Ben Aaronovitch’s WINTER’S GIFTS out now in new Paperback Edition!

Ben Aaronovitch‘s latest Rivers of London novella, WINTER’S GIFTS is available today in a new UK paperback edition! The first book to star FBI Agent Kimberley Reynolds, it takes the action to the United States. Published by Gollancz, it is also available as an audiobook (narrated by Penelope Rawlins).

Here’s the synopsis…


When retired FBI Agent Patrick Henderson calls in an ‘X-Ray Sierra India’ incident, the operator doesn’t understand. He tells them to pass it up the chain till someone does.

That person is FBI Special Agent Kimberley Reynolds. Leaving Quantico for snowbound Northern Wisconsin, she finds that a tornado has flattened half the town – and there’s no sign of Henderson.

Things soon go from weird to worse, as neighbours report unsettling sightings, key evidence goes missing, and the snow keeps rising – cutting off the town, with no way in or out…

Something terrible is awakening. As the clues lead to the coldest of cold cases – a cursed expedition into the frozen wilderness – Reynolds follows a trail from the start of the American nightmare, to the horror that still lives on today…

WINTER’S GIFTS is available in North America, too, published by Subterranean Press (in hardcover and eBook).

‘Aaronovitch takes his signature blend of humor and horror across the pond in his gripping 10th Rivers of London urban fantasy… Aaronovitch creates suspense with the question of which locals, if any, his heroine can trust, and the truth is all-the-more satisfying for being revealed only gradually. This supernaturally tinged mystery keeps readers on their toes.’ — Publishers Weekly on WINTER’S GIFTS

‘[A]n enjoyable, entertaining, and well-crafted tale.’Bibliosanctum

‘With her gentle humour, sharp observation skills and amusing intolerance for bad language, agent Reynolds joins the ranks of Tobias and Abigail as thoroughly entertaining viewpoint characters who offer an interesting new perspective on this world, adding depth and variety to a series which continues to entertain and satisfy.’Track of Words

‘[A]n exciting, humorous and well-designed adventure… an excellent addition to this series.’Blue Book Balloon

The next book in the Rivers of London universe is THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING, a novella, which is due out in September.


The Czech edition of Travis Baldree‘s #1 best-selling BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is out now! The prequel to LEGENDS & LATTES, it’s published in Czechia by Laser, as KNIHKUPECTVÍ A KOSTNÍ PRACH. The novel was translated by Jitka Čupová. Here’s the synopsis…

Strávit hodiny v obleženém knihkupectví ve společnosti jeho prostořekého majitele je to poslední, co by Viv předpovídala, ale může to být přesně to, co potřebuje – zárodek změn, které si nedokázala představit. Dobrodružství však není tak daleko. Podezřelý cestovatel v šedém, skřítek s čipem na rameni, letní úlet a nepravděpodobné množství koster dokazují, že Murk je rušnější, než by Viv kdy čekala.

Laser also publishes the first book, as LEGENDY A LATÉČKA (also translated by Jitka Čupová).

Both BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST and LEGENDS & LATTES are published by Tor Books in the UK and North America. Here’s the English-language synopsis for BOOKSHOPS

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk—so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST was a best-seller on both sides of the Atlantic, and was a #1 Bestseller in the US.

Travis Baldree’s CAFÉ DAS LENDAS out in Portugal!

The Portugese edition of Travis Baldree‘s best-selling and critically-acclaimed LEGENDS & LATTES is out now! Published by Desrotina Editora, as CAFÉ DAS LENDAS, it was translated by Alexandra Cardoso. Here’s the synopsis…

Exausta de passar décadas em batalhas sangrentas, Viv, um ogre, decide que está na altura de mudar de vida. Por isso, crava a sua espada no crânio do inimigo e parte em direção a um novo destino que lhe traga alegria. Uma lenda esquecida, um artefacto mítico e uma dose de esperança levam-na às ruas de Thune, onde pretende abrir o primeiro café da cidade, e servir uma bebida que nenhum dos cidadãos alguma vez provou.

