Myke Cole wins the Compton Crook Award!


Joshua Bilmes, Myke Cole & Peter V. Brett at Balticon for Myke’s award

We are delighted to announce that Myke Cole‘s SHADOW OPS: CONTROL POINT has won the Compton Crook award! The award honours the best first SF/fantasy/horror novel of the year, and was presented at Balticon 47, this past weekend. The award was presented by 2012 Compton Crook winner, T.C. McCarthy, who is also represented by the JABberwocky Literary Agency.

Congratulations to Myke – a very well-deserved win!


SHADOW OPS: CONTROL POINT is published by Headline in the UK and Ace Books in the US. The sequel, FORTRESS FRONTIER is also available, through the same publishers. The third book in the series, BREACH ZONE, is due to be published in early 2014.

Zeno Agency represents Myke Cole in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of JABberwocky Literary Agency.