Zeno Clients’ Eastercon Schedule

Mancunicon2016-LogoHere are the schedules for Zeno clients attending this year’s Eastercon, Mancunicon.

Two clients are Guests of Honour: Aliette de Bodard and Ian McDonald. In addition, Michael Cobley, Justina Robson, Kari Sperring and Freda Warrington are attending. Here’s where and when you can find them…

Friday, March 25th…

Saturday, March 26th…

Sunday, March 27th…

Monday, March 28th…

Aliette de Bodard’s latest novel, THE HOUSE OF SHATTERED WINGS, is published by Gollancz in the UK and Roc Books in the US.

Ian McDonald’s latest novel is LUNA: NEW MOON, published in the UK by Gollancz, and Tor Books in the US.


Michael Cobley’s latest novel, ANCESTRAL MACHINES, is published by Orbit. Justina Robson’s GLORIOUS ANGELS is published by Gollancz. Kari Sperring’s THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE is published by DAW Books. Freda Warrington’s fourth Blood Wine novel, THE DARK ARTS OF BLOOD, was published by Titan Books in 2015.


Zeno Clients’ Nine Worlds 2015 Schedule

NineWorlds-LogoThis week, Nine Worlds holds its second convention in London, from August 7th-9th. The convention features a veritable smorgasbord of events, screenings, panels, etc., and we wanted to share the schedule for our authors.

Friday, August 7th

  • 11:30am-12:30pm — Panel: “Monsterclass – Mechanics of Publishing” — John Wordsworth  —  What does it take to get your book published and how does the publishing world work? Find out from some of London’s publishing experts.
  • 1:30-2:45pm — Panel: “Evidence Handling – Primary source work for historians and writers” — Kari SperringWhat is a primary source, and how do historians use them? Three professional historians lead a workshop on how to work with various kinds of evidence, both written and physical. Examples of sources will be provided for participants to explore and analyse.
  • 3:15-4:30pm — Panel: “The Companions – They save the universe a lot” — Kari SperringOur intrepid panellists discuss the companions of Doctor Who. Which ones worked best, and which ones fell by the wayside? Who’s under-rated and who deserved a run of seven years? What companion storylines have been the most compelling? And going into the future: what do we want to see on-screen, what can we realistically get, and what new archetypes and new ideas would we like to see played out?
  • 5:00-6:15pm — Panel: “Childhood Influences – I want to be a Wild Thing when I grow up” — Edward CoxFrom the fantasy worlds of Blyton’s Magic Faraway Tree to whizz-poppers and marvellous medicines of Roald Dahl, how important are childrens stories on us as adults and do they shape what authors write when they grow up?
  • 6:45-8:00pm — Panel: “Historical Heroines – The women from history that we admire” — Kari SperringHistory is often seen as being about Great Men, but there were plenty of Great Women, from Katherine the Great to Florence Nightingale. This panel celebrates the women who have, against the odds, made their mark on history: a group of historians and writers will pick their favourites.
  • 8:00-10:00pm — Event: “Jo Fletcher Books – Summer Party & Book Launch” — Naomi Foyle and Ian McDonald in attendance

Saturday, August 8th

  • 9:00-9:45am — Panel: “What makes Fantasy fantastic?” — Anne LyleWhy is it that even people who don’t claim to like genre still love fantasy? They can’t get on board with magicians and dragons but they love LOTR, Harry Potter and Twilight. So what is it that makes fantasy so fantastic?
  • 10:00-11:15am — Panel: “The End of Author Mystique” — Edward CoxDo authors need to be on social media to sell books and does an ability to tweet improve your chances of getting published? Are authors losing the mystery they once maintained from behind their keyboards and with blog posts and sneak peaks, have our expectations as readers changed?
  • 11:45am-1:00pm — Panel: “Collaborative Writing – How to write with others (and stay friends)” — Naomi FoyleOur panel discusses the trials and pitfalls of collaborative writing, examining why people write together, and the best techniques and technologies to use.
  • 3:15-4:30pm — Panel: “Favourite Historical Movies – What we like and why” — Kari SperringHistorians are often thought of as people who sit and watch historical movies, looking for the errors. But there are some movies set in the past that we like. Here, a group of historians will talk about their favourites, and why they are particularly loved.
  • 5:00-6:15pm — Panel: “The dead will rise again – Resurgence of Gothic Literature” — Lavie TidharSome of the greatest monsters just can’t stay dead. Here, we explore the pull of Gothic literature.

