Two New Randall Garrett eBooks Out Now

Two new Randall Garrett eBooks are available now! Published by Gollancz’s SF Gateway: RETURN TO EDDARTA and THE SWEET LITTLE OLD LADY.

Garrett&Heydron-GC6-ReturnToEddarta2016-BlogRETURN TO EDDARTA, co-authored with Vicki Ann Heydron, is the sixth novel in the authors’ Gandalara Cycle fantasy series. Here’s the synopsis…

After a meteor explosion, Rikardon wakes in a new body-and in a strange desert land named Gandalara, where a sacred gem known as the Ra’ira grants its owner the power to rule-or to destroy…

Victory is sweet-but for Rikardon and Tarani, it is all too brief. Although they have retrieved the sword of the Kings from the lost city of Kä, a savage battle with the vineh mars their journey back to Raithskar. These ape-like creatures were once controlled through the power of the Ra’ira. Now they pose a threat both to the cat-like sha’um and humanoid Gandalarans.

To restore order, Rikardon and Tarani must travel to Eddarta, where Tarani can use the Ra’ira against the increasingly vicious vineh. First she must face her treacherous brother, Indomel, and convince the Council to name her High Lord in his place. Indomel will not take such betrayal lightly, but another danger is about to reveal itself-a sinister and ambitious traitor who has been hiding in plain sight all along.

Garrett&Janifer-ThatSweetLittleOldLadyUK-BlogTHE SWEET LITTLE OLD LADY, co-authored with Laurence M. Janifer, is the 1960 Hugo Award-nominated sci-fi comic novel. Here’s the synopsis…

Malone lives in a world where psionic powers such as telepathy and teleportation exist. He must cope with them as well as an FBI Director who leaves Malone continually confused about what situation he is being asked to handle and what he is expected to do about it.

That Sweet Little Old Lady finds Malone charged with investigating leaks in a secret government program. For assistance, he recruits a powerful psi from a mental institution who believes she is Queen Elizabeth I of England.

The problem is, she may be right.

You can find details about other novels by Randall Garrett published by Gollancz’s SF Gateway here, here and here. Gollancz have also published Garrett’s LORD DARCY.

Zeno represents Randall Garrett in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Out today: EARTH INVADER by Randall Garrett & New Covers


Today, Gollancz‘s SF Gateway release Randall Garrett‘s stand-alone novel EARTH INVADER. First published in 1963 as ANYTHING YOU CAN DO, here is the synopsis…

The world was gripped in terror when the Nipe, a lethal, alien fighting machine, crashlanded on Earth from outer space and began a nightmarish rampage of slaughter and destruction.

Unable to stop the deadly, intelligent creature, scientists quickly developed a plan to turn an ordinary Earthman into a super-human with powers enough to conquer the monster. As the man chosen for the dangerous mission, Bart Stanton was not sure he wanted to give up his humanity.

The Nipe seized the Earth’s most vital defense secrets and Bart felt he had no choice but to go through with the plan. Then the Nipe mysteriously disappeared — and the only man who could locate the thing was also the only man who could destroy Bart.

The world tottered as the three came face to face…


We can also share with you the new covers (above) for Garrett’s Gandalara Cycle, which Garrett co-wrote with Vicki Ann Heydron, and is due to be published in December 2015 by SF Gateway. Here’s the synopsis for the first novel in the series, THE STEEL OF RAITHSKAR

The last thing terminally ill language professor Ricardo Carillo remembers is standing on the deck of a Mediterranean cruise ship, watching a giant fireball hurtle toward him. He awakens in the body of a young Gandalaran named Markasset, sharing a telepathic bond with a giant, intelligent feline named Keeshah.

Ricardo faces two challenges: navigating this unfamiliar desert world, and learning about his new identity and mission. Markasset turns out to be a talented swordsman with a powerful father, Thanasset, who’s a Supervisor in the city of Raithskar. But Markasset’s own reputation is more dubious. He has gambling debts and a shadowy past—and he’s suspected of stealing a sacred gem, the Ra’ira, that was under his father’s protection.

With few allies except a beautiful fiancée and the loyal Keeshah, Ricardo is determined to piece together what really happened to the Ra’ira. The truth will either prove his innocence — or endanger the new life he has only just begun.

The Gandalara Cycle also includes THE GLASS OF DYSKORNIS, THE BRONZE OF EDDARTA, THE WELL OF DARKNESS, THE SEARCH FOR KA, THE RETURN TO EDDARTA and THE RIVER WELL. The series was first published between 1981-86.

SF Gateway will publish a few more of Garrett’s novels, soon. We’ll share details here as soon as we have them. Last year, Gollancz published Garrett’s LORD DARCY as part of their Fantasy Masterworks series.

Zeno represents Randall Garrett in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.