Ben Aaronovitch Interviewed by Amazon about RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK


Last week, Ben Aaronovitch was interviewed for Amazon’s Kindle Blog about his new comic series, RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK. Co-authored by Andrew Cartmel, the comics are set between books four and five of Ben’s Peter Grant urban fantasy series. Here are a couple of snippets from the interview…

Amazon: Have the comics enabled you to explore anything that the books didn’t allow, and is there anything that you’d like to explore in future series?

BEN: The books are written in a very strict first-person narrative style and the comics are much looser – you can follow other characters, do quick one panel flashbacks, memories and other omniscient narrator stuff – which opens up a wide array of possibilities of expanding the world beyond the books.

There are also jokes and action sequences that wouldn’t work within the prose style of the books. Surprise splash pages, rapid chronological intercutting and ironic caption/image counterpoints are tools that aren’t available to me in the books allowing me to expand the story in new ways…

Amazon: Both the comics and the books include rich detail about local history, myths, and legends.  What do you enjoy most about the research process?

BEN: The best thing about research is that it’s not actually work in any way or form. Actually that’s not the best thing; the best thing is finding out stuff that you never knew – like the existence of a coffee shop on the Thames in the 18th Century that was called ‘The Folly’. Things like that just drop into your lap and seamlessly integrate into your story as if you’d planned them from the start – it makes you look good.

The first four issues of the comic, published by Titan Comics, are out now. Issue 5 is out next month. The series is illustrated by Lee Sullivan and coloured by Luis Guerrero. Here’s the synopsis…

Peter Grant is one of only two members of a very special branch of London’s Metropolitan Police. He is, in fact, pretty much a wizard and it’s his job to investigate those shadowy crimes that involve urban vampires, weird folk in the underground and, in this case, why cars are suddenly taking on lives of their own and killing innocent folk

The Peter Grant series is published in the UK by Gollancz; in the US by Del Rey and DAW Books; in Germany by DTV; in France by J’ai Lu; and in multiple other territories and languages.


Ben Aaronovitch’s FOXGLOVE SUMMER now available in German audio!


The fifth book in Ben Aaronovitch‘s best-selling Peter Grant series, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, has been released as an audiobook in German. Published by GoyaLit as FINGERHUT-SOMMER, here’s the synopsis…

Peter Grant, Detective Constable und Zauberlehrling, fühlt sich normalerweise schon unwohl, wenn er London auch nur ein paar Kilometer weit hinter sich lässt. Doch nun wird er in die tiefste Provinz geschickt: in einen kleinen Ort in Herefordshire, wo sich Fuchs, Hase und der Dorfpolizist gute Nacht sagen. Es werden zwei Kinder vermisst und ihr Verschwinden erfolgte möglicherweise unter magischen Umständen. Zum Glück unterstützt ihn die hübsche Flussgöttin Beverley Brook bei seinen Ermittlungen.

The audiobook is narrated by Dietmar Wunder, who also provides dubbing duties for Daniel Craig’s James Bond.

DTV publishes the series in print in Germany.


The Peter Grant series is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (#1-3) and DAW Books (#4 onwards). Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London – to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…



The third issue in Ben Aaronovitch‘s RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK comic series is out tomorrow. Based on his best-selling and critically-acclaimed Peter Grant urban fantasy series, the comics are published by Titan Comics (in print an digital). Here’s the synopsis for #3…

The members – all two of them – of London’s most secret police force are on the trail of a self-driving killer car. But it takes something weird to catch something weird and soon they are behind the wheel of  – The Most Haunted Car in England!

The series is co-authored by Andrew Cartmel; art by Lee Sullivan; colours by Luis Guerrero.


RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK is set between books four and five — BROKEN HOMES and FOXGLOVE SUMMER. The series is published in the UK by Gollancz; in the US by Del Rey and DAW Books; and has been published widely in translation. (More details can be found on his author page, and by contacting us.) The next novel in the series will be THE HANGING TREE.


Ben Aaronovitch’s FINGERHUT-SOMMER Out Now in Germany!


