New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny’s TRUMPS OF DOOM Out Now!

The sixth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed, classic Chronicles of Amber, TRUMPS OF DOOM is now available in a fancy new Russian edition! Published by Эксмо as Карты Судьбы, here’s the synopsis…

Война между Янтарным Королевством и Владениями Хаоса закончена. Но теперь эстафета вечной битвы переходит к юному Мерлину — сыну Корвина и Дары из Хаоса. Юноша разыскивает своего пропавшего отца, когда вдруг выясняется, что за ним идёт охота…

Первая книга Пятикнижия Мерлина культового цикла “Хроники Амбера”!

The first five novels in the series have also been published as part of Эксмо’s Эксклюзивная фантастика collection: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER (Девять принцев Амбера), THE GUNS OF AVALON (Ружья Авалона), SIGN OF THE UNICORN (Знак Единорога), THE HAND OF OBERON (Рука Оберона), and THE COURTS OF CHAOS (Владения Хаоса).

Here’s the English-language synopsis for TRUMPS OF DOOM

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wonderous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

The Chronicles of Amber are getting re-issued this year in the UK — collected as two omnibus editions, in April and August, due to be published by Gollancz.

Roger Zelazny’s DOPPIA DIMENSIONE out now!

Urania has published a new omnibus containing two of Roger Zelazny‘s novellas! DOPPIA DIMENSIONE includes translated editions of HOME IS THE HANGMAN (1976) and HE WHO SHAPES (1965). Here’s the synopsis…

Due romanzi brevi vincitori del premio Nebula, per attraversare le dimensioni visionarie di uno dei maestri della science fiction internazionale.

IL BOIA TORNA A CASA (HOME IS THE HANGMAN, 1976) Zelazny indaga ciò che è buono e ciò che è cattivo: in un mondo in cui gli archivi informatici sono unificati, un programmatore ha l’occasione di far completamente sparire la propria esistenza. Per poi assumere gli incarichi che nessun altro vuole…

IL CREATORE DI SOGNI (HE WHO SHAPES, 1965) Il dottor Charles Render usa una macchina per entrare nei sogni dei pazienti, alterandoli e modellandoli per curare traumi, abbattere barriere e migliorare lo stato mentale. Ma come sta davvero il dottor Render, che ha in mano la salute mentale di altre persone? Zelazny gioca con Jung e Freud per un’esemplare rappresentazione del carattere umano.

Here are the English-language synopses for the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning HOME IS THE HANGMAN

HOME IS THE HANGMAN shows Zelazny at his very best grappling with questions of what is good and evil, what makes something truly alive. HOME IS THE HANGMAN is part of a series of novellas where the premise is that when the world databases are unified, a programmer takes the opportunity to completely erase his existence. He pursues a career as a trouble-shooter, taking on those assignments no one else will do.

The Nebula Award-winning HE WHO SHAPES was later expanded into the novel, THE DREAM MASTER.

Elizabeth Moon’s SPEED OF DARK has been Re-Issued in the UK!

We just wanted to draw people’s attention to the re-issued edition of Elizabeth Moon‘s Nebula Award-winning SPEED OF DARK. Published in the UK by Orbit, here’s the synopsis…

Lou has been told he is different to ‘normal’ people. He interacts with the world in a way they do not understand. He might not see the things they see, however, but he also sees many things they do not. Lou is autistic.
One of his skills is an ability to find patterns in data: extraordinary, complex, beautiful patterns that not even the most powerful computers can comprehend. The company he works for has made considerable sums of money from Lou’s work. But now they want Lou to change – to become ‘normal’ like themselves. And he must face the greatest challenge of his life. To understand the speed of dark.

