New French Edition of DEUS IRAE Out Now!

A new French edition of DEUS IRAE is out today! The novel, co-authored by Roger Zelazny and Philip K. Dick, is published in France by Folio SF. Here’s the synopsis…

Après l’holocauste qui a mis fin à la Troisième Guerre mondiale, les rares survivants devenus méconnaissables à force de mutations sont l’enjeu d’une lutte sans merci entre deux Églises : celle du Bien et celle du Mal, qui vénère Deus irae, le Dieu de la Colère, celui qui a lâché sur le monde l’horreur atomique.

Chargé de réaliser un portrait de cette funeste divinité pour ranimer la foi de ses fidèles, Tibor McMasters, un peintre sans bras ni jambes, part à sa recherche à travers une Terre dévastée, en proie aux stigmates d’un monde devenu fou. Un monde où se dissipe la frontière entre l’humain et le divin…

First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

After World War III, the Servants of Wrath cult deified the mysterious Carlton Lufteufel, creator of the doomsday weapon that wiped out much of humanity. But to worship the man, they need an image of him as a god, and no one has ever seen him. So the high priests send a limbless master painter named Tibor McMasters into the wilderness on a mission to find Lufteufel and capture his likeness. Unfortunately for Tibor, the nation’s remaining Christians do not want him to succeed and are willing to kill to ensure that the so-called Deus Irae remains hidden.

This hallucinatory tale through a nuclear wasteland asks what price the artist must pay for art and tries to figure out just what makes a god.

DEUS IRAE is also available in Poland (Rebis) and Russia (Эксмо).

New Russian Edition of Roger Zelazny & Philip K. Dick’s DEUS IRAE!

We are very happy to report that there is a new Russian edition of Roger Zelazny & Philip K. Dick‘s classic novel DEUS IRAE! Published by Эксмо as Господь гнева, here’s the synopsis…

После Третьей мировой войны служители культа Господа Гнева обожествили таинственного Карлтона Люфтойфеля, создателя оружия Судного дня, уничтожившего большую часть человечества. Но для поклонения нужен божественный образ, а Люфтойфеля никто и никогда не видел. И тогда первосвященники отправляют художника Тибора Макмастерса в пустыню, чтобы найти Карлтона и запечатлеть на полотне. К несчастью для Тибора, оставшиеся в стране христиане не хотят, чтобы он преуспел в своей миссии, и готовы убивать, лишь бы лик так называемого Deus Irae по-прежнему оставался сокрытым. Галлюцинаторный квест в мире постъядерных пустошей поднимает вопрос о том, какую цену художник должен заплатить за искусство, и как именно создаются боги.

First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

After World War III, the Servants of Wrath cult deified the mysterious Carlton Lufteufel, creator of the doomsday weapon that wiped out much of humanity. But to worship the man, they need an image of him as a god, and no one has ever seen him. So the high priests send a limbless master painter named Tibor McMasters into the wilderness on a mission to find Lufteufel and capture his likeness. Unfortunately for Tibor, the nation’s remaining Christians do not want him to succeed and are willing to kill to ensure that the so-called Deus Irae remains hidden.

This hallucinatory tale through a nuclear wasteland asks what price the artist must pay for art and tries to figure out just what makes a god.