The fifth volume in Ben Aaronovitch‘s Peter Grant series, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, is now available in Germany. Published as FINGERHUT-SOMMER by DTV, here’s the synopsis…

Obwohl sich Police Constable Peter Grant schon unwohl fühlt, wenn er Londons Skyline auch nur ein paar Kilometer weit hinter sich lässt, wird er jetzt in die tiefste Provinz geschickt: in einen kleinen Ort in Herefordshire – wo sich Fuchs, Hase und der Dorfpolizist Gute Nacht sagen. Aber es werden zwei Kinder vermisst, und ihr Verschwinden erfolgte womöglich unter magischen Umständen. Also muss Peter notgedrungen sein angestammtes Biotop verlassen. Mit der Flusstochter Beverley Brook begibt er sich mutig nach Westen, hinein ins ländliche England…

FOXGLOVE SUMMER is published in the UK by Gollancz, and will be published in the US by DAW Books on January 6th, 2016. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London – to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…

The next novel in the series, THE HANGING TREE, is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz on November 19th, 2015.

DTV has also published the first four novels in the Peter Grant series. Here are the covers…




Ben Aaronovitch‘s fifth Peter Grant novel, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, is out now in France! Published by J’ai Lu as LES DISPARUES DE RUSHPOOL, here’s a (rather succinct) French synopsis…

Peter Grant et Beverley Brook enquêtent sur une affaire de disparition d’enfants que la police du Herefordshire ne parvient pas à résoudre.

The novel (whole series, actually) is published in the UK by Gollancz — paperback edition is due out on July 7th, 2015; it is published in the US by DAW Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London – to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm …

We will have more news about the sixth novel in the series, THE HANGING TREE, hopefully soon. Here are the other French covers…


US Publication Day: FOXGLOVE SUMMER by Ben Aaronovitch


The wait is finally over for book lovers in North America: Ben Aaronovitch‘s much-anticipated FOXGLOVE SUMMER is published today by DAW Books! Published to great acclaim in the UK by Gollancz, in November of last year, many across the Atlantic have been clamouring to return to the bestselling Peter Grant series. Here’s the synopsis…

When two young girls go missing in rural Herefordshire, police constable and wizard-in-training Peter Grant is sent out of London to check that nothing supernatural is involved.

It’s purely routine — Nightingale, Peter’s superior, thinks he’ll be done in less than a day. But Peter’s never been one to walk away from someone in trouble, so when nothing overtly magical turns up he volunteers his services to the local police, who need all the help they can get. But because the universe likes a joke as much as the next sadistic megalomaniac, Peter soon comes to realize that dark secrets underlie the picturesque fields and villages of the countryside and there might just be work for Britain’s most junior wizard after all.

Soon Peter’s in a vicious race against time, in a world where the boundaries between reality and fairy have never been less clear…

Here’s a selection of the great reviews the novel has already received…

‘[Aaronovitch’s] ability to construct a fast, tense, readable police procedural (with magic) is inarguable. The combination—and frequently, the clash—of modern policing methods with magic and folklore remains a compelling juxtaposition, one that’s funny more often than not… Peter’s voice remains compelling. It’s one of the most appealing things about this series. In removing him from his usual stomping grounds to the countryside, Aaronovitch takes the opportunity to cast a minor side-eye at the white uniformity and unthinking assumptions of part of Britain: as a mixed-race lad from London, Peter sticks out in Leominster… It’s amusing. It’s diverting. It’s fun…’ —

‘Ben Aaronovitch is in top form in this fifth Peter Grant novel, as his beloved police constable ventures into the wilds of the English countryside. As ever, the realistic police procedural details ground the plot, but the wonderful and unexpected fantasy world that lurks just below the surface of reality makes this tale the rousing success that it is. The tension is high from the opening of this unpredictable story, but the gravity of Grant’s newest case doesn’t keep his snarky humor or his wry insight from shining through, making this a book that new readers and fans alike will relish.’ — RT Book Reviews (January 2015 Top Pick)

‘This book is a great example of how a series and its main character can grow while still retaining everything that makes the previous novels so great. An extraordinary fun ride that’s not to be missed.’ — Bibliosanctum (5* Review)

FOXGLOVE SUMMER is a bold and exciting new beginning for Peter Grant and I can’t wait to find out where will Ben Aaronovitch take him next.’ — Upcoming4Me

The first three novels in the series – MIDNIGHT RIOT, MOON OVER SOHO and WHISPERS UNDERGROUND – were published in the US by Del Rey. BROKEN HOMES, the fourth novel, was also published by DAW Books. The whole series is published by Gollancz in the UK. The first four books have been published in Germany by DTV and in France by J’ai Lu.

