This Friday: #AskAgent Live Q&A with Kristina Pérez!

This Friday, Kristina Pérez will be taking part in an #AskAgent Live Q&A! Part of the Las Musas Webinar series, Kristina will be joined by Mayra Cuevas and together they will ‘share everything you need to know about literary agents’!

Th webinar — which will take place at noon EST (5pm GMT) will discuss the following topics (among any others that arise during the Q&A):

-What makes a project publishable?
-The role of an agent
-Query letters that work
-What should be in your synopsis
-Who should I query?
-How to approach agents via cold query emails and writers’ conferences.
-Agency representation agreements
-Your questions answered!

You need to register for the event, so be sure to do so ahead of time!