Some More Recent Audible Releases…

Here are the details for some more recent Audible releases, from our clients…

March 11th…


March 13th…


March 14th…


Publication Day (eBook) – Ian McDonald’s EMPRESS OF THE SUN

McDonald-E3-EmpressOfTheSunUK-BlogThe wait is over! The third novel in Ian McDonald‘s critically-acclaimed Everness YA science fiction series is out today in eBook! Just in the nick of time for Christmas. EMPRESS OF THE SUN is published by Jo Fletcher Books in the UK – the hardcover edition will follow on January 2nd, 2014. The book is due to be published next month by Pyr in the US. Here’s the synopsis…

When Everett Singh’s dad was randomly sent to one of the many parallel worlds in the multiverse, Everett discovered a way to find him on the quarantined planet E1, home of the terrifying Nahn.

Now he, along with the crew of the airship Everness, has followed a trail to the next world and his father.

But this is a world where dinosaurs have had sixty-five million years to evolve, where death is the key to the throne and where the Empress of the Sun has a plan to wipe out every other creature on her planet… and then take her conquest to Earth.

All she needs is Everett’s infundibulum…

Here is just a taste of the praise Ian’s Everness novels have received to-date…

‘This is vintage McDonald, with beautifully drawn settings, complex characters and deft plotting. When Everett Singh’s scientist father is kidnapped, Everett’s investigations lead him to discover that his father was working to open portals between multiple worlds. Everett finds a map linking the worlds, which various sinister organisations desire – and the thrilling chase is on.’  —  Guardian on PLANESRUNNER

‘Snappy, inventive language, lively characters and world-building on an epic scale.’  —  Sci-Fi Now on PLANESRUNNER

‘McDonald writes with scientific and literary sophistication, as well as a wicked sense of humor. Add nonstop action, eccentric characters, and expert universe building, and this first volume of the Everness series is a winner.’  —  Publishers Weekly on PLANESRUNNER

‘Ian McDonald has spent the past two decades blowing the lid off of science fiction with his poetic, dense, lavish novels that span the universe from Mars to Africa, from the future to the past, from Brazil to India to Turkey. Now McDonald has begun a second career as a young adult novelist with his Everness series… PLANESRUNNER is smashing adventure fiction that spans the multiverse without ever losing its cool or its sense of style. Ian McDonald is one of the greats of science fiction and his young adult debut is everything you could hope for: romantic, action-packed, wildly imaginative and full of heart.’  —  BoingBoing

‘Stuffed with science, this series has the potential to fascinate young readers as William Sleator’s books did, tackling concepts on the slippery edge of current understanding. Science causes danger, but it’s also the weapon that combats those terrors. Smart, clever and abundantly original, with suspense that grabs your eyeballs, this is real science fiction for all ages. More! More!’  —  Kirkus on BE MY ENEMY

‘If you loved PLANESRUNNER as much as I did, you won’t need my recommendation to pick up this sequel… a blast from start to finish. As far as I’m concerned, Ian McDonald could write another dozen or so of these Everness novels, and I’d happily read them all.’  — on BE MY ENEMY

Happy Release Day: Lavie Tidhar’s THE VIOLENT CENTURY


The wait is finally over! Lavie Tidhar‘s highly-anticipated new novel hits UK shelves today! THE VIOLENT CENTURY, a super-hero noir tale, is published by Hodder Books. The novel has been released simultaneously as an Audiobook, too, for those who prefer their fiction administered aurally.

Here’s the synopsis:

They’d never meant to be heroes.

For seventy years they guarded the British Empire. Oblivion and Fogg, inseparable friends, bound together by a shared fate. Until one night in Berlin, in the aftermath of the Second World War, and a secret that tore them apart. But there must always be an account… and the past has a habit of catching up to the present.

Now, recalled to the Retirement Bureau from which no one can retire, Fogg and Oblivion must face up to a past of terrible war and unacknowledged heroism, – a life of dusty corridors and secret rooms, of furtive meetings and blood-stained fields – to answer one last, impossible question: What makes a hero?

