Ian R. MacLeod’s RED SNOW available in eBook!

Ian R. MacLeod‘s 2018 Locus Award-finalist RED SNOW is available more widely now as an eBook! Published through the JABberwocky eBook Program, the novel is now available from most eBook retailers. Here’s the synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

The novel was first published as a limited edition by PS Publishing (a few copies left), and has also been published in Poland by MAG. Here are just a couple of the reviews the novel has received so far…

‘… always manages to take us somewhere unexpected… by turns western adventure, Renaissance horror, political intrigue, dysfunctional family drama, and more.’ Locus

‘By turns horrifying and hauntingly beautiful, this epic vampire story is the stuff of real nightmares.’ Tim Powers

‘A rich, beautifully written, deftly plotted vampire novel’ — Goodreads

Zeno clients among the 2018 Locus Awards Finalists!

It’s that time of year again: the Locus Award Finalists have been announced! We’re very happy to report that a number of our clients and their work appear in the various categories. Here are the details…

Ian McDonald‘s LUNA: WOLF MOON is a finalist for Best Science Fiction Novel. Published by Tor Books in the US and Gollancz in the UK, here’s the synopsis…

A Dragon is dead.

Corta Helio, one of the five family corporations that rule the Moon, has fallen. Its riches are divided up among its many enemies, its survivors scattered. Eighteen months have passed .

The remaining Helio children, Lucasinho and Luna, are under the protection of the powerful Asamoahs, while Robson, still reeling from witnessing his parent’s violent deaths, is now a ward — virtually a hostage — of Mackenzie Metals. And the last appointed heir, Lucas, has vanished of the surface of the moon.

Only Lady Sun, dowager of Taiyang, suspects that Lucas Corta is not dead, and more to the point — that he is still a major player in the game. After all, Lucas always was the Schemer, and even in death, he would go to any lengths to take back everything and build a new Corta Helio, more powerful than before. But Corta Helio needs allies, and to find them, the fleeing son undertakes an audacious, impossible journey — to Earth.

In an unstable lunar environment, the shifting loyalties and political machinations of each family reach the zenith of their most fertile plots as outright war erupts.

Aliette de Bodard‘s THE HOUSE OF BINDING THORNS is among the finalists for Best Fantasy Novel. Published in the US by Roc Books and in the UK by Gollancz, here’s the synopsis…

Paris endures the aftermath of a devastating arcane war…

As the city rebuilds from the onslaught of sorcery that nearly destroyed it, the great Houses of Paris, ruled by Fallen angels, still contest one another for control over the capital.

House Silverspires was once the most powerful, but just as it sought to rise again, an ancient evil brought it low. Phillippe, an immortal who escaped the carnage, has a singular goal — to resurrect someone he lost. But the cost of such magic might be more than he can bear.

In House Hawthorn, Madeleine the alchemist has had her addiction to angel essence savagely broken. Struggling to live on, she is forced on a perilous diplomatic mission to the underwater dragon kingdom — and finds herself in the midst of intrigues that have already caused one previous emissary to mysteriously disappear…

As the Houses seek a peace more devastating than war, those caught between new fears and old hatreds must find strength — or fall prey to a magic that seeks to bind all to its will.

Aliette’s CHILDREN OF THORNS, CHILDREN OF WATER, a novelette set in the same Dominion of the Fallen series as the above novel, is also nominated for Best Novelette. You can read the story here.

Ian R. MacLeod‘s RED SNOW, published by PS Publishing, is a finalist for Best Horror Novel. Here’s the synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

Winners will be announced during the Locus Awards Weekend in Seattle WA, June 22-24, 2018.

A RED SNOW falls on Poland…

Ian R. MacLeod‘s latest novel, RED SNOW, is now available in Poland! Published by MAG as CZERWONY ŚNIEG, here’s the synopsis…

Na pobojowisku po ostatniej wielkiej bitwie Wojny Secesyjnej rozczarowany życiem unionista-lekarz natrafia na obrabiającą trupy dziwną postać i jego życie zmienia się na zawsze…

W Strasburgu, parę lat przed Rewolucją Francuską, konserwator obrazów dostaje zlecenie namalowania cyklu portretów pięknej kobiety w różnych fazach jej życia, choć sama kobieta najwyraźniej się nie starzeje…

W Nowym Jorku z czasów prohibicji młoda marksistka pojawia się nagle wśród elit, w dodatku podszywając się pod osobę, która nigdy nie istniała…

