Short Fiction Watch: Aliette de Bodard

Various-MammothBookOfSFStoriesByWomen-BlogIn this latest instalment of Short Fiction Watch, we wanted to share with you information about THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF SF STORIES BY WOMEN, which will include Aliette de Bodard‘s multi-award nominated, and Nebula Award-winning IMMERSION.

Here’s the synopsis for the book…

33 outstanding science fiction stories by women

Travel by train to the Moon, discover living spaceships born in gas giants and explore the constellations, alternate universes and post-apocalyptic worlds of this compelling collection of SF written by women. 

Whether crossing the stars or constructing the future of our planet, women have always written powerful, important science fiction. This anthology showcases the most exceptional SF stories written by women in recent decades, from classic stars Ursula K. Le Guin and Angélica Gorodischer; science fiction greats Karen Joy Fowler and Nancy Kress; new award-winning talents Elizabeth Bear, Nnedi Okorafor and Aliette de Bodard; and many more.

The anthology is due to be published in December 2014, by Running Press. Aliette is also the critically-acclaimed author of the Blood & Obsidian trilogy, published by Angry Robot Books, and multiple award-nominated short stories and novellas.