Zeno Clients at Loncon 3…


The SFF extravaganza that is Loncon 3 will be rolling into town this weekend. Certain events have already kicked off, of course – some of which we’ve mentioned here before. From Thursday 14th to Monday 18th, a great number of Zeno clients will be participating in the festivities, events and signings.

So, below are all of the Zeno-related events, organised by day and time. If you’d rather search by author, however, here’s an alphabetical list of our clients attending, complete with links to their Loncon 3 schedule pages: Peter V. Brett, Jack Campbell, Michael CobleyMyke Cole, Edward Cox, Aliette de Bodard, Simon R. GreenDaryl Gregory, Matthew HughesTanya Huff, Anne Lyle, Ian R. MacLeod, Ian McDonald, Justina Robson, Melinda Snodgrass, Kari Sperring, E.J. Swift, Lavie Tidhar, Freda Warrington. Continue reading “Zeno Clients at Loncon 3…”

Zeno Clients at Nine Worlds Geek Fest 2014

NineWorlds2014-LogoToday marks the start of the 2014 Nine Worlds Geek Fest, and we’re happy to share with you our clients’ schedules. So, in alphabetical order, here is where you can find some of our great authors. Information is presented thusly: day, date – time – subject (venue). After each client name, we have linked to the digital schedule, for your convenience.

Aliette de Bodard (schedule)

Author of the Obsidian & Blood trilogy – SERVANT OF THE UNDERWORLD, HARBINGER OF THE STORM and MASTER OF THE HOUSE OF DARTS (Angry Robot), and multiple multi-award winning short stories and novellas

  • Sunday, August 10 – 11:45am – ‘Writing Historical Fiction and Fanfic: is RPF okay when the person is dead?’ (County B)
  • Sunday, August 10 – 1:30pm – ‘Food in Science Fiction’ (Room 32)

Edward Cox (schedule)

Author of the upcoming debut fantasy THE RELIC GUILD (Gollancz)

  1. Friday, August 8 – 10:00am – ‘Urban Fantasy: Cities of Angels & Demons & Bug-Monsters’ (County C&D)
  2. Friday, August 8 – 11:15am – ‘Ed Cox & Benedict Jacka’ (Comm West)
  3. Saturday, August 9 – 1:30pm – ‘Food In Fantasy: A panel discussion with Esther Saxey, Ed Cox, Mark Newton and Gail Carriger’ (Room 32)
  4. Saturday, August 9 – 8:00pm – ‘#PROMNADO: The Gollancz Prom Party!’ (County C&D)

Kari Sperring (schedule)


  1. Friday, August 8 – 5:00pm – ‘Nine Fanwork Recs: nine people tell us about their favourite fanwork’ (County B)
  2. Saturday, August 9 – 3:15pm – ‘Slash And Feminism: how can slash be a feminist activity?’ (County B)
  3. Saturday, August 9 – 5:00pm – ‘How To Be A Better Beta: beta-reading, and teaching writing, in fandom’ (County B)

E.J. Swift (schedule)

Author of critically-acclaimed OSIRIS and CATAVEIRO (Del ReyUK)

  1. Friday, August 8 – 10:00am – ‘Urban Fantasy: Cities of Angels & Demons & Bug-Monsters’ (County C&D)

David Tallerman (schedule)

Author of the Tales of Easie Damasco trilogy – GIANT THIEF, CROWN THIEF, and PRINCE THIEF (Angry Robot)

  1. Friday, August 8 – 6:45pm – ‘Writing for Transmedia: ideas that cross formats and boundaries’ (County A)
  2. Saturday, August 9 – 6:45pm – ‘Blurred Lines: boycotting & buying in’ (Royal A)
  3. Sunday, August 10 – 3:15pm – ‘More-Than-Mild Peril: beyond sidekicks’ (Royal A)

You can find the full programme for the convention here. Are you attending? If you take photos with our authors, be sure to tag out Twitter feed, and we’ll share the best ones.


Short Fiction Watch: E.J. Swift joins the IRREGULARITY

Various-Irregularity-BlogWe’re very happy to report that E.J. Swift has a story in Jurassic London‘s latest anthology, IRREGULARITY, which was published today. Emma’s story “The Spiders of Stockholm” joins thirteen other short stories by leading and up-and-coming authors of SFF.

The anthology was edited by Jared Shurin, with a cover by Howard Hardiman. Here’s the synopsis…

Irregularity is about the tension between order and chaos in the 17th and 18th centuries. Men and women from all walks of life dedicated themselves to questioning, investigating, classifying and ordering the natural world. They promoted scientific thought, skepticism and intellectual rigour in the face of superstition, intolerance and abuses of power. These brave thinkers dedicated themselves and their lives to the idea that the world followed rules that human endeavour could uncover… but what if they were wrong?