Ben Aaronovitch’s FOXGLOVE SUMMER Tour Details!

Aaronovitch-310x310The release of FOXGLOVE SUMMER, Ben Aaronovitch‘s fifth Peter Grant novel, is fast approaching. This, of course, means we can now share with you the details of his upcoming book tour! Here are the details…
Friday 7th November
– 7-9pm – St Albans Literary Festival

Sunday 9th November

– 2-4pm – Wimbourne Book Festival

Monday 10th November

– 1-2pm – Forbidden Planet London

– 6.30pm – Waterstone’s Trafalgar Talk with Kobna Holdbrook Smith

Tuesday 11th November

– 1-2pm – Hatchards Kings Cross St Pancras Singing

– 7pm – Nottingham Waterstone’s Solo Talk

Aaronovitch-PG5-FoxgloveSummerUK-BlogWednesday 12th November

– 1pm – Leeds signing

– 6.30pm – Manchester Waterstone’s  Solo Talk

Thursday 13th November

– 1pm – Liverpool Waterstone’s signing

– 7.30pm – Birmingham Waterstone’s Solo Talk

Friday 14th November

– 7pm – Ledbury Books Solo Talk

Saturday 15th November

– 1-2pm – Toppings Bath Solo Talk

Sunday 30th November

– 2-3pm – Reading and Signing at the London Museum of Water and Steam

Sunday 7th December

– 2-4pm – Solo Talk and Signing at Kingston Waterstone’s

FOXGLOVE SUMMER is due to be published by Gollancz in the UK on November 13th, 2014. The novel is due to be published in the US by DAW Books in January 2015. Here’s the synopsis…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London – to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…

RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, and BROKEN HOMES are out now in the UK, US, Germany, France and Japan, as well as select other markets.


Zeno Clients attending FantasyCon 2014!

We’re very happy to report that a number of our clients will be attending this year’s British Fantasy Convention (FantasyCon), to be held between September 5th–7th 2014, at The Royal York Hotel. (This weekend!)

HarrisC-MT1-MidnightCrossroad-BlogFirst up, we’re delighted that Charlaine Harris, New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series of urban fantasy novels, will be a guest of honour at FantasyCon! Charlaine’s latest novel, MIDNIGHT CROSSROAD was published in the UK by Gollancz in May 2014.

Here are our other clients’ events during the convention, all of which occur on Saturday 6th…

  • 10:00am – Anne Lyle and Kari Sperring take part in the ‘Does It Make Sense?’ panel – ‘Economics of fantasy systems. If Smaug holds all the gold and it gets liberated, what does that do to the economy?’
  • Noon – Charlaine Harris in Conversation – interviewed by Adele Wearing
  • Noon – Edward Cox will take part in the ‘Dead Parents, Burned Homesteads and Wicked Stepmothers’ panel – ‘Is it essential to write out the parents before youthful characters can head out on adventures? Are adult figures always unhelpful or malign? Should writers search for ways to keep parents around — or do fantasies of a world without parents fulfil a real need?’
  • 3:00pm – Charlaine Harris will take part in the ‘She Ain’t Heavy, She’s My Sister’ panel – ‘Kirk and Spock, Luke and Han, Frodo and Sam – epic friendships between men are common in fantasy, but friendships between women, or platonic relationships between men and women that stay that way – are much thinner on the ground. The panellists discuss why it matters and examine some of the rare exceptions.’
  • 3:00pm – Edward Cox will take part in the ‘Icky Romance’ panel – ‘Love and sex are powerful motivators and sources of dramatic conflict. However when combined with the conventions of SFF, there’s a lot of potential for cliché, from damsels in distress to dangerous supernatural boyfriends. But how often do complaints about the place of romance in SFF come down to a fear of girl cooties?’
  • 4:00pm – Charlaine Harris will take part in the FanFiction panel – ‘The Fan, the Pro and the Publishing Industry Writers on both sides of the fan/pro divide and writers who straddle it discuss fanfiction. After the success of E.L James, should publishers be searching for more hit writers on AO3 and What keeps talented writers away from traditional publishing?’
  • 5:00pm – Stephen Volk will take part in the ‘Horror on the Small Screen’ panel – ‘TV is getting darker, and with the recent success of American Horror Story, Black Mirror and Being Human, are we entering a new golden age of terrifying TV?’
  • 9:00pm – Edward Cox will give a reading from THE RELIC GUILD at the ‘Super Relaxed Fantasy Club’

On Sunday 7th, the British Fantasy Awards will be held at approximately 2:30pm. The full list of nominees can be found here.

