WHISPERS UNDERGROUND Now Available in Hungary


WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, Ben Aaronovitch‘s third Peter Grant novel, is out now in Hungary. Published by Gabo as FÖLD ALATTI SUTTOGÁS, here’s the synopsis…

A londoni rendőrök holttestre bukkannak a Baker Street-i metróállomás távoli végénél: az áldozat egy amerikai cserediák, James Gallagher, akinek politikailag befolyásos családja érthető módon mielőbb a végére akar járni a hátborzongató gyilkosságnak. A probléma csak az, hogy senki sem tudja, ehhez milyen mélyre kell ásniuk – senki, kivéve a közrendőr és mágustanonc Peter Grantet. Nightingale főfelügyelő, Anglia utolsó bejegyzett varázslójának támogatásával Peter neki is áll feltérképezni a legnagyobb, legrégibb, és újabban legveszedelmesebb metróhálózat bugyrait. Ráadásul segítséget is kapnak az FBI-tól Kimberley Reynolds különleges ügynök személyében, aki azonban nem repesne az örömtől, ha tudná, mi minden zajlik a felszín alatt.

Gabo have also published the first two novels in the series, RIVERS OF LONDON (LONDON FOLYÓI) and MOON OVER SOHO (SOHO FELETT A HOLD). WHISPERS UNDERGROUND is published in the UK by Gollancz (who publish the whole series), and in the US by Del Rey. It has also been published widely in translation. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Peter Grant is learning magic fast. And it’s just as well – he’s already had run-ins with the deadly supernatural children of the Thames and a terrifying killer in Soho. Progression in the Police Force is less easy. Especially when you work in a department of two. A department that doesn’t even officially exist. A department that if you did describe it to most people would get you laughed at. And then there’s his love life. The last person he fell for ended up seriously dead. It wasn’t his fault, but still.

Now something horrible is happening in the labyrinth of tunnels that make up the tube system that honeycombs the ancient foundations of London. And delays on the Northern line is the very least of it. Time to call in the Met’s Economic and Specialist Crime Unit 9, aka ‘The Folly’. Time to call in PC Peter Grant, Britain’s Last Wizard.


The Peter Grant series, to date, includes: RIVERS OF LONDON, MOON OVER SOHO, WHISPERS UNDERGROUND, BROKEN HOMES, FOXGLOVE SUMMER and the upcoming THE HANGING TREE. It also includes the comic series RIVERS OF LONDON: BODY WORK and NIGHT WITCH, published by Titan Comics.