Sunday, August 9th

  • 10:00-11:15am — Panel: “They used what? – Historical research for fanfiction” — Kari SperringWriting fanfiction set in a historical period can involve a great deal of research. (Possibly more than has been done by canon creators, in some cases!) And writing historical AUs can be a great way of unpacking the unspoken prejudices of a modern-day canon. Research can be immensely diverting, it can spark a renewed interest in history, and it can affect the course and content of your story. This panel will discuss how historical AUs open up some canons, and share some of the more interesting facets of their own research into various historical periods.
  • 1:30-2:45pm — Panel: “The Stars My Destination – Exploring the Future of SF” — Naomi FoyleWe’re living in a science fiction world where technology and global warming are changing things faster than sci-fi writers can type — so where does the future of sci-fi sit?
  • 3:15-4:30pm — Panel: “Writing the Other” — Naomi Foyle

The Nine Worlds 2015 convention takes place at the Radisson Blu Edwardian, Heathrow, 140 Bath Rd, Hayes, Middlesex UB3 5AW. (Google Maps)

Zeno Clients attending FantasyCon 2014!

We’re very happy to report that a number of our clients will be attending this year’s British Fantasy Convention (FantasyCon), to be held between September 5th–7th 2014, at The Royal York Hotel. (This weekend!)

HarrisC-MT1-MidnightCrossroad-BlogFirst up, we’re delighted that Charlaine Harris, New York Times bestselling author of the Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood series of urban fantasy novels, will be a guest of honour at FantasyCon! Charlaine’s latest novel, MIDNIGHT CROSSROAD was published in the UK by Gollancz in May 2014.

Here are our other clients’ events during the convention, all of which occur on Saturday 6th…

  • 10:00am – Anne Lyle and Kari Sperring take part in the ‘Does It Make Sense?’ panel – ‘Economics of fantasy systems. If Smaug holds all the gold and it gets liberated, what does that do to the economy?’
  • Noon – Charlaine Harris in Conversation – interviewed by Adele Wearing
  • Noon – Edward Cox will take part in the ‘Dead Parents, Burned Homesteads and Wicked Stepmothers’ panel – ‘Is it essential to write out the parents before youthful characters can head out on adventures? Are adult figures always unhelpful or malign? Should writers search for ways to keep parents around — or do fantasies of a world without parents fulfil a real need?’
  • 3:00pm – Charlaine Harris will take part in the ‘She Ain’t Heavy, She’s My Sister’ panel – ‘Kirk and Spock, Luke and Han, Frodo and Sam – epic friendships between men are common in fantasy, but friendships between women, or platonic relationships between men and women that stay that way – are much thinner on the ground. The panellists discuss why it matters and examine some of the rare exceptions.’
  • 3:00pm – Edward Cox will take part in the ‘Icky Romance’ panel – ‘Love and sex are powerful motivators and sources of dramatic conflict. However when combined with the conventions of SFF, there’s a lot of potential for cliché, from damsels in distress to dangerous supernatural boyfriends. But how often do complaints about the place of romance in SFF come down to a fear of girl cooties?’
  • 4:00pm – Charlaine Harris will take part in the FanFiction panel – ‘The Fan, the Pro and the Publishing Industry Writers on both sides of the fan/pro divide and writers who straddle it discuss fanfiction. After the success of E.L James, should publishers be searching for more hit writers on AO3 and Fanfic.net? What keeps talented writers away from traditional publishing?’
  • 5:00pm – Stephen Volk will take part in the ‘Horror on the Small Screen’ panel – ‘TV is getting darker, and with the recent success of American Horror Story, Black Mirror and Being Human, are we entering a new golden age of terrifying TV?’
  • 9:00pm – Edward Cox will give a reading from THE RELIC GUILD at the ‘Super Relaxed Fantasy Club’

On Sunday 7th, the British Fantasy Awards will be held at approximately 2:30pm. The full list of nominees can be found here.

Edward Cox is the author of THE RELIC GUILD, due to be published mid-September 2014 by Gollancz in the UK.

Anne Lyle is the author of the Nights Masque trilogy – THE ALCHEMIST OF SOULS, THE MERCHANT OF DREAMS, and THE PRINCE OF LIES – published by Angry Robot Books.

Kari Sperring is the author of LIVING WITH GHOSTS and THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE, both published by DAW Books.

Unlisted in the events, above, Simon Kurt Unsworth will also be in attendance, and may give a reading from his upcoming novel, THE DEVIL’S DETECTIVE, due to be published in 2015 by Del Rey (UK) and Doubleday (US) – check back later this week and also next week for more news about this exciting upcoming title.