SPEED OF DARK is a powerful near-future thriller, the theme of which is both universal and intensely personal. It is dedicated to the author’s own autistic son, and to other parents of autistic children, ‘in the hope that they also find that delight in difference’.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received, since it was first published in 2002…

Compelling […] a poignant earnestness that borders on the philosophical and showcases Moon’s gift for characterization […] will touch even the most jaded.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Inevitably, THE SPEED OF DARK has been compared to Daniel Keyes’ classic and tragic Flowers for Algernon, in which a mentally disabled young man is medically enhanced to become a genius. THE SPEED OF DARK may be an even greater book […] it is [a] subtle, eerily nuanced character portrait of a man who is both unforgettable and unlike anyone else in fiction […] The end of THE SPEED OF DARK is not unexpected, but it is marvelous all the same, and exceptionally moving in its balance of loss and wonder […] It is a measure of Elizabeth Moon’s genius that she enables a reader to thoroughly experience the world through Lou’s tangled but exhilarating neurology, and wonder what we “normal” people are missing when we don’t acknowledge our connection to those who seem so different from us. A lot of novels promise to change the way a reader sees the world; THE SPEED OF DARK actually does.’ — Washington Post

‘This poignant work, which won the 2004 Nebula prize for respected science-fiction author Elizabeth Moon […] will leave a deep impression upon the reader. The pages will make you hold your breath until the very last line.’ Associated Press (France)

‘For those of you who are a bit shy of hardcore SF, one of your best bets is Elizabeth Moon. She’s been writing great science fiction for years […] a highly sensitive treatment of the world of an autistic man set in the not too distant future […] For people with autism, the world can be a very scary place, and Moon documents poignantly their battle to interact with a world of shapes, sounds and feelings that are strangers to them.’ — Times (UK)

‘A stunner. Not just for parents and friends of autistic individuals, not just for sf fans — THE SPEED OF DARK makes me remember why I love Moon for her ability to immerse me in the thought processes of a sympathetic, transparent protagonist.’ — The AV Club

‘A touching account. Well-written, intelligent, quite moving. Moon places the reader inside the world of an autistic and unflinchingly conveys the authenticity of his situation.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Significant and evocative […] While the theme must have an enormous emotional charge for Elizabeth Moon, she does not forget she is a novelist.’ Le Monde (France)

Zeno represents Elizabeth Moon in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

DANCES WITH WOLVES Now Available in Paperback in the UK!

The UK paperback edition of Michael Blake‘s classic frontier/Western novel, DANCES WITH WOLVES is out now! This edition also includes the sequel, THE HOLY ROAD. Published by Head of Zeus, here’s the synopsis…

1863. The last occupant of Fort Sedgewick, Lieutenant John Dunbar watches over the American frontier. A thousand miles back east, his comrades are locked in battle with the Confederates, but out here he is alone.

His desolate posting will bring him into contact with the lords of the southern plains – the Comanche. He has no knowledge of their customs but Dunbar is intrigued by these people and begins a transformation from which he emerges a different man. A man called Dances With Wolves.

The story continues, 11 years later in The Holy Road. Times are hard for the Comanche. The white man is closing in from all directions, claiming land, driving the tribes on to reservations. Should the Comanche fight or make peace? Misunderstanding and duplicity lead to raids and atrocities on both sides that can have only one conclusion. The man that was John Dunbar must go to war again.

DANCES WITH WOLVES was, of course, the inspiration for the multi-Oscar winning movie starring Kevin Costner.

Zeno represents Michael Blake in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Two New Zelazny Omnibus Editions Out Now in Romania!

Two new Chronicles of Amber omnibus editions are now available in Romania! The fan-favourite, classic fantasy series by Roger Zelazny, these books are published by Paladin. Here are some details…

NOUĂ PRINȚI DIN AMBER contains the first three novels in the series: NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, THE GUNS OF AVALON, and SIGN OF THE UNICORN. Here’s the synopsis…

Cred că prețul pentru a fi un prinț al Amberului este că nu poți să ai niciodată încredere în tine însuți.

Se spune că cei mai înverșunați dușmani îți sunt chiar vechii prieteni, dar Corwin duce războiul pe un front mult mai personal. Frații și surorile sale, sânge din sângele lui, sunt inamicii de moarte ai moștenitorului din Amber. Însă oare numai el e îndreptățit la tron? Tărâmul plin de magie al Amberului se pregătește pentru o bătălie de proporții, oferind forțelor întunecate prilejul ideal de a pune stăpânire pe regat. 

