Another Big Day for New Audible Releases

Today, we are delighted to share with you information and links for some more great titles, including a wealth of new audiobook editions for James P. Blaylock‘s backlist, as well as Ian McDonald, Jennifer Fallon and Freda Warrington. As before, below you’ll find the author, title, print publisher, and narrator.

First up, here are the Blaylock titles that have most recently been added to Audible…


Blaylock’s backlist are also available as eBooks from the JABberwocky eBook Program and also the Gollancz SF Gateway.


The (Big) Batch of Audible Releases…

Here are the details and links for the latest batch of Audible releases, including some real gems from our clients’ backlists. As before, the title is followed by print publisher and then narrator.

March 25th…


March 27th…


March 28th…


Some More Recent Audible Releases…

Here are the details for some more recent Audible releases, from our clients…

March 11th…


March 13th…


March 14th…


More Audible Releases for Warrington, Robson & Fallon!

This past week, Audible released a veritable flood of new audiobook editions from Freda Warrington‘s, Justina Robson‘s and Jennifer Fallon‘s backlists.

March 18th…


March 20th…


March 21st…


Also, and these were slightly delayed last week, but two of Lavie Tidhar‘s backlist titles have also been released:


New Audible Releases! (This Week)

Last year, Audible acquired rights to publish the audio editions of a number of our clients’ backlist titles. The audiobooks will be released over the course of the next few months. Each week, therefore, we will publish a blog post with details of the latest batch of releases from our clients. Today, we have the two final titles from February and also the first week of March titles. Each title is followed by the book’s print publisher and narrator.

Published on February 28th…


March 4th…


March 6th…


March 7th…


Be sure to check back each week for the next titles! (We’re aiming for Fridays or Mondays, depending on when the information is released.)

Jennifer Fallon RIFT RUNNERS Audiobooks Available


Jennifer Fallon‘s latest fantasy series, The Rift Runners Trilogy, is now available in audio! THE UNDIVIDED, THE DARK DIVIDE, and REUNION are published by Audible, and are available in both the UK and US.

Here is the synopsis for the first book in the series…

The Undivided are divided. The psychic twins, Ronan and Darragh, have been separated by the traitor Druid, Amergin, who has kidnapped Ronan and thrown him through a rift into another reality.

Now time is running out for Darragh. If Ronan isn’t found soon, they will both die. But his twin brother is lost in a reality where Druids are legend, and there is no magic. Somehow, before the Autumn Equinox, they must find one young man in a world of six billion people…

Meanwhile, Ren Kavanaugh has no notion of where he comes from. He is plagued by strange injuries that appear from nowhere and everyone is convinced he is deliberately harming himself for attention. Then he meets the enticing and mysterious Trasa, and before he can figure out how it happened, he is in serious trouble – arrested for arson and possibly murder.

Rescue will come from a completely unexpected direction. Ren is about to discover more about his origins than he bargained for, meet the twin brother he never knew he had, and discover nobody is what they seem, especially his new friend, the half-faerie, half-human Trasa… Amergin’s daughter.

Gemmell Award Nominations!


This weekend, the 2012/13 Gemmell Award nominations were unveiled, and we’re happy to report that two of our authors have been included in the longlist!

Jennifer Fallon‘s DARK DIVIDE and James Maxey‘s GREATSHADOW and HUSH were all nominated in the Legend Category, which is now open for voting.

Congratulations to both Jennifer and James!

In related news, and as reported on the website a few days ago, Maxey‘s Dragon Apocalypse series has recently been released as an eBook omnibus, published by Solaris Books.