Irregularity is about the attempts to impose man’s order on nature’s chaos, the efforts both successful and unsuccessful to better know the world. 

Fom John Harrison to Ada Lovelace, Isaac Newton to Émilie du Châtelet, these stories showcase the Age of Reason in a very different light. 

This anthology is published to coincide with two exhibitions at the National Maritime Museum taking place in 2014: a major exhibition on the story of the quest for longitude at sea and a steampunk show at the Royal Observatory. The Museum is also our partner for the publication of Irregularity, including access to their archives for materials, imagery and inspiration.

Publication Day – E.J. Swift’s CATAVEIRO

Swift-Cataveiro-UK-BlogThe wait is finally over! E.J. Swift‘s CATAVEIRO, the sequel to her critically-acclaimed debut, OSIRIS, is published today by Del Rey UK! The novel is due to be published sometime later this year by Night Shade Books. Here is the synopsis…

An intense, politically engaged dystopian thriller.

A shipwreck.

And one lone survivor.

For political exile Taeo Ybanez, this could be his ticket home. Relations between the Antarcticans and the Patagonians are worse than ever, and to be caught on the wrong side could prove deadly.

For pilot and cartographer Romana Callejas, the presence of the mysterious stranger is one more thing in the way of her saving her mother from a deadly disease.

All roads lead to Cataveiro, the city of fate and fortune, where their destinies will become intertwined and their futures cemented for ever…

OSIRIS was a critical success when it was first released in the US in 2012 and the UK in 2013. Here’s just a fraction of the praise that has been lavished on Swift’s novel and writing…

‘Marvelously well done. A glittering first novel: a kind of flooded Gormenghast treated with the alienated polish of DeLillo’s Cosmopolis. The result is a gripping novel, beautiful, politically engaged and wholly accomplished. Swift is a ridiculously talented writer… the fact that it’s her first novel is belied by how accomplished and well-written it is.’  —  Adam Roberts

‘At a time when writing the far future novels is harder and harder Swift does it with style, brains and heart. OSIRIS is a fine mix of mystery and apocalyptic intrigue on a human scale.’  —  Richard Kadrey (author of Sandman Slim)

‘With a plot as slick and tangled as drifted seaweed and phrases like ‘an empty foyer that smelled of decomposing ideas,’ this is a terrific debut. Grade A  —  Cleveland Plain Dealer

‘Swift’s first novel, with its brilliant near-future vision of an ecologically and socially devastated world and characters who resonate with life and passion, marks her as an author to watch.’  —  Library Journal

‘… Swift’s writing is exceptional, vivid and compelling… I found OSIRIS to be a novel that deserves to be read. Swift’s talent as a writer can’t be questioned, and it’s clear to me that there exists an intent behind her work. It lends a depth that helped me persevere, not only to finish, but to anticipate the sequel. I’m hopeful that other patient readers will take the time to find the beauty in it that I ultimately did.’  —  Staffer’s Book Review

E.J. Swift Nominated for a 2013 BSFA Award!

LowestHeaven-BlogWe’re delighted to share the news that E.J. Swift has been nominated for a BSFA Award! The nomination is in the Short Story Category, for Emma’s SAGA’S CHILDREN, which featured in THE LOWEST HEAVEN (Pandemonium). The story is available free online, as we reported last weekend. The winners of this year’s BSFA Awards will be announced in a ceremony at the Satellite4 Eastercon convention the Crown Plaza Hotel, Glasgow Sunday 20th April 2014.

Swift is also the author of the Osiris Project series. The first novel in the series, OSIRIS, is out now in the UK (Del Rey UK) and US (Night Shade Books). The sequel, CATAVEIRO, is due to be published by Del Rey UK on February 20th 2014. Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

A high concept, futuristic dystopian thriller for the 21st Century.

Nobody leaves Osiris.

Adelaide Rechnov
Wealthy socialite and granddaughter of the Architect, she spends her time in pointless luxury, rebelling against her family in a series of jaded social extravagances and scandals until her twin brother disappears in mysterious circumstances.

Vikram Bai
He lives in the Western Quarter, home to the poor descendants of storm refugees and effectively quarantined from the wealthy elite. His people live with cold and starvation, but the coming brutal winter promises civil unrest, and a return to the riots of previous years.

As tensions rise in the city, can Adelaide and Vikram bridge the divide at the heart of Osiris before conspiracies bring them to the edge of disaster?