Porém, os seus sonhos de uma nova vida são muito incertos, sobretudo quando se tem um passado complicado e velhos inimigos dispostos a interferir no seu futuro. Para construir algo que resista ao tempo, Viv terá de se rodear de um grupo maravilhoso de criaturas que não só a ajudarão a cuidar do seu estabelecimento, como também lhe ensinarão muito sobre amizade e como resolver problemas sem ser com a espada.

Viv vai descobrir que as criaturas que encontra na sua jornada — unidas por doces deliciosos ou uma bebida quente – podem tornar-se a sua verdadeira família. E talvez uma delas até conquiste o seu coração.

Esta história é uma chávena quente de fantasia com uma pitada de romance.

Tor Books publishes LEGENDS & LATTES — and its prequel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST — in the UK and North America. It was a best-seller in both territories. The novel is also available in an ever-growing number of translated editions (more details can be found on Travis’s author page).

Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A cosy, heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy about found families and fresh starts,Legends & Lattes is perfect for fans of TJ Klune, Katherine Addison and T. Kingfisher. From the Hugo Award-winning author, Travis Baldree.

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

And here are just a few of the great reviews LEGENDS & LATTES has received so far…

‘This is a story about following your dreams, even when they take you away from who you thought you had to be. It’s sweet, beautiful and, most of all, kind. I hugely recommend this book.’ — Seanan McGuireNew York Times bestselling author of Every Heart A Doorway

‘The most fun I’ve ever had in a coffee shop.’ — Ben Aaronovitch, bestselling author of Rivers of London

‘A gentle little cozy set against an epic fantasy backdrop… This charming outing will please anyone who’s ever wished to spend time in a fantasy world without all the quests and battles.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This slice-of-life cozy fantasy novel has everything you’ve been searching for.’ — Buzzfeed

‘With its mysterious encounters, summer flings and a growing number of skeletons, Baldree’s fantastical novel is the perfect winter indulgence.’ — HuffPost Books (“Best Books We Read in 2023)

‘A stunningly-well done story at every level’ — Fantasy Faction

‘If you like fantasy but you’re tired of reading about wars and general intensity, this is the book for you… Cozy fantasy at its best.’ — Literary Hub

LEGENDS & LATTES isn’t just a cosy, slice-of-life fantasy, it is a hug after a long day, it’s that first bite of chocolate you’ve been desperately craving or that first sip of coffee, it’s pyjamas and blankets and everything else which brings comfort and warmth. This is a tale so simple yet so wholesome and adorable, it has made me see just how versatile the fantasy genre can be… Believe the hype… this book deserves all the praise… Baldree delivers a tale to soothe the soul, a tale which had me smiling and crying with happiness from beginning to end.’ — Fantasy Hive

Elizabeth Helen’s BONDED BY THORNS Audiobook out tomorrow in the UK!

The UK audiobook edition of Elizabeth Helen‘s BONDED BY THORNS is out tomorrow! To be published by Magpie, it’s the first novel in the authors’ Beasts of the Briar series. The audiobook is narrated by Laurent Darnell, Todd Roddington, Hunter Johns, Robin Speare, and Josie Gold.

Here’s the synopsis…

Four handsome fae princes. One awkward bookworm. An Enchanted Vale. A beastly curse to break.

Rosalina O’Connell lives her life in Orca Cove as quietly as she can. Known as the daughter of Crazy George she tries to keep her head down. But George isn’t crazy, he’s searching for his wife who disappeared, and is convinced she was stolen by fae.

When George goes missing, Rosie goes after him and finds herself in a new world, the Enchanted Vale, the world of the fae and her father has been imprisoned in Castletree by the Winter Prince. Rosie has no choice but to make a deal to take her father’s place, meaning she must remain in Castletree forever.

As Rosie begins to learn more about the Enchanted Vale and the four Princes, she shares a castle with, she discovers that they have been cursed. The Princes must take on the form of demonic wolves every night and with every year that the curse continues, more of their magic, and the magic of Castletree, fades away.

