DANCES WITH WOLVES Now Available in Paperback in the UK!

The UK paperback edition of Michael Blake‘s classic frontier/Western novel, DANCES WITH WOLVES is out now! This edition also includes the sequel, THE HOLY ROAD. Published by Head of Zeus, here’s the synopsis…

1863. The last occupant of Fort Sedgewick, Lieutenant John Dunbar watches over the American frontier. A thousand miles back east, his comrades are locked in battle with the Confederates, but out here he is alone.

His desolate posting will bring him into contact with the lords of the southern plains – the Comanche. He has no knowledge of their customs but Dunbar is intrigued by these people and begins a transformation from which he emerges a different man. A man called Dances With Wolves.

The story continues, 11 years later in The Holy Road. Times are hard for the Comanche. The white man is closing in from all directions, claiming land, driving the tribes on to reservations. Should the Comanche fight or make peace? Misunderstanding and duplicity lead to raids and atrocities on both sides that can have only one conclusion. The man that was John Dunbar must go to war again.

DANCES WITH WOLVES was, of course, the inspiration for the multi-Oscar winning movie starring Kevin Costner.

Zeno represents Michael Blake in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.