Czerwony śnieg to powieść o miłości i krwi, o ideach i snach, a wszystko wiąże w całość tajemnicze stworzenie wywiedzione z najmroczniejszych przedwiecznych ludzkich mitów, które cudem przetrwało do dzisiejszych czasów, wciąż rośnie i wciąż zabija…

RED SNOW is also published by PS Publishing. The novel has been described as ‘a rich, beautifully written, deftly plotted vampire novel’ on Goodreads, and Locus said the novel ‘always manages to take us somewhere unexpected… by turns western adventure, Renaissance horror, political intrigue, dysfunctional family drama, and more.’ Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

A RED SNOW falls next month in Poland…

Next month, MAG are due to publish Ian R. MacLeod‘s latest, ambitious novel, RED SNOW. A novel about an ancient evil that is somehow able to survive into the modern age, it is published in Polish as CZERWONY ŚNIEG. Here’s the synopsis…

Na pobojowisku po ostatniej wielkiej bitwie Wojny Secesyjnej rozczarowany życiem unionista-lekarz natrafia na obrabiającą trupy dziwną postać i jego życie zmienia się na zawsze…

W Strasburgu, parę lat przed Rewolucją Francuską, konserwator obrazów dostaje zlecenie namalowania cyklu portretów pięknej kobiety w różnych fazach jej życia, choć sama kobieta najwyraźniej się nie starzeje…

W Nowym Jorku z czasów prohibicji młoda marksistka pojawia się nagle wśród elit, w dodatku podszywając się pod osobę, która nigdy nie istniała…

Czerwony śnieg to powieść o miłości i krwi, o ideach i snach, a wszystko wiąże w całość tajemnicze stworzenie wywiedzione z najmroczniejszych przedwiecznych ludzkich mitów, które cudem przetrwało do dzisiejszych czasów, wciąż rośnie i wciąż zabija…

RED SNOW was first published by PS Publishing. MacLeod described it as ‘featur[ing] vampires, the Wild West, the French Revolution, the Wall Street Crash, and a fair amount of mysticism.’ Here’s the English-language synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

Tim Powers described the novel as, ‘By turns horrifying and hauntingly beautiful, this epic vampire story is the stuff of real nightmares.’

RED SNOW Trailer and Interview with Ian R. MacLeod!

Above you can watch the trailer for Ian R. MacLeod‘s latest novel, RED SNOW. Published by PS Publishing, here’s the synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

As a bonus, PS Publishing have shared this two-part interview with MacLeod, also about RED SNOW

Ian R. MacLeod’s RED SNOW is out now!

Ian R. MacLeod‘s highly-anticipated new novel, RED SNOW, is out now! Published as a limited edition by PS Publishing, here’s the synopsis…

In the aftermath of the last great battle of the American Civil War, a disillusioned Union medic stumbles across a strange figure picking amid the corpses, and his life is changed forever…

In the cathedral city of Strasbourg in the years before the French Revolution, a church restorer is commissioned to paint a series of portraits that chart the changing appearance of a beautiful woman over the course of her life, although the woman herself seems ageless…

In Prohibition-era New York, an idealistic young Marxist is catapulted into the realms of elite society, and forced to assume the identity of someone who never existed…

Red Snow is a novel of love and violence, ideas and dreams, and revolves around the mystery of a monster drawn from humanity’s darkest myths which still somehow survives, and thrives, and kills, in this modern age.

Here’s the eye-catching full cover wrap…

Ian R. MacLeod is the award-winning author of a number of science fiction and fantasy novels. In 2013, Open Road Media published seven of his novels in eBook:


Ian MacLeod‘s THE REPARATEUR OF STRASBOURG, now has a cover! The novella is due to be published by PS Publishing, and ties in with MacLeod’s upcoming full-length novel, RED SNOW. For those who just can’t wait for the novel, this promises to be a great way to whet your appetite and tide you over until the full-length book. Here’s the cover…


And the full, wrap-around cover:

Reparateur spread

Finally, here is the synopsis…

My name, Ezekiel, is Ariadne. And I have a commission to ask of you…

A beautiful woman arrives at dusk at the workshop of a reparateur, or restorer, of religious objects set high amid the rooftops of a great cathedral city. She wants him to paint her. But not as she is, or at least how she seems, but as she might appear many years into the future. So, against the looming backdrop of the French Revolution, a strange yet oddly touching relationship evolves.

THE REPARATEUR OF STRASBOURG twists history and the supernatural into a darkly beautiful tale of love and obsession, and takes the reader on the journey of one man’s life toward a tumultuous conclusion.

THE REPARATEUR OF STRASBOURG is due to be published in November 2013.