Stephen Volk is a prolific author of horror short fiction, and two of his works are up for British Fantasy Awards this year – WHISTABLE is nominated for Best Novella, and is published by Spectral Press; and MONSTERS IN THE HEART, published by Gray Friar Press, is nominated for Best Collection.


Zeno represents Charlaine Harris in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Zeno Clients at Loncon 3…


The SFF extravaganza that is Loncon 3 will be rolling into town this weekend. Certain events have already kicked off, of course – some of which we’ve mentioned here before. From Thursday 14th to Monday 18th, a great number of Zeno clients will be participating in the festivities, events and signings.

So, below are all of the Zeno-related events, organised by day and time. If you’d rather search by author, however, here’s an alphabetical list of our clients attending, complete with links to their Loncon 3 schedule pages: Peter V. Brett, Jack Campbell, Michael CobleyMyke Cole, Edward Cox, Aliette de Bodard, Simon R. GreenDaryl Gregory, Matthew HughesTanya Huff, Anne Lyle, Ian R. MacLeod, Ian McDonald, Justina Robson, Melinda Snodgrass, Kari Sperring, E.J. Swift, Lavie Tidhar, Freda Warrington. Continue reading “Zeno Clients at Loncon 3…”

Short Fiction Watch: Kari Sperring

Various-StarsOfDarkover2014-BlogIn our continuing series of posts highlighting our clients’ shorter fiction, today we can share with you the information about Kari Sperring‘s latest piece: HOUSE OF FIFTEEN WINDOWS, which will be included in the STARS OF DARKOVER anthology, the fourteenth in the Darkover anthology series.

The book is a collection as a tribute to the work of Marion Zimmer Bradley, and is due to be published by MZB Literary Works Trust, on June 3rd 2014 – this would have been Bradley’s 84th birthday.

Sperring is the author of the two fantasy novels, LIVING WITH GHOSTS and THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE – both published by DAW Books. Here’s some praise for her novels…

‘… worth picking up. The characterization in particular is well above what I normally expect from SF&F. The magic is interesting too: very subtly done… overall it is a very impressive debut. Here’s hoping there are more books to come.’ — Cheryl Morgan on LIVING WITH GHOSTS

‘Readers who are looking for a beautiful and original work of fantasy should pick up THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE. Sperring has said on her blog that she has plans for a sequel. I’m glad to hear it, and I will be interested to see what she does with the plots that are left hanging at the end of the first book. Overall, I found it to be an enjoyable read, and I think that fans of thoughtful fantasy should give THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE a try.’  —  Strange Horizons

Kari is currently at work on her new novel, alongside other projects.

Kari Sperring to be Guest of Honour at Novacon 44!

Kari-headshot2We’re delighted to report that Kari Sperring is the Guest of Honour at this year’s Novacon! The convention will be held at the Park Inn Hotel in Nottingham, from November 14-16, 2014. Still early days, so details are thin on the ground, but be sure to check out the Novacon website, Twitter and Facebook page for information over the coming weeks and months.

Kari is the author of two acclaimed fantasy novels, LIVING WITH GHOSTS and THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE. In case you weren’t aware of the novels (shame!), here is some information and reviews…

SperringK-LivingWithGhosts-BlogLIVING WITH GHOSTS (DAW Books, 2009)

This highly original, darkly atmospheric fantasy novel immerses readers in a world where ghosts and other malevolent spirits seek entry into mortal realms— invisible to all but those who are not entirely human themselves. Drawn into the ancient city of Merafi, yet barred from entering by an ancient pact sealed in blood, these hungry haunts await their opportunity to break through the magical border and wreak havoc on the city’s innocent denizens.

And as a priestess and prince weave a sorcerous plot to shatter the pact and bring ruin on Merafi, only a failed assassin-priest who is now a courtesan, a noble lord married into the ruling family of Merafi, an officer of the city guard, a woman warrior who was the former lover of a now-dead lord, and the ghost of that lord himself stand between Merafi and the tidal wave of magic that may soon bring ruin flooding down upon the city.

Here’s some of what critics have said about the novel…

‘… a brilliantly atmospheric novel with complex yet understandable characters and a dark setting filled with sensation. A recommended read for those with a taste for something a little different.’ — Mithril Wisdom

‘The characterization in particular is well above what I normally expect from SF&F. The magic is interesting too: very subtly done… a very impressive debut. Here’s hoping there are more books to come.’  —  Cheryl Morgan

‘From suffering husband to sneering dominatrix, there’s a character for every taste in Ghosts, but the vulnerable, bisexual Gracielis is by far the standout… the characters are so appealing that you hang on every twist of their carmined lips… [a] beguiling, bewildering novel…’  —  Strange Horizons

‘… if you love a tale that concentrates on the feelings and emotional aspect of the characters then this is a book for you. Well written with the authors enthusiasm clearly coming through the tale its definitely a story that will remain with you long after the final page is turned.’  —  Falcata Times

SperringK-GrassKingsConcubine-BlogTHE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE (DAW Books, 2012)

A return to the same amazing and atmospheric world of LIVING WITH GHOSTS, a story set several hundred years later.

