THE PERIPHERAL Out Now in Audio (UK)


William Gibson‘s latest masterpiece, THE PERIPHERAL, is now available in audiobook in the UK. The novel is published in the UK by Penguin. Here’s the synopsis…

Flynne Fisher lives in rural near-future America where jobs are scarce and veterans from the wars are finding it hard to recover. She scrapes a living doing some freelance online game-playing, participating in some pretty weird stuff. Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things though are good for the haves, and there aren’t many have-nots left.

Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, and Wilf’s, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the distant past can be real badass.

Also, just a reminder that THE PERIPHERAL has been nominated for best novel in this year’s Aurora and Campbell Awards.

Zeno represents William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency.


Tanya Huff and William Gibson Nominated for Aurora Awards

AuroraAwardsLogoThe latest books by both Tanya Huff and William Gibson have been nominated in the Best Novel category in this year’s Aurora Awards! The Awards are the premier award for Science Fiction and Fantasy in Canada.

GibsonW-PeripheralUKPB-BlogWilliam Gibson’s THE PERIPHERAL is published in the UK by Penguin. The novel has recently been made available as an audiobook, too. As we reported earlier this week, the novel has also been nominated for the Campbell Award. Here’s the synopsis…

Flynne Fisher lives in rural near-future America where jobs are scarce and veterans from the wars are finding it hard to recover. She scrapes a living doing some freelance online game-playing, participating in some pretty weird stuff. Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things though are good for the haves, and there aren’t many have-nots left.

Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, and Wilf’s, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the distant past can be real badass.

THE PERIPHERAL has (perhaps unsurprisingly) been praise pretty far and wide. Here’s just a sample of reviews…

‘His writing has been refined over the years, but Gibson still maintains that sparse, edgy style that has been a characteristic of his work from the very beginning… Gibson remains as unnervingly prophetic as ever, making his futures feel like they’re just around the corner, products of humankind’s inability to act when necessary, transforming a sci-fi whodunit into a work of fiction that feels both ahead of its time and frighteningly relevant to today’s world.’ 9/10* — Starburst

‘Dramatic, scary, creepy,violent, and finally satisfying… like any really well-designed thrill ride or mystery tour (or sonnet or string quartet), as soon as you get off, you want to get right on for another go-round.’ — Locus

‘In THE PERIPHERAL, William Gibson’s first futuristic novel since 1999’s ALL TOMORROW’S PARTIES, we experience the fantastic synthesis of a 20th century writer — the Gibson of NEUROMANCER, eyeball-kicks of flash and noir; and the Gibson of PATTERN RECOGNITION, arch and sly and dry and keen… A perfect fusion of Gibson’s pulp heritage with his fine-tuned design and social sensibilities… From the microscale word choices to the macroscale plot, structure and themes, the book is strange and contemporary in a perfectly futuristic way.’ — Boing Boing

HuffT-E3-FutureFallsUK-BlogTanya Huff’s THE FUTURE FALLS is published in the UK by Titan Books. It is the third novel in the author’s Enchantment Emporium urban fantasy series. Here’s the synopsis…

When Auntie Catherine warns the family of an approaching asteroid, the Gales scramble to keep humans from going the way of the dinosaurs. Fortunately for the world, they’re wielding a guitar and a dragon.

The Gale family can change the world with the charms they cast, which has caused some supernaturally complicated family shenanigans in the past. So when NASA and Doomsday Dan confirm Auntie Catherine’s dire prediction, Charlotte “Charlie” Gale turns to the family for help.

But Allie is unavailable because the universe seems determined to have her produce the seventh son of a seventh son of a seventh son of a Gale. And the Aunties can’t help because they’re tied to the earth – although they are happy to provide their delicious, trademark pies. And in the end, all Charlie has is a guitar…

…and Jack. The Dragon Prince, and a Sorcerer.

But Charlie might like Jack just a little too much, and Jack might like Charlie a little too much in return. Actually, between Allie’s hormones, the Aunties trying to force her and Jack into ritual, the Courts having way too much fun at the end of days, and Jack’s sudden desire to sacrifice himself for the good of the many, Charlie’s fairly certain that the asteroid is the least of her problems.