E.J. Swift’s SAGA’S CHILDREN Available Free Online…

LowestHeaven-BlogE.J. Swift is the talented author of OSIRIS and the upcoming CATAVEIRO, the first two books in the Osiris Project science fiction trilogy. Last year, Emma’s short story SAGA’S CHILDREN was included in THE LOWEST HEAVEN anthology, published by Jurassic London. The story has now been made available in its entirety on Pornokitsch.

OSIRIS is out now in the UK and US, and CATAVEIRO follows later this year. They are both published by Del Rey UK and Night Shade Books (US). Here is the synopsis for OSIRIS

Nobody leaves Osiris.

Adelaide Rechnov – Wealthy socialite and granddaughter of the Architect, she spends her time in pointless luxury, rebelling against her family in a series of jaded social extravagances and scandals until her twin brother disappears in mysterious circumstances.

Vikram Bai – He lives in the Western Quarter, home to the poor descendants of storm refugees and effectively quarantined from the wealthy elite. His people live with cold and starvation, but the coming brutal winter promises civil unrest, and a return to the riots of previous years.

As tensions rise in the city, can Adelaide and Vikram bridge the divide at the heart of Osiris before conspiracies bring them to the edge of disaster?


The US & UK Covers for OSIRIS and the UK Cover for CATAVEIRO

E.J. Swift’s OSIRIS Now in Paperback (UK)!

Hot on the heels of last month’s US paperback release, E.J. Swift‘s superb debut, OSIRIS is now also available in paperback in the UK! (Published by Del Rey UK.)

OSIRIS is the first book in Swift’s Osiris Project science fiction series. The sequel, CATAVEIRO, is due to be published in February 2014.


In case you’ve missed our previous coverage of the novel (or been living under a rock), here is the synopsis…

Nobody leaves Osiris.

Adelaide Rechnov – Wealthy socialite and granddaughter of the Architect, she spends her time in pointless luxury, rebelling against her family in a series of jaded social extravagances and scandals until her twin brother disappears in mysterious circumstances.

Vikram Bai – He lives in the Western Quarter, home to the poor descendants of storm refugees and effectively quarantined from the wealthy elite. His people live with cold and starvation, but the coming brutal winter promises civil unrest, and a return to the riots of previous years.

As tensions rise in the city, can Adelaide and Vikram bridge the divide at the heart of Osiris before conspiracies bring them to the edge of disaster?

And, also, here is some of the great critical response OSIRIS has enjoyed…

‘Marvelously well done. A glittering first novel: a kind of flooded Gormenghast treated with the alienated polish of DeLillo’s Cosmopolis. The result is a gripping novel, beautiful, politically engaged and wholly accomplished. Swift is a ridiculously talented writer… the fact that it’s her first novel is belied by how accomplished and well-written it is.’  —  Adam Roberts

‘At a time when writing the far future novels is harder and harder Swift does it with style, brains and heart. OSIRIS is a fine mix of mystery and apocalyptic intrigue on a human scale.’  —  Richard Kadrey (author of Sandman Slim)

‘A fantastic blend of world-building, excellent storytelling and complex characters… An engrossing story from start to finish… Osiris would still be good if all it had was world-building, but it offers so much more by way of plot and storytelling. The thrust of the narrative is the motivation of the characters… forces readers to ask themselves what it would take to spur them to action. Now combine this with the other interesting elements of the book like political intrigue, subterfuge, the way the story is told from alternating viewpoints… and you can see why OSIRIS shines. It’s that kind of impressive storytelling that makes OSIRIS hard to put down, and when you have to put it down, something that you remain eager to pick up again.’  —  SF Signal

‘What a bare summary of the novel’s premise obscures is the amount of space Swift creates for her protagonists to simply live in their world and experience it for us – in other words, how textured the novel is. The world-building has a playfully oceanic flavor throughout… but is most compelling when it is sketching out the psychology of Osiris’ citizens. Small episodes, such as an interlude on a freshwater iceberg during which Vikram muses that the slap of waves must be what land sounds like, or the “ground dreams” experienced by many citizens, underline that the sea here is all-encompassing: everything comes from it and returns to it. It’s the sea that catches the city’s ghosts, and the sea that gives the city’s criminal justice system its cues, from the underwater prisons to the official method of execution… Swift demonstrates a much more sophisticated control of pace and tone, an ability to rapidly shift gears within scenes, and a willingness to undercut one scene with another: most notably, the prologue removes ambiguity from one of the major questions facing the protagonists and requires Swift to show one character in particular as much more obsessive and less sympathetic than would otherwise be the case. In the end it’s that choice, perhaps, more than anything else in this nuanced, intriguing, occasionally frustrating book, that makes me think Night Shade have found another worthy writer…’  —  LA Review of Books

E.J. Swift’s OSIRIS Out Now in Paperback (US)!