Edward Cox is the author of THE RELIC GUILD, due to be published mid-September 2014 by Gollancz in the UK.

Anne Lyle is the author of the Nights Masque trilogy – THE ALCHEMIST OF SOULS, THE MERCHANT OF DREAMS, and THE PRINCE OF LIES – published by Angry Robot Books.

Kari Sperring is the author of LIVING WITH GHOSTS and THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE, both published by DAW Books.

Unlisted in the events, above, Simon Kurt Unsworth will also be in attendance, and may give a reading from his upcoming novel, THE DEVIL’S DETECTIVE, due to be published in 2015 by Del Rey (UK) and Doubleday (US) – check back later this week and also next week for more news about this exciting upcoming title.

Stephen Volk is a prolific author of horror short fiction, and two of his works are up for British Fantasy Awards this year – WHISTABLE is nominated for Best Novella, and is published by Spectral Press; and MONSTERS IN THE HEART, published by Gray Friar Press, is nominated for Best Collection.


Zeno represents Charlaine Harris in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Cover Reveal: FOXGLOVE SUMMER by Ben Aaronovitch


On Monday, Stephen Walters’s artwork for the UK cover of Ben Aaronovitch‘s FOXGLOVE SUMMER was unveiled! The novel is the fifth in the critically-acclaimed, fan-favourite and Sunday Times bestselling Peter Grant series. Gollancz are due to publish the novel in the UK in late September 2014. DAW Books will publish in the US, with the date as-yet unconfirmed.

Here’s the synopsis…

In the fifth of his bestselling series Ben Aaronovitch takes Peter Grant out of whatever comfort zone he might have found and takes him out of London – to a small village in Herefordshire where the local police are reluctant to admit that there might be a supernatural element to the disappearance of some local children. But while you can take the London copper out of London you can’t take the London out of the copper.

Travelling west with Beverley Brook, Peter soon finds himself caught up in a deep mystery and having to tackle local cops and local gods. And what’s more all the shops are closed by 4pm…

The popularity of Ben’s Peter Grant series has been going from strength to strength, and we have no doubt that his legions of fans will grow again with the release of FOXGLOVE SUMMER. Check back next Monday for some information regarding new international editions of Ben’s RIVERS OF LONDON.

Upcoming Ben Aaronovitch Event! (Bristol)

This Friday, May 16th, best-selling author Ben Aaronovitch will be taking part in an event hosted by Waterstone’s Bristol.

Murder Most Magical features three of the biggest names in crime/fantasy: alongside Ben, Paul Cornell and Jasper Fforde will be in conversation courtesy of BristolCon. The event is ticketed – tickets are just £3, and are available from the shop.

Ben is, of course, the author of the Sunday Times Bestselling Peter Grant series, published in the UK by Gollancz. The series currently comprises RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND and BROKEN HOMES, with more novels planned. The series has also been published in the US (by Del Rey and DAW Books), Germany (DTV), France (J’ai Lu), and a number of other territories (more details, here). The next novel in the series, tentatively titled FOXGLOVE SUMMER, is due out later this year – watch this space for more information as-and-when we have it!


BROKEN HOMES now in Paperback! (UK)

Aaronovitch-PG4-BrokenHomes-BlogBROKEN HOMES, the fourth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s critically-acclaimed and Sunday Times bestselling Peter Grant/Rivers of London series, is now available in mass market paperback! The first four books in the series – RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDER GROUND, and BROKEN HOMES – have all been published in the UK by Gollancz. Gollancz will also be publishing the next in the series, FOXGLOVE SUMMER, which is due to be released in just a couple months (July 2014). Here’s the synopsis, in case you’ve managed to miss all the attention the series has rightfully been receiving…

A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil; an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common or garden serial killer?

Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load.

So far so London.

But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate.

Is there a connection? And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River?

Full of warmth, sly humour and a rich cornucopia of things you never knew about London, Aaronovitch’s series has swiftly added Grant’s magical London to Rebus’ Edinburgh and Morse’s Oxford as a destination of choice for those who love their crime with something a little extra.