În seara asta o să-ți sug măduva din oase, mi-a zis. 

O să le golesc și o să le fac fluiere. Și, în timp ce voi cânta la ele, spiritul ți se va chirci în chinuri fără de trup.

The second omnibus, MÂNA LUI OBERON, contains the fourth and fifth novels: THE HAND OF OBERON and THE COURTS OF CHAOS.

Nimic nu-i mai nefolositor decât încă un prinț când deja sunt o grămadă prin preajmă.

Curțile Haosului au fost deschise și amenință întreaga lume. În familia regală a Amberului, vechi intrigi ies la iveală și noi alianțe se formează pentru salvarea tărâmului. Revenind la Umbra Pământ pentru a investiga o amenințare la adresa vieții sale, Corwin descoperă că Giuvaierul Judecății a fost furat de fratele său Brand, care intenționează să-l folosească pentru a remodela Universul după chipul și asemănarea lui. Modelul este la un pas de distrugere și regatul poate fi înghițit de haos din clipă în clipă.

Amberul, în răutatea și putreziciunea lui, dezechilibrase o balanță metafizică ale cărei talgere erau el și Curțile Haosului.

Paladin are due to publish a couple more omnibus editions in the Cronicile din Amber series, containing the remainder of the series. We’ll share information (cover, etc.) as soon as we can.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in the UK and in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Behold, NINE new Russian PRINCES IN AMBER!

Today, we have information about another new Roger Zelazny translated edition! There is a new Russian edition NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is available now! The first novel in Zelazny’s classic and beloved Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, it is published in Russia by Эксмо as Девять принцев Амбера. Here’s the synopsis…

Первый законный сын Оберона Корвин вспоминает свое прошлое с помощью карт таро. С братом Рэндомом он отправляется в вечный город Амбер через Арденский лес. В лабиринте подводного города Рембы открывает правду: все миры — отражения Амбера, а он, Корвин, должен унаследовать престол внезапно исчезнувшего отца. Но за трон Янтарного королевства предстоит побороться…

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Algis Burdys’s classic ROGUE MOON is available as a Special Edition!

ROGUE MOON by Algis Budrys is a classic, beloved science fiction novel from one of the masters of the genre. Recently, Easton Press release the novel as part of a four-volume set of Moon-based fiction, “The Dark Side of the Moon”. Each of the books in the set is gorgeously produced, bound in genuine leather, and has sumptuous interior design. Here’s just one example from ROGUE MOON

ROGUE MOON is also available as an eBook, published by Gollancz’s SF Gateway in the UK and Open Road Media in the US. Both publishers also publish a number of Budrys’s other classic novels. Here’s the novel’s synopsis…

A Hugo Award Finalist: Humanity struggles to understand a killing labyrinth discovered on the Moon in this science fiction adventure about death and rebirth

A monstrous apparatus has been found on the surface of the moon. It devours and destroys in ways so incomprehensible to humans that a new language has to be invented to describe it and a new kind of thinking to understand it. So far, the human guinea pigs sent there in hopes of unraveling the murderous maze have all died terrible deaths. The most recent volunteer survived but is now on suicide watch. The ideal candidate won’t go insane even as he feels the end approaching. Al Barker has already stared into the face of death; he can handle it again. But he won’t merely endure the trauma of dying. Barker will die over and over — even as his human qualities are preserved on Earth.

With its cast of fascinating characters — like brilliant scientist Edward Hawks, who is obsessed with rebirth — Rogue Moon is a rare thriller that doesn’t just make you sweat. It makes you think.

Zeno represents Algis Budrys on behalf of the Budrys Estate.

CHRONICLES OF AMBER Gold Edition eBook now available in Germany!

Die Hobbit Presse, an imprint of Klett-Cotta, publishes today an omnibus eBook containing the first five books in Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series. Here’s the synopsis…

Die Hobbit Presse Gold Edition umfasst alle fünf Teile der »Chroniken von Amber« von Roger Zelazny und gibt einen Einblick in die Machenschaften und Intrigen des Königshauses von Amber. Die Limited Edition mit mehr als 1300 Seiten ist nur für begrenzte Zeit lieferbar.