The Gales are going to need more than pie to save the world from an incoming asteroid. But together there isn’t anything they can’t deal with – except possibly each other.

Titan Books also publish the other books in the series — THE ENCHANTMENT EMPORIUM and THE WILD WAYS. Titan also publish Huff’s stand-alone novel THE SILVERED, and the author’s Confederation science-fiction series, which currently includes five books: VALOUR’S CHOICETHE BETTER PART OF VALOURTHE HEART OF VALOURVALOUR’S TRIAL and THE TRUTH OF VALOUR.


Zeno represents Tanya Huff in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency; and William Gibson in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency.

William Gibson & Daryl Gregory Nominated for Campbell Award

Zeno clients William Gibson and Daryl Gregory have been nominated as finalists for the 2015 Campbell Award! The Award will be given during the Campbell Awards and Conference, which will be held over June 11-14, 2015. The books nominated are:

GibsonW-PeripheralUKPB-BlogWilliam Gibson’s THE PERIPHERAL, which is published in the UK by Penguin. Here’s the synopsis…

Flynne Fisher lives in rural near-future America where jobs are scarce and veterans from the wars are finding it hard to recover. She scrapes a living doing some freelance online game-playing, participating in some pretty weird stuff. Wilf Netherton lives in London, seventy-some years later, on the far side of decades of slow-motion apocalypse. Things though are good for the haves, and there aren’t many have-nots left.

Flynne and Wilf are about to meet one another. Her world will be altered utterly, and Wilf’s, for all its decadence and power, will learn that some of these third-world types from the distant past can be real badass.

Here’s just a small selection from the great reviews THE PERIPHERAL has received…

‘Gibson remains as unnervingly prophetic as ever, making his futures feel like they’re just around the corner, products of humankind’s inability to act when necessary, transforming a sci-fi whodunit into a work of fiction that feels both ahead of its time and frighteningly relevant to today’s world.’ 9/10* — Starburst

‘Dramatic, scary, creepy,violent, and finally satisfying… like any really well-designed thrill ride or mystery tour (or sonnet or string quartet), as soon as you get off, you want to get right on for another go-round.’ — Locus

‘[A] slow-burning thriller, ambitiously structured on either side of an economic and ecological collapse… All of Gibson’s characters are intensely real, and Flynne is a clever, compelling, stereotype-defying, unhesitating protagonist who makes this novel a standout.’ — Publishers Weekly

Gregory-AfterpartyUK-BlogDaryl Gregory’s AFTERPARTY, which is published in the UK by Titan Books. Here’s the synopsis…

A near-future science fiction crime story about murder, drugs, neuroscience, more drugs, and God. It’s Elmore Leonard and Philip K. Dick road-tripping down neural pathways, with Hunter S. Thompson howling in the back seat.

‘Numinous’ opens up a portal to God – or, at least, a convincing illusion of one. In a world where God is a drug, one woman has to get sober. Lyda Rose was one of the four neuroscientists who helped create Numinous, a breakthrough drug intended to treat schizophrenia. Since unwittingly overdosing on the drug, Lyda has been haunted by visions of an angel she calls Dr. Gloria. Treated in an asylum, Lyda has to remind herself that the doctor is merely a drug- induced manifestation of her own temporal lobe, but the angel is awfully hard to argue with. Afterparty follows Lyda’s investigation into a series of Numinous-like overdoses. It is also about the ways that our brains can fool us, often for our own benefit.

Along the way the book asks twenty-first century questions: If personality, sexual orientation, religious belief, and morality can be chemically twisted, what is the self? Does free will exist? And is sin even possible?

Gregory’s novels have always received plenty of rave reviews, and AFTERPARTY is no exception. Here are some examples…

‘Brilliantly deft writing… A road-trip revelation for a new generation.’SciFi Now (5* review)

‘This taut, brisk, gripping narrative, dazzlingly intercut with flashbacks and sidebars, oozes warmth and wit. A hugely entertaining, surprising and perhaps prophetic package that, without seeming to, raises profound questions about the human mind and the nature of perception.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Daryl Gregory’s AFTERPARTY is a fantastic thrill ride, presenting an all-too-real future that upends our own world and replaces it with something far more strange. This is science fiction of the cutting edge, on par with stories such as William Gibson’sNeuromancer, McIntosh’s Soft Apocalypse and Orphan Black.’ —

Zeno represents William Gibson and Daryl Gregory in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency.