If the Princes can each find their mate, they will break their curse and free their realm. Rosie is determined to help the Princes find their mates so that she can return home. The only problem is, the more time she spends with the Princes, the more she’s convinced that she’s the one they’re all meant to be with.

A spicy Beauty and the Beast retelling filled with enchanted fae, morally grey characters, a stupidly hot villain and a Princess who has found her Prince Charming. All four of them.

You can listen to a sample from the audiobook, below…

Elizabeth Helen’s Beasts of the Briar series is published in print and eBook editions in the UK by Magpie. The first three books are out now: BONDED BY THORNS, WOVEN BY GOLD, and FORGED BY MALICE.

The fourth book in the series, BROKEN BY DAYLIGHT, is due to be published in September 2024.

Zeno represents Elizabeth Helen in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.


The first issue in the latest (12th!) Rivers of London comic series is out tomorrow! STRAY CAT BLUES #1, written by Andrew Cartmel and Ben Aaronovitch is published by Titan Comics, in print and digital editions! Once again with fantastic artwork by José María Beroy, here’s the synopsis…

Old frenemies become allies in the latest Rivers of London saga, when a mysterious cat-woman comes to Abigail looking for help to free her sisters from a notorious chimera brothel run by London gangster Monty and his sinister magically endowed mother, Mrs. Napier.

There will be two variant covers for the issue: the first (above) by Abigail Harding, and the other by Beroy.

The comic series is set in the same world as Ben Aaronovitch’s internationally-best selling Rivers of London/Peter Grant series of novels and novellas. If you’d like to know how the various series and books fit together, check out the info-graphic below…

Two More Editions of LEGENDS & LATTES in Translation!

Travis Baldree continues his quest for global domination! His best-selling and critically-acclaimed debut novel, LEGENDS & LATTES, is now available in two more translated editions! Here are the details…

The novel is available in Ukraine, published by Артбукс, as Легенди та лате (cover above). This edition was translated by Ірина Кобилінська. Here’s the synopsis…

Затишне фентезі з подвійною порцією пошуку свого шляху в житті.

Орчиця Вів стомилася від десятиліть роботи мечем та кровопролить. Після останнього завдання вона вирішує розпрощатися з минулим життям. Забута легенда, казковий артефакт і примарна надія заводять її на вулиці Тьюна, де Вів сподівається відкрити першу в місті кав’ярню.

Однак здійснити мрію почати все з чистого аркуша й змінити меч на кавоварку не так легко. Зруйнувати плани Вів прагнуть давні закляті друзі та негласні господарі Тьюна. Щоб збудувати нарешті щось стале, орчиці потрібні нові друзі та нові підходи до розв’язання проблем.

На читачів чекає гаряче горня фантастичного світу з романтичною пінкою!

The second new edition is published in Slovakia, by Zelený Kocúr, as LEGENDY & LATTE. This edition has very nice sprayed-edges, too, as you can see in the image above.

Fantasy ľahučké ako mliečna pena s dvojitým espressom sebaspoznávania

Viv sa po rokoch rozhodla opustiť život plný násilia a krviprelievania a raz a navždy zavesiť svoj meč na klinec. Unavená z nekonečných bojov si zaumienila, že obráti list a otvorí prvú kaviareň v meste Thune. V ceste jej však stoja mnohé prekážky vrátane skutočnosti, že obyvatelia mesta nemajú potuchy, čo vlastne káva je. Orkyňa túži zanechať staré chodníčky a pohnúť sa ďalej, no bez pomoci to určite nezvládne. Skutočné bohatstvo jej novej neprebádanej cesty však spočíva v pútnikoch, ktorých na nej stretá. A či už ich zviedla dokopy prastará mágia, lahodné koláče alebo šálka čerstvo uvarenej kávy, časom sa z nich azda vykľujú partneri, rodina, ba možno aj čosi viac, čo by si Viv nedokázala predstaviť ani vo sne.