Als Corwin nach einem Autounfall in einer Klinik in New York aufwacht, kann er sich an nichts erinnern. Schnell findet er heraus, dass er eigentlich Mitglied der großen Königsfamilie von Amber ist. Corwin setzt alles daran, nach Amber zurückzukehren. Dabei lernt er, dass die Erde Teil der Schattenwelten ist und nur Nachfahren der Königsfamilie zwischen den Welten der Erde und Amber hin und her reisen können. In Amber selbst bereitet sich alles auf einen Krieg vor, denn König Oberon, Corwins Vater, ist verschwunden und der Thron verwaist. Corwins Bruder Eric will um jeden Preis die Macht über Amber erlangen, doch auch seine anderen Geschwister haben dasselbe Ziel. Der fesselnde Kampf um die Thronfolge, voller Intrigen und Hass, wird über die Zukunft von Amber und der Geschwister entscheiden.

Dieses E-Book enthält:

– Die neun Prinzen von Amber
– Die Gewehre von Avalon
– Im Zeichen des Einhorns
– Die Hand Oberons
– Die Burgen des Chaos

Die Hobbit Presse has also published the first five novels in the series individually in print and eBook.

The first novel in the series, NINE PRINCES IN AMBER, was first published in 1970. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world.

Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows. Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne.

From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Just in time for Christmas, have a listen to MICHAELMAS!

Blackstone Publishing has released a second audiobook edition today for a classic Algis Budrys novel! MICHAELMAS is out now, and here’s the synopsis…

One of the world’s wealthiest and most influential men, journalist Laurent Michaelmas lives in a penthouse overlooking New York City’s Central Park with his superintelligent computer, Domino. He attained his fame and power after hacking into the worldwide computer network. He then went on to use his unique gifts to create a version of the UN that would ensure global peace. In short, he and Domino secretly run the world. But now he has reason for concern.

A Swiss doctor has cured an astronaut believed to have vaporized in a shuttle explosion during an expedition to the outer planets of the solar system. Suspecting that something extraterrestrial is behind this miraculous recovery, Michaelmas uses his immense influence to launch an international investigation. Are there really aliens in their midst? Is the resurrection of a dead man an attempt to cancel history and destroy the world’s precarious balance of power?

Published less than a decade into the internet era, this remarkable science fiction novel foreshadows many of the world’s technological advances.


Blackstone have already published ROGUE MOON in audio, and are due to publish WHO? and HARD LANDING over the next couple of months.

‘[Budrys’] most humanly complex and fully realized novel… MICHAELMAS describes in considerable detail a near-future world whose information media have become prophetically sophisticated.’ — Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

Six of Budrys’s classic novels and short stories are published as eBooks by Open Road Media.

THIS Zelazny, IMMORTAL in Turkey…

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL is available in Turkey! Published by İthaki Yayınları, as BÜ ÖLÜMSÜZ, here’s the synopsis…

Ölmekte olan bir dünyadaki tek ölümsüz, dünyasını nasıl yeniden hayata döndürebilir?

İşte bunlardan dolayıdır ki her geri dönüşümde kendimi yenilemiş bulurum, çünkü artık birçok yılı geride bırakmış bir adam olarak, bütün Yer için aynı şeyleri hissediyorum. Bunlar için dövüştüm ben, bunlar için öldürdümi bombaladım ve bunlar için Vegalıların orada, Taler’deki sürgün hükümetimizden Yer’i adım adım satın almalarını önlemek amacıyla kitaptaki bütün yasal numaraları uyguladım.

First published in 1966, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself.

THIS IMMORTAL is also available in Russia (Эксмо), Germany (Heyne) and France (Helios). İthaki has also published LORD OF LIGHT in Turkey, as IŞIK TANRISI.

