him down before all of them come to a sticky end?

Lavie is also the author of the award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING and OSAMA, as well as the critically-acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY and CENTRAL STATION.

Lavie’s next novel, UNHOLY LAND, is due to be published by Tachyon Publications, also in October 2018.

Lavie Tidhar’s CANDY hits the streets!

CANDY, Lavie Tidhar‘s latest novel and first for young readers, is out today in the UK! Published by Scholastic, here’s the synopsis…

Guard your chocolate! Imagine living in a place where Mars bars are banned and sweeties are totally outlawed. Ugh – how depressing! In this miserable place, is it any wonder that gangsters trade in illegal sweeties? We can’t even blame them. Nelle Faulkner is a twelve-year-old private detective looking for her next client. So when notorious candy gangster Eddie de Menthe walks in and asks her to find a missing teddy bear, Nelle takes the case. But as soon as the teddy turns up, Eddie himself goes missing. Can Nelle track him down before all of them come to a sticky end?

From an author best known for his award-winning science fiction novels, CANDY is a ‘madcap crime caper’ told in his distinctive film noir style. Illustrations have been provided by Mark Beech.

Scholastic to release Lavie Tidhar’s CANDY…

Yesterday, Scholastic UK officially announced that they will be publishing Lavie Tidhar’s CANDY, the author’s first foray into children’s fiction!

Due to be published on June 7th, 2018, Scholastic have described the novel as ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory meets Bugsy Malone for 9+ readers’. In CANDY, Lavie has created a thrilling, chocolate-mad world that leaps from the page, and his distinct voice and deployed film-noir style perfectly suit the action. He has created a brilliantly accessible and inspiring heroine in Nelle Faulkner, a determined, clever girl willing to follow any lead to get to the bottom of a complex conspiracy.

Here is the blurb:

In a city where candy is a crime and biscuits have been banned, Nelle Faulker is a 12-year-old private detective looking for her next client.

So when a notorious candy gangster asks for her help, Nelle is on the case.

Swept into a secret world of sweet smugglers and chocolate crooks, can Nelle and her friends find a way to take the cake? Or will they come to a sticky end…

The Scholastic edition is lavishly illustrated with internal black and white art by Mark Beech, who also provides the cover (above, full-wrap below).

The novel has been hotly anticipated, with foreign rights pre-sold in Italy to Mondadori in a five-figure deal (at auction), in Germany to Loewe (also at auction), in France to Bragelonne, in the Czech Republic to Argo, in Poland to Zysk and in Romania to Nemira. Further deals are anticipated.

Lavie said: ‘I can honestly say I feel like a kid in a candy store! When I set out to chronicle the adventures of Nelle and her friends, I never dreamed of the level of interest the story would generate. I can’t wait to finally hold CANDY in my hands!’

This is Lavie’s first book for children, following a string of award-winning novels for adults that saw him scoop the World Fantasy Award, among others.