E.J. Swift‘s critically acclaimed debut novel, OSIRIS, was released in paperback this week in the US. The novel is published by Night Shade Books.

OSIRIS is the first novel in Emma’s Osiris Project science fiction series. The sequel, CATAVEIRO, is tentatively due for publication in both the US and UK in early 2014.

The Osiris Project is also published by Del Rey UK.

‘Marvelously well done. A glittering first novel: a kind of flooded Gormenghast treated with the alienated polish of DeLillo’s Cosmopolis. The result is a gripping novel, beautiful, politically engaged and wholly accomplished. Swift is a ridiculously talented writer… the fact that it’s her first novel is belied by how accomplished and well-written it is.’  —  Adam Roberts

‘At a time when writing the far future novels is harder and harder Swift does it with style, brains and heart. OSIRIS is a fine mix of mystery and apocalyptic intrigue on a human scale.’  —  Richard Kadrey (author of Sandman Slim)

‘A fantastic blend of world-building, excellent storytelling and complex characters… An engrossing story from start to finish… Osiris would still be good if all it had was world-building, but it offers so much more by way of plot and storytelling. The thrust of the narrative is the motivation of the characters… forces readers to ask themselves what it would take to spur them to action. Now combine this with the other interesting elements of the book like political intrigue, subterfuge, the way the story is told from alternating viewpoints… and you can see why OSIRIS shines. It’s that kind of impressive storytelling that makes OSIRIS hard to put down, and when you have to put it down, something that you remain eager to pick up again.’  —  SF Signal

E.J. Swift at Latitude Festival This Weekend…

As part of Ebury Publishing‘s 2013 Latitude Festival schedule, Zeno client E.J. Swift will be taking part in the “Ebury Does… Science Fiction and Fantasy” event, at 2-2:30pm on Friday 19th July.

Emma will talk about how she came to write in the genre of Science Fiction and Fantasy, how she got published, and also discuss the inspiration for the Osiris Project, her trilogy of dystopian science fiction novels. The first book in the series, OSIRIS, is out now (Del Rey UK and Night Shade Books in the US). The sequel, CATAVEIRO, follows in February 2014.


Here’s what some critics have had to say about OSIRIS

‘Marvelously well done. A glittering first novel: a kind of flooded Gormenghast treated with the alienated polish of DeLillo’s Cosmopolis. The result is a gripping novel, beautiful, politically engaged and wholly accomplished. Swift is a ridiculously talented writer… the fact that it’s her first novel is belied by how accomplished and well-written it is.’  —  Adam Roberts

‘At a time when writing the far future novels is harder and harder Swift does it with style, brains and heart. OSIRIS is a fine mix of mystery and apocalyptic intrigue on a human scale.’  —  Richard Kadrey (author of Sandman Slim)

‘With a plot as slick and tangled as drifted seaweed and phrases like ‘an empty foyer that smelled of decomposing ideas,’ this is a terrific debut. Grade A  —  Cleveland Plain Dealer

‘Swift’s first novel, with its brilliant near-future vision of an ecologically and socially devastated world and characters who resonate with life and passion, marks her as an author to watch.’  —  Library Journal

‘… Swift’s writing is exceptional, vivid and compelling… I found OSIRIS to be a novel that deserves to be read. Swift’s talent as a writer can’t be questioned, and it’s clear to me that there exists an intent behind her work. It lends a depth that helped me persevere, not only to finish, but to anticipate the sequel. I’m hopeful that other patient readers will take the time to find the beauty in it that I ultimately did.’  —  Staffer’s Book Review

Cover Reveal: E.J. Swift’s CATAVEIRO…

We’re delighted to be able to share the new cover for E.J. Swift‘s much-anticipated second novel, CATAVEIRO. This novel is the sequel to Emma’s fantastic debut, OSIRIS, is scheduled for publication by Del Rey UK in February 2014.


Here is the synopsis…

When a boat is shipwrecked on the shores of Tierra del Fuego, rumours abound that it has come from ‘the lost city’ of Osiris.

For Taeo, a young political exile, the rediscovery of the long-lost island could serve as his lifeline. He must contact the Antarctican spy network – who has long disbelieved the city’s demise – if he has any hope of returning to his family.

In his self-set mission, he befriends Vikram, the sole survivor of the wreckage, and enlists the help of Ramona, a pilot and cartographer.

But Taeo must act fast. For in the wrong hands, the news of Osiris will cause the return of a long and perilous war.this time more terrifying than ever.