The book has received a great deal of advance praise from all over the book-o-sphere, too. Here are just a few of the choicest comments:

‘A brilliantly etched phantasmagoric reconfiguring of that most sizzling of eras – the twilight 20th…  This book has it all:  time travel, political intrigue, hellacious history…  You’ve got superheroes in the guise of regular humans, you’ve got World War II … THE VIOLENT CENTURY is a torrid tour de force!’  —  James Ellroy

‘An alternative history tour-de-force. Epic, intense and authentic. Lavie Tidhar reboots the 20th century with spies and superheroes battling for mastery – and the results are electric.’  —  Tom Harper, author of THE ORPHEUS DESCENT

‘[a] high stakes tale of friendship and what it ultimately means to truly be a hero… Tidhar has created a book that oozes excellence in both characterisation and storytelling.’  —  Huffington Post

‘… what you’d get if Cormac McCarthy wrote a mash-up of Watchmen and Casablanca. It’s a classic World War II film, cold-war spy thriller and superhero story all rolled into one tightly written package… an amazing book… I’d highly recommend this book to anyone.’  —  J For Jetpack

‘Tidhar brings us a tale of individuals wrestling with questions of their nature, told on a grand scale, on the stage of the historical shifts that exist in living memory, and he does an outstanding job of it, weaving together historical fact with stunningly deceptive world building… This is a dark, brooding book, one that you want to gnaw on, savour, slowly, and enjoy, but it has its light moments, too… He’s dealing with the grandest schemes on the largest of backdrops in time and place, and this level of awe-inspiring craft places him firmly within the highest tier of writers working today, no longer an emerging writer, but a master.’  —  British Fantasy Society

‘… an original, engrossing fusion of noir-ish super-heroes and gritty espionage thriller… Tidhar has written a fantastic novel… Definitely recommended.’  —  Civilian Reader

Happy Release Day, Jack Campbell – PERILOUS SHIELD


Today, the highly-anticipated next book in Jack Campbell‘s Lost Stars series hits shelves! PERILOUS SHIELD is the second book in the series, and is published by Titan Books. Here is the synopsis…

Following a successful coup, the leaders of the rebel Midway Star System struggle to forge a government free enough to please its citizens yet strong enough to secure power. But in a world where former rulers have become new foes, an alien threat to humanity may turn old adversaries into uncertain allies.

General Artur Drakon knows three words describe someone who confides in a Syndicate CEO: Stupid. Betrayed. Dead. Despite his misgivings, he partnered with another former CEO to overthrow Syndic forces. Now, with an enigma fleet menacing their hard-earned independence, he can ill afford to trust her—or lose her support.

President Gwen Iceni believes Midway is humanity’s defense against the enigmas. Syndicate training taught her self-preservation in a crisis, yet she’s determined to fight for the star system’s fate…even if it means joining forces with Drakon—and an officer of the hated Alliance.

Their plan places the Midway flotilla at great risk in hopes of greater reward: recruiting the personnel necessary to man warships against the enigmas. But before facing the alien advance, Drakon and Iceni must survive hidden dangers closer to home: all-too-human threats that could jeopardize Midway’s freedom…and their own lives.

PERILOUS SHIELD is the sequel to TARNISHED KNIGHT. The Lost Stars series is set in Campbell’s international best-selling Lost Fleet universe (also published by Titan in the UK).

Zeno represents Jack Campbell in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Happy Release Day, David Tallerman – PRINCE THIEF

Tallerman-ED3-PrinceThief-BlogToday, Angry Robot Books publishes PRINCE THIEF, the final book in David Tallerman‘s Easie Damasco trilogy. The series has been well-received, with Adrian Tchaikovsky describing it as ‘A fast-paced, witty and original fantasy, reminiscent of Scott Lynch and Fritz Leiber.’

Here is the synopsis…

Altapasaeda, capital of the Castoval, is under siege by its own King.

Far to the north, rebels have set a bastard prince up as a figurehead.

Yet again, Easie Damasco finds himself roped into a desperate scheme to preserve the Castoval, And kidnapping the Prince seemed like such a good idea at the time…

The Easie Damasco Series: GIANT THIEF, CROWN THIEF, and PRINCE THIEF. Here’s what critics have been saying…

‘Breathless pace… Damasco resembles a landlocked version of Jack Sparrow… The atypical backdrop, self-aware style and downplaying of magics bring to mind the contemporary fantasies of Scott Lynch and Joe Abercrombie.’  ––  SFX Magazine

‘David Tallerman’s first novel is a gripping yarn, one that is difficult to put down once started, and this reviewer is eagerly awaiting the next tale of Easie Damasco.’  —  Starburst Magazine on GIANT THIEF

‘Tallerman’s charming, devil-may-care hero has plenty of swashbuckling roguishness to carry him through the planned sequels.’  ––  Publishers Weekly

‘[Easie] Damasco is the kind of vivacious, irreverent character who will steal your affections, and any book with him in it is too short.’  ––  WarpCoreSF

[Translation Rights for the trilogy, excluding Germany, are available – please contact us for details.]

BROKEN HOMES on iTunes (and on shelves tomorrow!)

In the run up to the highly-anticipated release of Ben Aaronovitch‘s fourth Peter Grant thriller, BROKEN HOMES, iTunes have selected it for their ‘Great Crime Novels Set in London’ banner! Check it out…


 BROKEN HOMES is due to be published by Gollancz in the UK tomorrow!