LEGENDS & LATTES is published by Tor Books in the UK and North America, and is out now! Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A cosy, heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy about found families and fresh starts,Legends & Lattes is perfect for fans of TJ Klune, Katherine Addison and T. Kingfisher. From the Hugo Award-winning author, Travis Baldree.

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

Travis Baldree’s SAGAS & SABLE D’OS Out Today in France!

The French edition of BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is out today! SAGAS & SABLE D’OS is published by Ynnis Editions, and is the second acclaimed cosy fantasy novel by Travis Baldree — the best-selling prequel to the (also best-selling), widely-acclaimed and online phenomenon LEGENDS & LATTES. The novel was translated by Stéphanie Chaptal. Here’s the synopsis…

20 ans avant Légendes & Lattes, l’aventure commence ici…

Ça y est : la vie de mercenaire commence enfin pour Viv et avec elle, la gloire, la fortune… et le danger. Mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu pour la jeune orc, confiante à l’excès. À la suite d’un terrible accident, son équipe l’abandonne à Grise, une ville (bien trop) paisible. Morose et désœuvrée, Viv rentre par hasard dans une librairie… qui va changer à jamais le cours de son existence. Et lorsqu’un mystérieux homme grisâtre fait son apparition en ville, et met en danger ses nouveaux amis, la jeune femme va devoir prendre des décisions bien difficiles.

Travis Baldree est un narrateur de livres audio à plein temps qui a prêté sa voix à des centaines d’histoires. Avant cela, il a passé des décennies à inventer et bâtir des jeux vidéo comme Torchlight, Rebel Galaxy et Fate. Visiblement, il écrit désormais des livres. Il vit au nord des États-Unis dans le Nord-Ouest Pacifique avec sa famille très patiente et leur petit chien très nerveux.

LEGENDS & LATTES and BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST are published by Tor Books in the UK and North America. Both were bestsellers in their respective markets.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST

Set in the world of BookTok sensation Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust is a cosy fantasy about the power of good bookshops, great friends and the unexpected choices along the way.

First loves. Second-hand books. Epic adventures.

Viv’s career with the renowned mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned. Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk – so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it. What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a struggling bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted. Even though it may be exactly what she needs. Still, adventure isn’t far away. A suspicious traveller in grey, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Sometimes, right things happen at the wrong time. Sometimes, what we need isn’t what we seek. And sometimes, we find ourselves in the stories we experience together…

Ynnis has also published the French edition of LEGENDS & LATTES, also translated by Stéphanie Chaptal.

Travis Baldree’s 伝説とカフェラテ Out Now in Japan!

We’re very happy to report that LEGENDS & LATTES by Travis Baldree (トラヴィス・バルドリー) is now available in Japan! Published by 東京創元社 (Tokyo Sogensha) as 伝説とカフェラテ, it was translated by 原島文世 (Fumiyo Harashima). Here’s the synopsis…


The novel has been a best-seller in multiple territories, and is available in an ever-growing number of translated editions — in addition to English, it’s available in 14 different languages to date (check out Travis’s author page for more information and covers).

LEGENDS & LATTES (and its prequel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST) is published in the UK and North America by Tor Books. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

A cosy, heartwarming slice-of-life fantasy about found families and fresh starts,Legends & Lattes is perfect for fans of TJ Klune, Katherine Addison and T. Kingfisher. From the Hugo Award-winning author, Travis Baldree.

High fantasy, low stakes – with a double-shot of coffee.

After decades of adventuring, Viv the orc barbarian is finally hanging up her sword for good. Now she sets her sights on a new dream – for she plans to open the first coffee shop in the city of Thune. Even though no one there knows what coffee actually is.

If Viv wants to put the past behind her, she can’t go it alone. And help might arrive from unexpected quarters. Yet old rivals and new stand in the way of success. And Thune’s shady underbelly could make it all too easy for Viv to take up the blade once more.

But the true reward of the uncharted path is the travellers you meet along the way. Whether bound by ancient magic, delicious pastries or a freshly brewed cup, they may become something deeper than Viv ever could have imagined…

Travis Baldree’s BÜCHER & BARBAREN is Out Now!