When a wealthy young woman, obsessed with a childhood vision of a magical Shining Palace, sets out with her true love to search for a legendary land, she discovers the devastated WorldBelow – the realm of the Grass King – and the terrifying Cadre, who take her prisoner, and demand she either restore the king’s concubine… or replace her.

Here’s a selection of the critical response…

‘Readers who are looking for a beautiful and original work of fantasy should pick up THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE… an enjoyable read, and I think that fans of thoughtful fantasy should give THE GRASS KING’S CONCUBINE a try.’ — Strange Horizons

‘This is a rather wonderful book… a beguiling sub-plot… Sperring has created an unusual world that surprises at every turn, giving the pleasures of high fantasy whilst avoiding the worn-out tropes.’ — Living in the Maniototo

A (Belated) Reflection on World Fantasy Con 2013…

World Fantasy Con 2013 took place at the beginning of November. With the dust finally settled, we thought we’d share some (belated) memories from what turned out to be a superb event. It was a fantastic opportunity to catch up with many of our authors, and also mingle with a host of publishing professionals.



Simon Unsworth, reading from his upcoming, recently-sold novel, THE SORROWFUL, and smiling happily for the camera during the mass-signing on Friday night…


Freda Warrington, reading from A DANCE IN BLOOD VELVET on Friday

On Friday night, there was a Mass Signing session, during which we caught up with a number of our clients. First up, Naomi Foyle (front) with Jo Fletcher (behind)…


Christopher Golden (who has recently co-written a graphic novel with Charlaine Harris, CEMETERY GIRL) and Tim Lebbon (who we do not represent, but do admire)…


Tobias Buckell at the signing table, and also at his reading on Saturday morning…



The ever-friendly Daryl Gregory gave us a couple of poses…


Anne Lyle was on hand to sign copies of her now-complete Night’s Masque trilogy…

LyleA-WFC2013-Signing (ARBlog)

And, finally, a particularly great moment – new client Ed Cox chats with Neil Gaiman and Joanne Harris (quite the stealth-photo moment)…


Overall, it was a great weekend. With new books packed, happy memories swirling, we now get back to business as usual. Which is, of course, no bad thing…

Zeno at World Fantasy Con…

WFC2013-BrightonWith World Fantasy Con in Brighton fast approaching, we thought it would be a good idea to share some details of our author’s participation. Over the course of the convention, a number of Zeno clients will be participating in panels and also holding readings. First up, here’s the schedule for the readings…

As for panels, we have the following…

Thursday, October 31st

3-4pm – Living in the Past: Writing Historical Fiction (Oxford)

4-5pm – The Landscape of the Fantastic (Cambridge)

  • Simon Kurt Unsworth, Ramsey Campbell, Jay Lake, Alison Littlewood, Adam Nevill (mod.), Samantha Shannon

Friday, November 1st

12-1pm – The Play’s the Thing: Style or Substance in Fiction? (Hall 4)

  • Ian R. MacLeod, Pat Cadigan (mod.), Jack Dann, Ellen Kushner, Geoff Ryman, Lisa Tuttle

2-3pm – Fangs for the Memory: Have Vampires Lost Their Bite? (Cambridge)

  • Freda Warrington, Simon Clark, Nancy Kilpatrick, John Ajvide Lindqvist, Kim Newman, Tina Rath (mod.)

Saturday, November 2nd

3-4pm – Steam Punk’d (Cambridge)

4-5pm – From ‘The Bowmen’ to The Angel of Mons – When Fantasy and Reality Merge (Cambridge)

  • Stephen Volk (mod.), Simon Clark, Tim Lebbon, Fiona McIntosh, Mark Valentine, Conrad Williams

8-9pm – The Thin White Baron: Peter Cushing @ 100 (Hall 4)

  • Anne Billson, Nancy Kilpatrick, Kim Newman, John Llewellyn Probert, Uwe Sommerlad, Stephen Volk (mod.)

Sunday, November 3rd

4:30-5:30pm – The Judges’ Decision is Final (Hall 4)

  • Matthew Hughes, Holly Black, Thomas Clegg, Lee Harris (mod.), Esther Sherman

And that’s all until next year!