Coming Soon: Roger Zelazny’s THIS IMMORTAL in France

Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel THIS IMMORTAL (his first published) is getting a new French edition! Published next week by Helios as TOI L’IMMORTEL, here’s the synopsis…

Une catastrophe atomique a détruit pratiquement toute trace des civilisations continentales, provoquant l’exode de la plupart des humains. Mais les quelques individus restés sur Terre ont vu leur espérance de vie considérablement augmenter. Conrad Nomikos est l’un d’entre eux et nul ne connaît son âge. Devenu le conservateur des ruines de la Terre sur une île grecque miraculeusement préservée, il doit servir de guide à un important intellectuel végan, Cort Myshtigo, qui souhaite visiter la planète pour se documenter afin d’écrire un livre sur l’histoire humaine. C’est le début d’une odyssée que Nomikos imaginait certes périlleuse, mais pas à ce point…

En mariant avec audace religion, magie et technologie, Roger Zelazny, avec ce premier roman, est entré immédiatement dans la cour des grands. Il remporte d’ailleurs en 1966 le prix Hugo ex aequo avec Dune de Franck Herbert. Ce texte concentre une grande partie des thématiques que l’auteur ne cessera d’explorer tout au long de ses oeuvres suivantes.

Un nouveau mythe et une quête post-apocalyptique.

THIS IMMORTAL was first published in 1966, and won the Hugo Award for Best Novel (1966), Geffen Award for Best Translated Science Fiction Book (2009), and the Seiun Award 星雲賞 for Best Foreign Language Novel of the Year (1976). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Chronicles of Amber now complete in Serbia!

The fourth Chronicles of Amber omnibus is now available in Serbia! The Hronike Ambera omnibuses Published by Laguna, this omnibus contains the final two novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy series: VITEZ SENKI (KNIGHT OF SHADOWS) and PRINC HAOSA (PRINCE OF CHAOS). Here’s the synopsis…

Šestostruki dobitnik nagrade Hugo i trostruki dobitnik nagrade Nebula.

Serijal Hronike Ambera je klasik fantastike; sastoji se od deset delova, objavljivanih između 1970. i 1991. U ovom tomu sadržani su deveta knjiga, Vitez Senki, i deseta, Princ Haosa. Ovim se završava serijal romana o Amberu.

Merlin ima pune ruke posla. Valja pronaći Koral i saznati šta se desilo Luku, a niz znakova kao da odjednom nagoveštava kako Korvin, njegov otac, možda ipak nije mrtav. No umesto da rešava ova pitanja, Merl protiv volje biva uvučen u igre moćnika dva pola magije, amberskog Nacrta i haoskog Logrusa. Ove Sile mešaju mu se u život i trude se da ga prisile na izbor: Amber ili Dvorovi, Jednorog ili Zmija. Merlin sve dublje zapada u zamršene spletke i kontraspletke oba sveta, dok neki kuju zaveru da ga, protivno njegovoj želji, postave na presto Haosa.

The two novels were first published in 1989 and 1991, respectively. Here’s the synopsis for KNIGHT OF SHADOWS

Merlin pursues the mysterious disappearances of the two people dearest to him: Julia, once murdered and now reincarnated as his enemy; and his father, Corwin, who, never visible, leaves behind tantalizing signs of life.

But the powers of Order and Chaos intervene, attempting to force Merlin to choose once and for all where his allegiance lies: the Courts of Chaos, Amber, the Lorgus, or the Unicorn.

As suggested above, Laguna has also published the first eight novels in the series, in three omnibus editions.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, one of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels, is available now in Russian! Published by Эксмо as ПОРОЖДЕНИЯ СВЕТА И ТЬМЫ, here’s the synopsis…

В далеком будущем усовершенствованные технологии помогли человечеству выйти в космос, чтобы осваивать новые миры. Во главе экспансии встал богоподобный Тот, контролировавший миры с помощью своих приспешников. Однажды на отдаленной планете Тот обнаружил злую сущность, грозящую уничтожить всю вселенную. Бросив все силы на сокрушение этой сущности, Тот ослабил свой контроль над иными мирами, и тогда верховную власть захватили его бывшие соратники Осирис и Анубис.