BÜCHER & BARBAREN, the German edition of Travis Baldree‘s highly-anticipated second novel, BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, is out now! Published by DTV, and translated by Wolfgang Thon, here’s the synopsis…

Gerade als Ork-Kriegerin Viv mit ihrer Karriere als Söldnerin bei Rackam’s Ravens durchstarten will, verletzt sie sich bei einem Kampf und wird von der Crew in der Küstenstadt Murk abgesetzt.

Verwundet ist Viv gezwungen, ihr Schwert vorerst beiseitezulegen. Bevor sie sich jedoch langweilen kann, trifft sie auf Fern, die sie in die Welt der Bücher entführt, und somit findet Viv ein neues Projekt: die Erneuerung des heruntergekommenen Bücherladens. Auch mit der Zwergin und Bäckerin Maylee verbringt Viv immer mehr Zeit.

Doch Murk ist nicht die schläfrige Kleinstadt, für die Viv sie gehalten hat – die Gnomin Gallina will Viv um jeden Preis beweisen, dass sie eine gute Kämpferin für Rackam ist, und dann ist da auch noch ein Neuankömmling, der sein Unwesen in der Stadt treibt …

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is also out in North America, published by Tor Books; in the UK, published by Tor Books; and in Poland, published by Insignis. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

When an injury throws a young, battle-hungry orc off her chosen path, she may find that what we need isn’t always what we seek.

Set in the world of New York Times bestselling Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust takes us on a journey of high fantasy, first loves, and secondhand books.

Viv’s career with the notorious mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned.

Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk—so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it.

What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a beleaguered bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted, but it may be both exactly what she needs and the seed of changes she couldn’t possibly imagine.

Still, adventure isn’t all that far away. A suspicious traveler in gray, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling, and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews the novel has received so far…

‘What I love about Travis Baldree is that set against an epic world of adventure, he writes about the small victories that make life worthwhile. BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST does this and it is glorious’ — Ben Aaronovitch

‘… a lovely coming-of-age story about a character trained for war who learns that there’s more to life than endless battles. What makes the story special is the way that so many stock fantasy archetypes are cast against type and find new modes of prospering that don’t involve big weapons and bigger wars… This prequel is the perfect place for readers to start Baldree’s cozy fantasy series where folks band together for good, and evil is conquered through cleverness and friendship.’ — Library Journal (Starred Review), SFF Pick of the Month

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Baldree’s prequel to Legends and Lattes (2022) cements his talent for cozy fantasy, engaging characters, and anachronistic references that would be at home in a Discworld novel… Knowing where a character ends up often drains tension from a prequel, but Baldree avoids that pitfall because the joy of reading here isn’t a simple uncertainty over who lives or dies but rather watching friendships blossom and characters grow. Folks who enjoyed the camaraderie and settings of this year’s Dungeons & Dragons movie—as well as anyone who likes the idea of an orc warrior becoming a devotee of the power of reading and its ability to broaden your horizons—should check out Viv’s adventures.’ — Booklist (Starred Review)

‘Bestseller Baldree’s cozy standalone sequel to LEGENDS & LATTES shows that even a battle-hungry orc can find happiness in life’s simple pleasures… The innocent joy of Viv and Fern’s love is delightful and Baldree’s formula of placing low-stakes stories in high-fantasy settings remains good fun. Series fans will eat this up.’ — Publishers Weekly

‘This prequel gives readers a glimpse of Viv as a young orc, still committed to the fighter’s life, just taking an enforced break in a charming town populated by compelling, richly drawn characters, and the slightest hint of danger in the wind. Despite the lurking necromancer, the vibes are decidedly warm and cozy, and the plot is just as much about saving the bookstore and building relationships as it is about protecting the town from the man in gray. As a prequel, it can stand alone, but will certainly satisfy fans as well. Warm and wonderful.’ — Literary Hub

‘Travis Baldree has worked his magic again to create a story full of heart, and some of the loveliest characters that I’ve read. There’s a wholesome ensemble, some glimpses of Viv’s mercenary skills, as well as enough growth to help her grow into her coffee-shop persona, all tightly written. Highly recommended, and definitely one of my top reads this year.’ — Fantasy Book Critic


In case you missed the news, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind fans of Ben Aaronovitch‘s Rivers of London series that his next novella is out later this year! THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING is due to be published in the UK by Gollancz/Orion on September 5th! Once again taking the action across the Pond, here’s the synopsis…

New York City, New York.