UK Publication Day: Daryl Gregory’s AFTERPARTY

GregoryD-Afterparty-BlogWe’re very happy to report that today Daryl Gregory‘s superb new novel, AFTERPARTY, arrives in UK bookstores! Published by Titan Books, the novel has already received a great deal of praise from peers and critics alike. First up, here’s the synopsis…

A near-future science fiction crime story about murder, drugs, neuroscience, more drugs, and God. It’s Elmore Leonard and Philip K. Dick road-tripping down neural pathways, with Hunter S. Thompson howling in the back seat.

‘Numinous’ opens up a portal to God – or, at least, a convincing illusion of one. In a world where God is a drug, one woman has to get sober. Lyda Rose was one of the four neuroscientists who helped create Numinous, a breakthrough drug intended to treat schizophrenia. Since unwittingly overdosing on the drug, Lyda has been haunted by visions of an angel she calls Dr. Gloria. Treated in an asylum, Lyda has to remind herself that the doctor is merely a drug- induced manifestation of her own temporal lobe, but the angel is awfully hard to argue with. Afterparty follows Lyda’s investigation into a series of Numinous-like overdoses. It is also about the ways that our brains can fool us, often for our own benefit.

Along the way the book asks twenty-first century questions: If personality, sexual orientation, religious belief, and morality can be chemically twisted, what is the self? Does free will exist? And is sin even possible?

And here’s just a small selection of the praise…

AFTERPARTY is a new, excellent science fiction novel by Daryl Gregory, about drugs, God, sanity, morals, and organized crime… Gregory is a great plotter, and the story races along like a thriller, but mountains more substance than your typical thriller.’ — Cory Doctorow, Boing Boing

‘This taut, brisk, gripping narrative, dazzlingly intercut with flashbacks and sidebars, oozes warmth and wit. A hugely entertaining, surprising and perhaps prophetic package that, without seeming to, raises profound questions about the human mind and the nature of perception.’ — Kirkus (Starred Review)

‘Smart, funny, fast, more than a little terrifying…. An exhilarating read.’ — Kim Stanley Robinson (Hugo Award Winning author of the Mars Trilogy)

‘Gregory dashes off his near-future story like a “chemjet” printing out sheets of smart drugs…The tragi-comical satire dispenses with sermons and easy morals, preferring to be entertaining and thought-provoking instead.’ — Publishers Weekly

AFTERPARTY is published in the US by Tor Books.

Zeno represents Daryl Gregory in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency.

New UK Deal for Daryl Gregory’s AFTERPARTY!

GregoryD-Afterparty-BlogWe are delighted to announce that Titan Books have picked up UK/Commonwealth rights for Daryl Gregory‘s excellent near-future science-fiction thriller AFTERPARTY!

It begins in Toronto, in the years after the smart drug revolution. Any high school student with a chemjet and internet connection can download recipes and print drugs, or invent them. A seventeen-year-old street girl finds God through a new brain-altering drug called Numinous, used as a sacrament by a new Church that preys on the underclass. But she is arrested and put into detention, and without the drug, commits suicide. 

Lyda Rose, another patient in that detention facility, has a dark secret: she was one of the original scientists who developed the drug. With the help of an ex-government agent and an imaginary, drug-induced doctor, Lyda sets out to find the other three survivors of the five who made the Numinous in a quest to set things right.

A mind-bending and violent chase across Canada and the US, Daryl Gregory’s Afterparty is a marvelous mix of William Gibson’s Neuromancer, Philip K. Dick’s Ubik, and perhaps a bit of Peter Watts’s Starfish: a last chance to save civilization, or die trying.