Самый поразительный роман Грандмастера НФ Роджера Желязны, изощренный сплав фэнтези и научной фантастики!

First published in 1969, here is the English-language synopsis for CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS

Two gods, two houses, one quest & the eternal war between life & death: To save his kingdom, Anubis, Lord of the Dead, sends forth his servant on a mission of vengeance. At the same time, from The House of Life, Osiris sends forth his son, Horus, on the same mission to destroy utterly & forever The Prince Who Was a Thousand.

But neither of these superhuman warriors is prepared for the strange & harrowing world of mortal life. The Thing That Cries in the Night may well destroy not only their worlds, but all humankind.

Эксмо has also published the first five novels in Zelazny’s classic Chronicles of Amber fantasy series, and a handful of his other novels (with more to come!).

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.


Roger Zelazny‘s classic NINE PRINCES IN AMBER is out now in Portugal! Published by Saída de Emergência as NOVE PRINCÍPES DE ÂMBAR, it is the first novel in the Chronicles of Amber (As Crónicas de Âmbar) series. Here’s the synopsis…

Âmbar é o único mundo verdadeiramente real. Todos os outros mundos, incluindo a Terra, não passam de sombras que de certa forma o imitam.

Exilado na Terra desde há séculos, o príncipe Corwin acorda na cama de um hospital, sem memórias da sua existência passada. Gradualmente, descobre a verdade e é forçado a regressar ao mundo paralelo de Âmbar onde descobre que o rei Oberon, seu pai, é dado como desaparecido. Para ganhar o seu direito à sucessão do trono, Corwin terá de enfrentar realidades impossíveis forjadas por assassinos demoníacos, horrores inomináveis e os exércitos e fúria dos seus irmãos, os príncipes de Âmbar.

First published in 1970, here’s the English-language synopsis…

Awakening in an Earth hospital unable to remember who he is or where he came from, Corwin is amazed to learn that he is one of the sons of Oberon, King of Amber, and is the rightful successor to the crown in a parallel world. Amber, the one real world, wherein all others, including our own Earth, are but Shadows.

Amber burns in Corwin’s blood. Exiled on Shadow Earth for centuries, the prince is about to return to Amber to make a mad and desperate rush upon the throne. From Arden to the blood-slippery Stairway into the Sea, the air is electrified with the powers of Eric, Random, Bleys, Caine, and all the princes of Amber whom Corwin must overcome. Yet, his savage path is blocked and guarded by eerie structures beyond imagining; impossible realities forged by demonic assassins and staggering horrors to challenge the might of Corwin’s superhuman fury.

The Chronicles of Amber novels have been published widely in translation. For more details, please get in touch. Here are just a few of the NINE PRINCES IN AMBER international editions…

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Two New Roger Zelazny Audiobooks now available in Poland!

Today, Storytel releases the second and third novels in Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber series as audiobooks: KARABINY AVALONU (THE GUNS OF AVALON) and ZNAK JEDNOROŻCA (SIGN OF THE UNICORN). Here’s the synopsis for the second novel…

Corwin, prawowity władca Amberu, po ucieczce z więzienia postanawia podjąć walkę o tron. W tym celu musi udać się do Cienia po diamentowy proszek służący jako proch strzelniczy. W pełnej niebezpieczeństw wyprawie do Avalonu towarzyszy mu Ganelon – człowiek o niezbyt chlubnej przeszłości. Obaj docierają do czarnej drogi, którą przebywają do Amberu zastępy demonicznych morderców i potwory przywołane klątwą Corwina. Książę musi stoczyć walkę zarówno o ocalenie kraju przed zagładą, jak i o odzyskanie korony zagarniętej przez Eryka.

Here’s the English language synopsis for THE GUNS OF AVALON

Across the worlds of Shadow, Corwin, prince of blood royal, heir to the throne of Amber, gathers his forces for an assault that will yield up to him the crown that is rightfully his. But, a growing darkness of his own doing threatens his plans, an evil that stretches to the heart of the perfect kingdom itself where the demonic forces of Chaos mass to annihilate Amber and all who would rule there.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.