Meet Augustus Berrycloth-Young – fop, flaneur, and Englishman abroad – as he chronicles the Jazz Age from his perch atop the city that never sleeps.

That is, until his old friend Thomas Nightingale arrives, pursuing a rather mysterious affair concerning an old saxophone – which will take Gussie from his warm bed, to the cold shores of Long Island, and down to the jazz clubs where music, magic, and madness haunt the shadows…

The novella will also be available in North America, published by Subterranean Press (shipping in September); and also in Germany, published by DTV (September 11th) — translated by Christine Blum.

Here’s the German-language synopsis, too…

Eine Nachtigall in New York

New York, 1920er-Jahre: Augustus Berrycloth-Young, Absolvent der Zauberschule Casterbrook, ist unangenehm überrascht: Denn unangekündigt steht sein alter Schulkamerad Thomas Nightingale vor der Tür und reißt ihn aus seinem behaglichen Leben.

Nightingale ist auf geheimer Mission nach New York geschickt worden, um ein verzaubertes Saxophon ausfindig zu machen, das seltsame Kräfte entfaltet, wenn es gespielt wird. Und ausgerechnet Augustus soll ihm helfen, dabei will er eigentlich nur das Dolce Vita genießen.

Auf der Suche machen die beiden Männer die Jazzclubs der Metropole unsicher und machen unfreiwillig mit der nicht-magischen und korrupten Polizei Bekanntschaft … 

SAGAS & SABLE D’OS by Travis Baldree is out in Two Weeks!

In two weeks, Ynnis Editions are due to publish the French edition of BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST, the second acclaimed cosy fantasy novel by Travis Baldree — it’s the best-selling prequel to the (also best-selling) and widely-acclaimed LEGENDS & LATTES. Published in French as SAGAS & SABLE D’OS, it was translated by Stéphanie Chaptal. Here’s the synopsis…

20 ans avant Légendes & Lattes, l’aventure commence ici…

Ça y est : la vie de mercenaire commence enfin pour Viv et avec elle, la gloire, la fortune… et le danger. Mais les choses ne se passent pas comme prévu pour la jeune orc, confiante à l’excès. À la suite d’un terrible accident, son équipe l’abandonne à Grise, une ville (bien trop) paisible. Morose et désœuvrée, Viv rentre par hasard dans une librairie… qui va changer à jamais le cours de son existence. Et lorsqu’un mystérieux homme grisâtre fait son apparition en ville, et met en danger ses nouveaux amis, la jeune femme va devoir prendre des décisions bien difficiles.

Travis Baldree est un narrateur de livres audio à plein temps qui a prêté sa voix à des centaines d’histoires. Avant cela, il a passé des décennies à inventer et bâtir des jeux vidéo comme Torchlight, Rebel Galaxy et Fate. Visiblement, il écrit désormais des livres. Il vit au nord des États-Unis dans le Nord-Ouest Pacifique avec sa famille très patiente et leur petit chien très nerveux.

LEGENDS & LATTES and BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST are published by Tor Books in the UK and North America. Both were bestsellers in their respective markets.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST

Set in the world of BookTok sensation Legends & Lattes, Travis Baldree’s Bookshops & Bonedust is a cosy fantasy about the power of good bookshops, great friends and the unexpected choices along the way.

First loves. Second-hand books. Epic adventures.

Viv’s career with the renowned mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned. Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk – so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it. What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a struggling bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted. Even though it may be exactly what she needs. Still, adventure isn’t far away. A suspicious traveller in grey, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Sometimes, right things happen at the wrong time. Sometimes, what we need isn’t what we seek. And sometimes, we find ourselves in the stories we experience together…

THE PATTERN OF THE WORLD Paperback Edition Out Now!