BROKEN HOMES is published by DAW Books in the US, J’ai Lu in France, and DTV in Germany.

Kari Sperring to be Guest of Honour at Novacon 44!

Kari-headshot2We’re delighted to report that Kari Sperring is the Guest of Honour at this year’s Novacon! The convention will be held at the Park Inn Hotel in Nottingham, from November 14-16, 2014. Still early days, so details are thin on the ground, but be sure to check out the Novacon website, Twitter and Facebook page for information over the coming weeks and months.

Kari is the author of two acclaimed fantasy novels, LIVING WITH GHOSTS and THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE. In case you weren’t aware of the novels (shame!), here is some information and reviews…

SperringK-LivingWithGhosts-BlogLIVING WITH GHOSTS (DAW Books, 2009)

This highly original, darkly atmospheric fantasy novel immerses readers in a world where ghosts and other malevolent spirits seek entry into mortal realms— invisible to all but those who are not entirely human themselves. Drawn into the ancient city of Merafi, yet barred from entering by an ancient pact sealed in blood, these hungry haunts await their opportunity to break through the magical border and wreak havoc on the city’s innocent denizens.

And as a priestess and prince weave a sorcerous plot to shatter the pact and bring ruin on Merafi, only a failed assassin-priest who is now a courtesan, a noble lord married into the ruling family of Merafi, an officer of the city guard, a woman warrior who was the former lover of a now-dead lord, and the ghost of that lord himself stand between Merafi and the tidal wave of magic that may soon bring ruin flooding down upon the city.

Here’s some of what critics have said about the novel…

‘… a brilliantly atmospheric novel with complex yet understandable characters and a dark setting filled with sensation. A recommended read for those with a taste for something a little different.’ — Mithril Wisdom

‘The characterization in particular is well above what I normally expect from SF&F. The magic is interesting too: very subtly done… a very impressive debut. Here’s hoping there are more books to come.’  —  Cheryl Morgan

‘From suffering husband to sneering dominatrix, there’s a character for every taste in Ghosts, but the vulnerable, bisexual Gracielis is by far the standout… the characters are so appealing that you hang on every twist of their carmined lips… [a] beguiling, bewildering novel…’  —  Strange Horizons

‘… if you love a tale that concentrates on the feelings and emotional aspect of the characters then this is a book for you. Well written with the authors enthusiasm clearly coming through the tale its definitely a story that will remain with you long after the final page is turned.’  —  Falcata Times

SperringK-GrassKingsConcubine-BlogTHE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE (DAW Books, 2012)

A return to the same amazing and atmospheric world of LIVING WITH GHOSTS, a story set several hundred years later.

When a wealthy young woman, obsessed with a childhood vision of a magical Shining Palace, sets out with her true love to search for a legendary land, she discovers the devastated WorldBelow – the realm of the Grass King – and the terrifying Cadre, who take her prisoner, and demand she either restore the king’s concubine… or replace her.

Here’s a selection of the critical response…

‘Readers who are looking for a beautiful and original work of fantasy should pick up THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE… an enjoyable read, and I think that fans of thoughtful fantasy should give THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE a try.’ — Strange Horizons

‘This is a rather wonderful book… a beguiling sub-plot… Sperring has created an unusual world that surprises at every turn, giving the pleasures of high fantasy whilst avoiding the worn-out tropes.’ — Living in the Maniototo

Cover Reveal – Tanya Huff’s VALOUR’S TRIAL


Hot on the heels of the UK publication of THE HEART OF VALOUR, we’re delighted to be able to share with you the new cover for Tanya Huff‘s VALOUR’S TRIAL, the fourth novel in the adventure- and action-packed science fiction Confederation series! As with the first three novels in the series, this will be published by Titan Books, and is due to hit shelves on April 4th 2014.

Here’s the synopsis…

Unexpectedly pulled from battle, Gunnery Sergeant Torin Kerr of the Confederation Marines finds herself in an underground POW camp, where her fellow marine prisoners have lost all will to escape. Now, Torin must fight her way not only out of the prison, but also past the growing compulsion to lie down and give up — not realizing that her escape could alter the entire course of the war.

