ICYMI: Roger Zelazny’s DILVISH, THE DAMNED is Available in Czechia!

We just wanted to take this opportunity to share that one of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels, DILVISH, THE DAMNED, has been re-issued in Czechia! Published by Straky na vrbě, as PROKLETÝ DILVISH, here’s the synopsis…

Na svém jak půlnoc černém oři se Proklatec Dilvish žene fantaskní krajinou.

Hledá pomstu a nalézají jej potíže všelikého zrna.

Nechce ublížit nikomu vyjma černého mága, jehož jméno není radno vyslovit: A přece se zaplétá do potyček, které nejsou jeho bojem, a svým ostřím si klestí cestu vpřed.

Příběhy rychlé jako Black s dialogy břitkými jak hrdinova čepel!

Klasická fantasy okořeněná humorem i téměř keltským smutkem.

DILVISH, THE DAMNED was first published in 1982. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Escaping from Hell was only the beginning for Dilvish and Black, his demonic metal horse. Finding Jerelak, the evil sorcerer who sent him to two hundred years of torture, was the only thing that interested him. But Fate had other plans.

The armies of Colonel Lylish attacked his homeland, and only Black could carry Dilvish through the enemy lines to warn the king. The city of Dilfar was under siege, and only Dilvish, descendant of Selar, could raise the ghostly legions of Shorendan and bring them to its aid.

Then a damsel in distress cried out for his help – but really wanted his blood! Twin sorcerers needed him as a pawn in a deadly game for power. An ancient forgotten goddess tried and failed to stop his quest for vengeance, while a werewolf almost succeeded.

Then, when Dilvish finally climbed to Jerelak’s stronghold in the tower of ice, he found nothing but greater perils separating him from his ancient enemy.

Straky na vrbě has published a few of Zelazny’s novels in Czechia — more details can be found here.