The UK paperback edition of THE PATTERN OF THE WORLD by J.T. Greathouse is out today! The final volume in the author’s widely-acclaimed Pact & Pattern fantasy series, it’s published by Gollancz. Here’s the synopsis…

The thrilling conclusion to the acclaimed Pact and Pattern series, which started with The Hand of the Sun King. Perfect for fans of Robin Hobb and Shelley Parker-Chan.


Foolish Cur has fallen into a trap. By resorting to forbidden magic when he failed to overthrow the Emperor, he has done exactly as the gods wanted. Now they are free to wage their war, twisting the world into new forms, as strange and terrible beasts walk the earth.

To fix what he has caused will take every ounce of Foolish Cur’s cunning. But mending the pattern of the world is too large a task for one man alone. As the Empire, rebellion and the landscape itself crumble, he and those still fighting for freedom will be drawn together to end the struggle against Emperor Tenet and the gods for good.

But Foolish Cur does not know what such a task will ask of him. And, powerful though he may be, the costs may be more than he is willing to pay…

The breath-taking conclusion to the Pact and Pattern series, this British Fantasy Award-nominated story is filled to the brim with magic, mystery and political intrigue.

The first two novels in the series are also published in the UK by Gollancz: THE HAND OF THE SUN KING and THE GARDEN OF EMPIRE.

Here are just a few of the many great reviews that THE PATTERN OF THE WORLD and the Pact & Pattern series in general have received so far…

‘Fans of the British Fantasy Award-nominated series will love the spellbinding mix of magic, mystery, and political intrigue that Greathouse’s fantasy series has brought us.’ — Sci Fi Now, on THE PATTERN OF THE WORLD

‘[A] satisfying conclusion […] If you haven’t read the Pact and Pattern series I think that you would find this to be a great series, especially if you are a fan of Robin Hobb.’ — Fantasy Book Nerd, on THE PATTERN OF THE WORLD

‘Beautifully written, as ever, The Pattern of The World is an incredible conclusion to a thrilling and unique fantasy trilogy. Vast, complex social and magical models with outstanding character development, it’s a modern classic in storytelling full of intrigue, warfare and more.’ — The Bookbeard’s Blog, on THE PATTERN OF THE WORLD

HAND OF THE SUN KING is an exotic, original fantasy filled with magic and culture, the story of a character torn between two names, two loyalties, and two definitions of good and evil.’ — Kevin J. Anderson

‘Sublime prose and pin-sharp characterisation combined to produce a captivating epic of conflicted loyalties and dangerous ambition’ — Anthony Ryan, New York Times bestselling author, on THE HAND OF THE SUN KING

‘JT Greathouse shows no first-time jitters wit his impressive and compelling debut novel… Greathouse casts an engrossing spell, establishing himself as an exciting new voice in epic fantasy.’ — SFX Magazine, on THE HAND OF THE SUN KING

‘In short, THE GARDEN OF EMPIRE is a worthy read for those who like their fantasy epic. I think it is one of the best fantasy series I have read recently, and is therefore worthy of your attention.’ — SFFWorld

‘Broader in scope, seeped in electrifying magic and topped with a heart stopping finale, this is a sequel not to be missed.’ — The Fantasy Hive on THE GARDEN OF EMPIRE

‘I can’t wait to see what happens next to Wen Alder/Foolish Cur and how his decisions will continue to affect the empire and the world.’ — Grimdark Magazine on THE GARDEN OF EMPIRE

Zeno represents J.T. Greathouse in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Coming Soon: BOEKWINKELS & BOTBREUKEN by Travis Baldree!

