Josh Winning’s BURN THE NEGATIVE is Out Now!

Josh Winning‘s latest horror/mystery masterpiece, BURN THE NEGATIVE, is out now! Published by G. P. Putnam’s Sons, here’s the synopsis…

Thirty years hiding from her past.
Eight deaths still unexplained.
One haunted horror film.
Nowhere left to run.

Journalist Laura Warren is mid-flight to L.A. when she learns that the streaming series she’s about to report on is a remake of a ’90s horror flick. A cursed ’90s horror flick. The one she starred in—and has been running from her whole life.

As a child star, Laura was cast as the lead in The Guesthouse. She played Tammy Manners, the little girl with the terrifying gift to tell people how the Needle Man would kill them. But her big break was her last, as eight of her cast and crew mates died in mysterious ways, and the film became infamous—a cult classic of fictional horror that somehow summoned the real thing. Hoping to move on, Laura changed her name and her accent, dyed her hair, and moved across the Atlantic Ocean.

But some scripts don’t want to stay buried.

After landing, Laura finds a yellow dress like the one she wore in the movie. Then the words “She’s here” scratched into the wall in an actor’s trailer. And then people working on the series start dying. It’s all happening again, and Laura finds herself on the run with her sister and a jaded psychic, hoping to find answers—and to stay out of the Needle Man’s lethal reach.

An homage to slasher films with a fresh take on the true price of fame, Burn the Negative is a twisty thriller best read with the lights on.

Here are just a few of the great reviews the novel has received so far…

Here are just a few of the great early reviews the novel has received so far…

‘A pulpy exploration of the monsters we make and a love letter to cult-classic frights.’Kirkus

‘Like the classic horror cinema it gleefully riffs on, Winning’s latest [BURN THE NEGATIVE] crackles with both dread and dazzle… Winning keeps readers guessing… while throwing out crafty winks and nods to well-known horror films and their makers, and driving his tale to a cinematically spectacular finale with several surprising plot twists. Horror fans should grab the popcorn for this bloody and entertaining romp.’Publishers Weekly

‘A spine-tingling, rip-roaring yarn that hearkens back to the thrills and chills of the best ’80s slasher horror. Hand this to readers who liked The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix, My Heart Is a Chainsaw by Stephen Graham Jones, or My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite.’Library Journal

BURN THE NEGATIVE is a creepy, twisty, compulsively readable haunted house of a book built from horror movies and our obsessive response to them. You’ll root for Laura and fear the Needle Man. Be sure to make the popcorn and dim the lights.’Paul Tremblay, author of A Head Full of Ghosts

Winning’s debut novel, THE SHADOW GLASS is also available, published by Titan Books in North America and in the UK.

New Story Bundle, Curated by Lavie Tidhar!

Lavie Tidhar has curated a new Story Bundle! This time, the collection has a Hollywood Horror theme. Here’s Lavie’s introduction to the collection…

Ah, Hollywood! The glitz, the glamour – the monsters! For Halloween this year I thought it would be fun to collect books with some connection to Tinseltown – whether by actors, screenwriters, books about the movies or those in development to become films and TV shows. It’s a mixed bag of fabulous! But all of it unsettling in some way. As the nights draw long and the frost settles on the windows and the wind howls mercilessly outside, what better time to settle down with a blanket and read some tales dark and grim?

So join me as we take a tour through worlds of ancient rockets and the devil, black and white monsters and deep hidden fungus, of vampires, fire-breathing giant lizards, horror film survivors and, of course, a dinosaur detective. Here is a mixture of novels and intelligent non-fiction, anthologies and novellas – the full gamut of the field spelled out in stars against a silver screen.

cue lights!
… Aaaaand action!

In case you are not familiar with StoryBundle: you decide what price you want to pay, with more books available at certain amounts.

With the Hollywood Horror Bundle, for $5 (or more, if you’re feeling generous), you’ll get the basic bundle of four books in any ebook format—WORLDWIDE.

  • Who Wants to be the Prince of Darkness? by Michael Boatman
  • Monsters From the Vault by Orrin Grey
  • The Cutting Room edited by Ellen Datlow
  • We Are All Completely Fine by Daryl Gregory

If you pay at least the bonus price of just $20, you get all four of the regular books, plus seven more books for a total of 11!

  • Deep State by Christopher Farnsworth
  • The Imaginary Corpse by Tyler Hayes
  • Scream Queen by Edo van Belkom
  • Revenge of Monsters From the Vault by Orrin Grey
  • Ancient Rockets by Kage Baker, edited by Kathleen Bartholomew
  • Shambling Towards Hiroshima by James Morrow
  • The Violent Century by Lavie Tidhar

If you are so moved, you can allocate some of what you pay for the bundle to go to Locus magazine.

The bundle is available until November 3rd.

As you can see, the bundle includes Lavie’s own THE VIOLENT CENTURY. Published by JABberwocky, here’s the synopsis…

A bold experiment has mutated a small fraction of humanity. Nations race to harness the gifted, putting them to increasingly dark ends. At the dawn of global war, flashy American superheroes square off against sinister Germans and dissolute Russians. Increasingly depraved scientists conduct despicable research in the name of victory

British agents Fogg and Oblivion, recalled to the Retirement Bureau, have kept a treacherous secret for over forty years. But all heroes must choose when to join the fray, and to whom their allegiance is owed — even for just one perfect summer’s day.

The cover for THE VIOLENT CENTURY is by the ever-excellent Sarah Anne Langton.

Lavie’s latest novel is MAROR, which is published by Head of Zeus. He also curated and edited the new THE BEST OF WORLD SF, Volume 2, which AdAstra published yesterday.