Anne Griffin’s WHEN ALL IS SAID now available in Lithuania!

WHEN ALL IS SAID, Anne Griffin‘s best-selling, critically-acclaimed and award-nominated debut novel, is available now in Lithuania! Published by Tyto Alba as KAI VISKAS PASAKYTA, here’s the synopsis…

Tikriausiai dėl pasakotojo, kuriam neįmanoma atsispirti, – Moriso Henigeno, išdidaus 84 metų airio. Tai ne pasigailėtinas senukas, o žmogus, nugyvenęs ilgą ir garbingą gyvenimą. Gyvenimą, vertą istorijos.

Jis sėdi prie baro viešbutyje, vienas kaip visuomet. Šis vakaras ypatingas. Šiandien Morisas turi tikslą ir planą. Bet pirmiausia mes turime išgirsti jo istoriją.

Prisėskite šalia.

Šį vakarą Morisas penkis kartus pakels savąjį stiklą už žmones, kurie jo gyvenime buvo svarbiausi. Penki tostai – penkios istorijos apie laimę, kuri taip ir liko neišsakyta, apie netektis, apie kerštą ir neapykantą, visą gyvenimą rusenusią po pelenais, apie meilę, apie ištikimybę. Apie godumą, turtą ir atleidimą.

Moriso Henigeno gyvenimas buvo ilgas ir turiningas. Tai gyvenimas stipraus vyro, mokėjusio mylėti ir neapkęsti, gailėtis ir valdyti, iškęsti vargą ir nepriteklius. Nemokėjo jis tik vieno – kalbėti apie tai, ką jaučia, bet šiandien jo žodžiai liete liejasi.

WHEN ALL IS SAID is published in the UK by Sceptre, in North America by St. Martin’s Press, and is also available in a growing number of translated editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Five toasts. Five people. One lifetime.

‘I’m here to remember – all that I have been and all that I will never be again.’

At the bar of a grand hotel in a small Irish town sits 84-year-old Maurice Hannigan. He’s alone, as usual -though tonight is anything but. Pull up a stool and charge your glass, because Maurice is finally ready to tell his story.

Over the course of this evening, he will raise five toasts to the five people who have meant the most to him. Through these stories – of unspoken joy and regret, a secret tragedy kept hidden, a fierce love that never found its voice – the life of one man will be powerfully and poignantly laid bare.

Heart-breaking and heart-warming all at once, the voice of Maurice Hannigan will stay with you long after all is said.

Here’s just a small selection taken from the aforementioned critical acclaim the novel has enjoyed since release…

‘A hugely enjoyable, engrossing novel, a genuine page-turner.’Donal Ryan

‘An extraordinary novel, a poetic writer, and a story that moved me to tears.’ — John Boyne

‘Griffin is a magical storyteller whose prose is effortless and clear. She conjures an intimate, poignant and ultimately enthralling portrait of a man who has battled loneliness and other demons throughout his life.’ — Fanny Blake

‘Anne Griffin’s debut novel is a must read. Beautifully observed, masterful story telling – stunning!’ — Graham Norton

‘[An] impressively confident debut … Maurice Hannigan emerges as an engaging, compassionate creation’ — Guardian

‘Pitch-perfect prose… Moving and beautifully written, this is a wonderfully assured debut.’ — Mail on Sunday

‘It’s all beautifully done; a tale told in the plain but poetic prose of a man who recognises the tragic truths gleaned from a life of love and loss. A gem of a book.’ 5* — Sunday Express

‘A proper tear-jerker, but one that will ultimately leave you feeling hopeful.’ — Grazia

‘Griffin’s portrait of an Irish octogenarian provides a stage for the exploration of guilt, regret, and loss, all in the course of one memorable night.’ — Kirkus

‘Maurice’s humor, his keen observations on class and family, and his colloquial language, as well as Griffin’s strong sense of place, create the feeling of a life connected to many others by strands of affection and hatred.’ — Publishers Weekly