The Dutch edition of Travis Baldree‘s #1-bestselling, widely-acclaimed BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is out soon! BOEKWINKELS & BOTBREUKEN is due to be published by Z&K on August 21st. Here’s the synopsis…

Nadat huurlinge Viv gewond raakt, wordt ze naar het slaperige badplaatsje Murk gestuurd om te herstellen. Ze brengt daar heel wat uren door in de plaatselijke boekhandel met de grofgebekte Fern. Maar het avontuur is nooit ver weg. Een verdachte reiziger in grijs, een gnoom met attitude, een zomerliefde en talloze skeletten zorgen ervoor dat Murk niet zo’n saai badplaatsje is als het op eerste gezicht lijkt. ‘Boekwinkels & botbreuken’ is een heerlijke cozy fantasy van Travis Baldree, perfect voor de fans van TJ Klune en feelgood- en fantasylezers.

Z&K will also published the Dutch edition of LEGENDS & LATTES – as LEGENDES & LATTES – next week!

BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST is the prequel to Baldree’s equally-acclaimed and bestselling debut, LEGENDS & LATTES. Both novels are out now in the UK and North America, published by Tor Books.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for BOOKSHOPS & BONEDUST

A cosy fantasy about the power of good bookshops, great friends and the unexpected choices along the way.

First loves. Second-hand books. Epic adventures.

Viv’s career with the renowned mercenary company Rackam’s Ravens isn’t going as planned. Wounded during the hunt for a powerful necromancer, she’s packed off against her will to recuperate in the sleepy beach town of Murk – so far from the action that she worries she’ll never be able to return to it. What’s a thwarted soldier of fortune to do?

Spending her hours at a struggling bookshop in the company of its foul-mouthed proprietor is the last thing Viv would have predicted. Even though it may be exactly what she needs. Still, adventure isn’t far away. A suspicious traveller in grey, a gnome with a chip on her shoulder, a summer fling and an improbable number of skeletons prove Murk to be more eventful than Viv could have ever expected.

Sometimes, right things happen at the wrong time. Sometimes, what we need isn’t what we seek. And sometimes, we find ourselves in the stories we experience together…

Out Now: New Rivers of London RPG Case Book!

Chaosium has released a new case file for the Rivers of London RPG game! GOING UNDERGROUND is an expansion/add-on for the main game, set in the world created by Ben Aaronovitch. The new scenario is written by Lynne Hardy. Here’s the story…

London, 2016: There’s been an incident on the London Underground and the specialist services of the magic branch of the police force are required — what exactly did a terrified workman see in one of the Tube’s most difficult to access “ghost” stations? And, more importantly, what are the investigators going to do about it?

The main Rivers of London RPG book is, of course, still available.

As mentioned, the RPG is set in the world created by Ben for his novels, novellas, and comics. The next book in the series is THE MASQUERADES OF SPRING, due to be published by Orion/Gollancz (UK), Subterranean Press (North America) and DTV (Germany).

Out Tomorrow: Zelazny’s FRANCIS SANDOW Omnibus Edition in Russia!

Tomorrow, Fanzon/Эксмо are due to publish Roger Zelazny‘s Francis Sandow fiction in a new Russian omnibus edition! The collection includes Остров мертвых (ISLE OF THE DEAD) Умереть в Италбаре  (TO DIE IN ITALBAR), here’s the synopsis…

Лауреат премии «Аполло».

Финалист премии «Небьюла».

Знакомьтесь, Фрэнсис Сэндоу — практически бессмертный создатель планет, один из богатейших людей галактики тридцать второго века, да еще и связанный с одним из инопланетных богов. Однажды он сотворил кошмарный Остров мертвых, воплотив болезненные образы Арнольда Бёклина, земного художника из далекого девятнадцатого века. И теперь, чтобы спастись от загадочного врага, который может проникать даже в глубины подсознания Сэндоу, ему придется покинуть свою личную планету и посетить Остров в реальности, а не только во снах. Но даже эта угроза меркнет перед лицом общегалактической пандемии, невольной причиной которой становится доктор фон Хаймек… и предотвратить которую способен лишь Сэндоу.

Впервые полное издание цикла «Фрэнсис Сэндоу»: два романа и дополнительные материалы. Новые переводы и новые тексты!

Here’s the English-language synopsis for ISLE OF THE DEAD

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies.

The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…