AFTERPARTY is due to be published in the US by Tor Books in April. As soon as we have a confirmed UK publishing date, we’ll be sure to share the information with you on here – so keep your eyes on the blog and the agency Twitter. Here’s a sample of the advance praise the novel has been receiving…

‘Smart, funny, fast, more than a little terrifying…. An exhilarating read.’ — Kim Stanley Robinson (Hugo Award-winning author of the Mars trilogy)

AFTERPARTY is a great giggling psychedelic trip down the big pharma rabbit hole to a place where designer drugs hack the human mind for its limitless potential, and madness, empathy, talking teddy bears and the face of God are all just a hit away. Load up the pharmaceutical printer, drop Daryl Gregory’s words on your tongue, and get ready to trip hard.’ — Paolo Bacigalupi (Hugo and Nebula Award Winning author of The Windup Girl)

‘Brain-stretching speculation in brain science and metaphysics, built on a solid cyberpunk foundation. I really liked this one.’ — Walter John Williams

‘Every new novel by Daryl Gregory goes to the top of my reading pile. AFTERPARTY is his best yet, combining interesting ideas about religion and the brain with the distinctive Gregory brand of wit and the superb Gregory writing. I can’t recommend this novel highly enough!’ — Nancy Kress (Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of Beggars from Spain)

‘Daryl Gregory’s AFTERPARTY is why we write science fiction: to explore issues, to tackle themes, to provoke, and, yes, to entertain. It’s all here in a page-turner about big ideas, a thriller about moral choices, a breathless ride into a down-and-dirty tomorrow.’ — Robert J. Sawyer (Hugo Award-winning author of Red Planet Blues)

‘Daryl Gregory’s AFTERPARTY is almost certainly the only novel you’ll read this year which calls to mind both Huxley’s The Doors of Perception and the damaged tough guys of contemporary crime fiction; both Philip K. Dick and Tony Kushner. The very satisfying result is likely to prove his most popular novel.’ — Gary K. Wolfe, LOCUS

Zeno represents Daryl Gregory in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency in New York.

Happy Publication Day (tomorrow) Elizabeth Hand!

Congratulations to Elizabeth Hand, whose AVAILABLE DARK is published tomorrow in the UK by Constable & Robinson! It is the second novel featuring Cass Neary, and follows GENERATION LOSS. Below are the covers for both books (we think they look really great together)…


And here’s the synopsis…

As this riveting tour-de-force opens, the police already want to talk to the photographer Cass Neary about a mysterious death she was involved with previously, but before they can bring her in, Cass accepts a job offer from overseas and hops on a plane.

In Helsinki, she authenticates a series of disturbing but stunning images taken by a famous fashion photographer who has cut himself off from the violent Nordic music scene where he first made his reputation. Paid off by her shady employer, she buys a one-way ticket to Reykjavik, in search of a lover from her own dark past.

But when the fashion photographer’s mutilated corpse is discovered back in Finland, Cass finds herself sucked into a vortex of ancient myth and betrayal, vengeance and serial murder, set against a bone-splintering soundtrack of black metal and the terrifying beauty of the sunless Icelandic wilderness.

In this eagerly awaited sequel to the award-winning Generation Loss, Cass Neary finds her own worst fears confirmed: it’s always darkest before it turns completely black.

AVAILABLE DARK is a searing and iconoclastic crime novel, and preceding work GENERATION LOSS is generally considered an underground classic. In this latest installment, Hand sends our protagonist, Cass Neary into the shadowy world of crime in Scandinavia’s coldest corners.

‘A skin-blistering crime novel as edgy and black as dried blood on a moonlit night.’Robert Crais

‘Fiercely frightening yet hauntingly beautiful.’Tess Gerritsen

‘Intense and atmospheric… Hand writes with craftsmanship and passion.’George Pelecanos

‘There’s a deadly beauty to her bleak rendering of the Nordic landscape.’New York Times Book Review

‘Elizabeth Hand takes us on a dangerous and drug-fuelled trip through a world of art-fetishists, death metal bands, and Nordic blood cults. This book disturbs and delights.’Paul Doiron, author of The Poacher’s Son

Elizabeth Hand is represented by Zeno in the UK & Commonwealth on behalf of the Martha Millard Literary Agency in New York.