HBO Developing ROADMARKS Adaptation!

As reported by Deadline, Roger Zelazny‘s classic novel ROADMARKS is currently in development for HBO! Kalinda Vazquez is writing and leading the adaptation, with George R.R. Martin executive producing.

The novel was first published in 1979, and has been published widely in translation. Here’s the synopsis…

The Road runs from the unimaginable past to the far future, and those who travel it have access to the turnoffs leading to all times and places — even to the alternate time-streams of histories that never happened. Why the Dragons of Bel’kwinith made the Road — or who they are — no one knows. But the Road has always been there and for those who know how to find it, it always will be!

Via Deadline, here’s what George R.R. Martin had to say about the project:

‘My career in television started in 1985 when I adapted Roger Zelazny’s Last Defender of Camelot for The Twilight Zone. Roger was a friend, a mentor, and one of the greatest science fiction writers who ever lived. It was an honor to be able to bring his work to television. That is why I am so thrilled to be a part of adapting Roger’s novel Roadmarks for HBO. We have a great book, a great screenwriter in Kalinda Vasquez, and the makings of a wonderful, original show. I look forward to a long and thrilling journey.’

After Roger Zelazny passed away, Martin penned a heartfelt memoriam for the author, which you can read here.

We’ll share more news about the ROADMARKS series as and when we know more.

GRRM Remembers Roger Zelazny

ZelaznyR-AuthorPicRoger Zelazny passed away twenty years ago yesterday. We wanted to share some words from George R.R. Martin‘s eulogy…

He was a poet, first, last, always. His words sang.

He was a storyteller without peer. He created worlds as colorful and exotic and memorable as any our genre has ever seen…

“But look around you…” he wrote in Lord of Light. “Death and Light are everywhere, always, and they begin, end, strive, attend, into and upon the Dream of the Nameless that is the world, burning words within Samsara, perhaps to create a thing of beauty.”

Martin organised an evening of readings and discussion about Zelazny’s work, on May 31st. He explained that event here, with more kind words about Zelazny.

Zeno represents Zelazny in the UK and translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate. Most recently, we have negotiated some Chinese translations, the covers for which can be seen below. We will have more Zelazny news in the near future.

First five Amber novels…




Short Fiction Watch: Lavie Tidhar and Ian McDonald go to OLD VENUS

Various-OldVenus-BlogIn this edition of Short Fiction Watch, we wanted to draw your attention to the upcoming OLD VENUS anthology, edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardner Dozois. Zeno clients Lavie Tidhar and Ian McDonald both have stories included in the collection. Here’s the synopsis…

Sixteen all-new stories by science fiction’s top talents, collected by bestselling author George R. R. Martin and multiple-award-winning editor Gardner Dozois

From pulp adventures such as Edgar Rice Burroughs’s Carson of Venus to classic short stories such as Ray Bradbury’s “The Long Rain” to visionary novels such as C. S. Lewis’s Perelandra, the planet Venus has loomed almost as large in the imaginations of science fiction writers as Earth’s next-nearest neighbor, Mars. But while the Red Planet conjured up in Golden Age science fiction stories was a place of vast deserts and ruined cities, bright blue Venus was its polar opposite: a steamy, swampy jungle world with strange creatures lurking amidst the dripping vegetation. Alas, just as the last century’s space probes exploded our dreams of Mars, so, too, did they shatter our romantic visions of Venus, revealing, instead of a lush paradise, a hellish world inimical to all life.

But don’t despair! This new anthology of sixteen original stories by some of science fiction’s best writers—edited by #1 New York Times bestselling author George R. R. Martin and award-winning editor Gardner Dozois—turns back the clock to that more innocent time, before the hard-won knowledge of science vanquished the infinite possibilities of the imagination.

OLD VENUS is due to be published by Bantam Press on March 3rd, 2015.

Ian McDonald is the author of many award-winning novels, including THE DERVISH HOUSE, BRASYL (published by Gollancz in the UK), and the Everness trilogy (published in the UK by Jo Fletcher Books and the US by Pyr Books). He is also the author of the highly-anticipated, upcoming LUNA: NEW MOON, due to be published by Gollancz and Tor Books. Check back soon for more details on this novel. Some of McDonald’s earlier novels are available as eBooks through the JABberwocky eBook Program.

Lavie Tidhar is the author of the World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA, published by Solaris Books; THE VIOLENT CENTURY and A MAN LIES DREAMING published by Hodder; and also the Bookman Histories (Angry Robot). Some of Tidhar’s novellas, as well as OSAMA, are also available through the JABberwocky eBook Program.


New Lavie Tidhar & Matthew Hughes Short Fiction…


We’re happy to share with you information about two new pieces of short fiction from Zeno clients!

First up we have MURDER IN THE CATHEDRAL, a new Bookman Histories novelette by Lavie Tidhar will be included in the June 2014 issue of Asimov’s Science Fiction. Lavie is the author of the critically acclaimed THE VIOLENT CENTURY (Hodder), and also the three Bookman Histories novels – THE BOOKMAN, CAMERA OBSCURA, and THE GREAT GAME (Angry Robot Books).

Next, Matthew Hughes is to be features in the upcoming anthology edited by George R.R. Martin and Gardener Dozios, ROGUES! Joining such leading lights as Neil Gaiman and Scott Lynch, Hughes has contributed his story THE INN OF THE SEVEN BLESSINGS. The anthology is due to be published by Bantam Spectra in June 2014. Matthew is the author most recently of the To Hell & Back trilogy – THE DAMNED BUSTERS, COSTUME NOT INCLUDED, and HELL TO PAY (Angry Robot Books).