VALOUR’S TRIAL was first published in the US by DAW Books, in 2008. Here’s just a small sample of what critics have said about the novel…

‘Huff’s appealing heroine is as fiercely maternal as she is fierce in battle. The denoument is not unexpected, but Huff skillfully accomplishes its exposition while still managing a few surprises.’  —  Publishers Weekly

‘It’s a great read, a powerful surviving scenario made particularly fascinating by the interactions of multiple species working together.’  —  Locus

‘Filled with both action scenes and personal drama, this sf adventure belongs in most libraries.’  —  Library Journal

Zeno represents Tanya Huff in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

US Publication Day – BROKEN HOMES by Ben Aaronovitch

Aaronovitch-PG4-BrokenHomes-BlogThe wait is finally over! Peter Grant fans States-side can now pick up the fourth novel in Ben Aaronovitch‘s hugely successful and beloved Rivers of London/Peter Grant series! BROKEN HOMES is published in the US today by DAW Books. The novel was released in the UK by Gollancz in July 2013.

Just in case you missed it, here is the synopsis for the novel…

A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.

A mutilated body in Crawley. Another killer on the loose. The prime suspect is one Robert Weil; an associate of the twisted magician known as the Faceless Man? Or just a common or garden serial killer?

Before PC Peter Grant can get his head round the case a town planner going under a tube train and a stolen grimoire are adding to his case-load.

So far so London.

But then Peter gets word of something very odd happening in Elephant and Castle, on an housing estate designed by a nutter, built by charlatans and inhabited by the truly desperate.

Is there a connection?

And if there is, why oh why did it have to be South of the River?

Full of warmth, sly humour and a rich cornucopia of things you never knew about London, Aaronovitch’s series has swiftly added Grant’s magical London to Rebus’ Edinburgh and Morse’s Oxford as a destination of choice for those who love their crime with something a little extra.

Here’s some of what others have said in praise of BROKEN HOMES

‘PC Peter Grant and his co-worker Lesley, two of the few policemen in London who can practice magic, are still working under Nightingale, who must be the oldest police officer in England . . . not that he looks it. A low-income housing tower gone awry, an old enemy with a bone to pick . . . and a shocker of an ending – BROKEN HOMES is a delight.’  —  Charlaine Harris

‘Aaronovitch has involved his squad with the theatres of Covent Garden, the clubs of Soho and the Underground; now, he takes us south of the River. Here, it’s all about architecture. Those who are sceptical about the massive Modernist housing estates of the Fifties and Sixties as liveable environments will be made to think again – what if some of those architects had entirely other agendas? As always, Aaronovitch is intellectually witty and often delightful in his sparky dialogue. He knows that his characters have to be put in serious jeopardy: this book includes a particularly devastating twist whose emotional logic is overwhelming. Aaronovitch is never less than entertaining, and here he proves he can break our hearts as well.’  —  The Independent (Roz Kaveney)

BROKEN HOMES,continues in the same rich vein of his brilliant supernatural crime series. Writing about his native London, Aaronovitch has crafted a novel that renders the city in a very different light.’  —  BSFA

‘… opens with Aaronovitch’s trademark rapidity and subversive joy with the acronyms and minutiae of modern policing… an enormously fun, fast-paced, witty novel…’  —

BROKEN HOMES is also due to be published by J’ai Lu in France and DTV in Germany. Here are the three covers, side-by-side…


New US Deal for Ben Aaronovitch…

Ben AaronvitchWe’re delighted to announce that DAW Books have picked up US rights for books four, five and six in Ben Aaronovitch‘s massively successful RIVERS OF LONDON series.

For those out there who have been living under a rock for the past few years, the series follows the adventures of Peter Grant, a London police constable and apprentice wizard. The books were acquired for DAW by publisher Betsy Wollheim, in a deal negotiated by Joshua Bilmes at JABberwocky in New York, on behalf of Zeno.

The first title in this deal, BROKEN HOMES, is scheduled to be published in the United States in February 2014. Gollancz continue to publish inthe UK and Commonwealth.


Here is the synopsis…

A unique blend of police procedural, loving detail about the greatest character of all, London, and a dash of the supernatural.

In the new novel DC Peter Grant must head south of the river to the alien environs of Elephant and Castle. There’s a murderer abroad and, as always when Grant’s department are reluctantly called in by CID, there is more than a whiff of the supernatural in the darkness.