New Serbian omnibus for Chronicles of Amber out now

Laguna has published a third Chronicles of Amber collection: HRONIKE AMBERA — TOM III includes the sixth, seventh, and eighth novels in Roger Zelazny‘s classic fantasy series: TRUMPS OF DOOM, BLOOD OF AMBER, and SIGN OF CHAOS. Here’s the synopsis…

Šestostruki dobitnik nagrade Hugo i trostruki dobitnik Nebule.

Serijal Hronike Ambera je klasik fantastike; sastoji se od deset delova, objavljivanih između 1970. i 1991. U ovom tomu sadržani su šesti roman, Aduti propasti, sedmi, Krv Ambera, i osmi, Obeležje Haosa. Ovim počinje drugo petoknjižje, serijal o Merlinu.

Merlin, sin Korvina od Ambera i Dare od Haosa, pokušao je da na Zemlji u Senkama živi normalnim životom – daleko od zavera, vendeta i spletki koje rastržu obe njegove porodice. I išlo mu je sasvim pristojno – ako se izuzme svaki trideseti april. Jer na taj dan, već osam godina, neko – ili nešto – pokušava da ubije Merlina. Pucnjevi iz puške. Požari. Saobraćajne nezgode. Tajanstveno odvrnuti ventili za gas. Došlo je vreme da se Merlin vrati svom stvarnom životu u jedinom stvarnom svetu – Amberu, ali ne pre nego što otkrije ko ga je to uzeo na zub i zašto.

The first five novels in the series have also been published by Laguna, in two omnibus editions…

The novels were first published between 1985-87. Here’s the English-language synopsis for TRUMPS OF DOOM

Merle Corey is a brilliant young computer designer in San Francisco, but, he is also Merlin, son of Corwin, vanished prince of Amber, and heir to his father’s wondrous powers. And, someone is determined to kill him. Now he will begin a desperate race through Shadow, not only to escape the mysterious force that threatens his life, but to protect the deadly secret that could destroy both his worlds.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in Translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.

Second CHRONICLES OF AMBER Omnibus available in Serbia

Laguna recently published a second Chronicles of Amber omnibus, collecting books 3-5: SIGN OF THE UNICORN, THE HAND OF OBERON and THE COURTS OF CHAOS — originally published in 1975, 1976 and 1978, respectively.

Roger Zelazny‘s classic series is published as Hronike Ambera in Serbia. The three novels included in this collection are published as ZNAK JEDNOROGAOBERONOVA RUKADVOROVI HAOSA. You can read a sample, here. Here’s the synopsis…

Šestostruki dobitnik nagrade Hugo i trostruki dobitnik nagrade Nebula.

Serijal Hronike Ambera je klasik fantastike; sastoji se od deset delova, objavljivanih između 1970. i 1991. U ovom tomu sadržani su treći roman, Znak jednoroga, četvrti, Oberonova ruka, i peti, Dvorovi Haosa. Ovim se završava serijal o Korvinu.

Ko vlada Amberom, vlada jedinim stvarnim svetom.

Kralj Oberon je nestao, Erik je mrtav, a opasnosti s crnog puta i dalje ugrožavaju savršeno kraljevstvo Amber. Korvin, koji privremeno prihvata ulogu vođe, traga za uzrokom nedaća u Amberu i u isto vreme pokušava da reši zagonetku sopstvene automobilske nesreće na Zemlji u Senkama. Uprkos brojnim spletkama i zaverama koje izbijaju na videlo, članovi kraljevske porodice moraju da postignu bar nekakvu slogu ne bi li otkrili šta se događa i je li neko među njima izdajnik. U potrazi za rešenjima, na putu su da spoznaju istinsku prirodu Ambera i njegovih neprijatelja.

Here’s the English-language synopsis for SIGN OF THE UNICORN

He who rules Amber rules the one true world. He who thwarts Amber invites the wrath of Amber betrayed.

An unseen enemy of immense strength has seized a Prince of the Blood, and now threatens the perfect kingdom by striking at the very core of its power — the secret knowledge of Shadow.

When Corwin summons forces to defend the throne, he finds himself challenged by royal conspirators, hideous demons, supernatural patterns and the ominous unknown that suddenly transcends all he ever suspected about the true nature of Amber.

Laguna has also published the first two novels in an omnibus edition.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.