Ben Aaronovitch‘s first Peter Grant novella, THE FURTHEST STATION is available now in German audio! Narrated by Dietmar Wunder (who is also the German voice of James Bond), the audiobook is published by Goya Lit as GEISTER AUF DER METROPOLITAN LINE. here’s the synopsis…

Geistersichtungen in der Londoner U-Bahn. Aufruhr und Chaos unter den Pendlern. Police Constable und Zauberlehrling Peter Grant nimmt, gemeinsam mit ein paar alten Bekannten, die Ermittlungen auf. Unschlagbar witzig, schräg und originell erzählt.

The German print edition of the novella, as well as the novels in the series, are published by DTV.

THE FURTHEST STATION is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Subterranean Press. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

There have been ghosts on the London Underground, sad, harmless spectres whose presence does little more than give a frisson to travelling and boost tourism. But now there’s a rash of sightings on the Metropolitan Line and these ghosts are frightening, aggressive and seem to be looking for something.

Enter PC Peter Grant junior member of the Metropolitan Police’s Special Assessment unit a.k.a. The Folly a.k.a. the only police officers whose official duties include ghost hunting. Together with Jaget Kumar, his counterpart at the British Transport Police, he must brave the terrifying the crush of London’s rush hour to find the source of the ghosts.

Joined by Peter’s wannabe wizard cousin, a preschool river god and Toby the ghost hunting dog their investigation takes a darker tone as they realise that a real person’s life might just be on the line.

And time is running out to save them.

The novels in the series are also published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-7).

Peter Grant reaches THE FURTHEST STATION in Germany!

THE FURTHEST STATION, Ben Aaronovitch‘s critically-acclaimed first Peter Grant novella is out now in Germany! Published by DTV as GEISTER AUF DER METROPOLITAN LINE, here’s the synopsis…

Nach dem umwerfenden Erfolg von ›Der Galgen von Tyburn‹ kommt hier Nachschub für alle, die sehnlichst auf Neues aus dem Reich der Flüsse von London warten: Geistersichtungen auf der Metropolitan Line der Londoner U-Bahn! Chaos unter den Pendlern ist die Folge. Police Constable und Zauberlehrling Peter Grant nimmt ‒ mit ein paar guten alten Bekannten ‒ die Ermittlungen auf.

The novella is published by Subterranean Press in the US and Gollancz in the UK. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

There’s something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call.

It’s PC Peter Grant’s speciality…

Only it’s more than going ‘bump’. Traumatised travellers have been reporting strange encounters on their morning commute, with strangely dressed people trying to deliver an urgent message. Stranger still, despite calling the police themselves, within a few minutes the commuters have already forgotten the encounter – making the follow up interviews rather difficult.

So with a little help from Abigail and Toby the ghost hunting dog, Peter and Jaget are heading out on a ghost hunting expedition.

Because finding the ghost and deciphering their urgent message might just be a matter of life and death.

The novels in the series are also published by DTV in Germany and Gollancz in the UK, and are published in North America by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-7). Here are just a few of the reviews the novella has received since publication…

‘Aaronvitch guarantees a thrilling read; his style and approach to world building are simply too tight and too accomplished not to. THE FURTHEST STATION is a strong example of compact and intense storytelling… We get some nice character development, especially via Peter’s cousin. She’s beginning to dabble in magic herself, which is a little like learning to juggle hand live hand grenades, and this provides a decent B-plot. THE FURTHEST STATION is short, but perfectly formed.’ Starburst

‘An excellent entry point to the Peter Grant series for newcomers who like their urban fantasies rendered with a light touch… The story is intriguing enough to pull readers along, and Peter’s dry humor will linger in the memory.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Though it be but little, this newest adventures of PC Peter Grant (technically book 5.7 in the Peter Grant/Rivers of London series) is fiercely entertaining; the endlessly imaginative Aaronovitch is in top form. Perhaps because there is so much intrigue, ghostly action and unique characterization packed into such a comparatively small space, the deft blend of supernatural adventure and police procedural is particularly impressive here, as Grant is called upon to use all the tools at his disposal, both the magical and the mundane.’ RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

THE FURTHEST STATION apart from being a great and (please, please ) filmable story offers a very atmospheric visit to London. It’s a place of hidden history most of us fail to see the magic of when visiting for business reasons. This novel opens up the mythology and, alongside the comedy-drama, I got a strong desire to see all the locations. The sense of place along with the likeable and relatable cast of characters go a long way to imprinting these stories and I can’t wait to read the next.’ SF Crowsnest

There’s a ghost on the line in Germany…

In May, DTV are due to publish Ben Aaronovitch‘s first Peter Grant novella in Germany! Published as GEISTER AUF DER METROPOLITAN LINE, here’s the synopsis…

Nach dem umwerfenden Erfolg von ›Der Galgen von Tyburn‹ kommt hier Nachschub für alle, die sehnlichst auf Neues aus dem Reich der Flüsse von London warten: Geistersichtungen auf der Metropolitan Line der Londoner U-Bahn! Chaos unter den Pendlern ist die Folge. Police Constable und Zauberlehrling Peter Grant nimmt ‒ mit ein paar guten alten Bekannten ‒ die Ermittlungen auf.

THE FURTHEST STATION is published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Subterranean Press. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

There’s something going bump on the Metropolitan line and Sergeant Jaget Kumar knows exactly who to call.

It’s PC Peter Grant’s speciality…

Only it’s more than going ‘bump’. Traumatised travellers have been reporting strange encounters on their morning commute, with strangely dressed people trying to deliver an urgent message. Stranger still, despite calling the police themselves, within a few minutes the commuters have already forgotten the encounter – making the follow up interviews rather difficult.

So with a little help from Abigail and Toby the ghost hunting dog, Peter and Jaget are heading out on a ghost hunting expedition.

Because finding the ghost and deciphering their urgent message might just be a matter of life and death.

Here are a few of the great reviews THE FURTHEST STATION has received so far…

‘Aaronvitch guarantees a thrilling read; his style and approach to world building are simply too tight and too accomplished not to. THE FURTHEST STATION is a strong example of compact and intense storytelling… We get some nice character development, especially via Peter’s cousin. She’s beginning to dabble in magic herself, which is a little like learning to juggle hand live hand grenades, and this provides a decent B-plot. THE FURTHEST STATION is short, but perfectly formed.’ Starburst

‘An excellent entry point to the Peter Grant series for newcomers who like their urban fantasies rendered with a light touch… The story is intriguing enough to pull readers along, and Peter’s dry humor will linger in the memory.’ Publishers Weekly

‘Though it be but little, this newest adventures of PC Peter Grant (technically book 5.7 in the Peter Grant/Rivers of London series) is fiercely entertaining; the endlessly imaginative Aaronovitch is in top form. Perhaps because there is so much intrigue, ghostly action and unique characterization packed into such a comparatively small space, the deft blend of supernatural adventure and police procedural is particularly impressive here, as Grant is called upon to use all the tools at his disposal, both the magical and the mundane.’ RT Book Reviews (Top Pick)

DTV has also published the six novels (to date) in the series. The novels are published in the UK by Gollancz, and in the US by Del Rey (1-3) and DAW Books (4-6).