Roger Zelazny’s Changeling Saga Available in Russia!

The first two books in Roger Zelazny‘s Changeling Saga are now available in Russia! CHANGELING and MADWAND are published by fanzon/Эксмо as an omnibus, Подменыш. Дикая магия, here’s the synopsis…

Номинант на премию «Локус».

Два рассказа о взрослении сына Темного Властелина, перенесенного на Землю и не подозревающего о своем происхождении.

Кто такой Пол Детсон? Он подменыш, сын поверженного злого колдуна лорда Дета, отправленный на Землю, дабы избежать гибели. Здесь, в мире, где волшебство лишь легенды, юноша живет под именем Дэниела Чейна, гитариста, играющего по ночным клубам и обладающего странной энергией, которую сам не может понять. Но именно эти способности вскоре определят его судьбу в страшном поединке… в мире, о котором он пока ничего не знает.

Прошли годы, и Пол Детсон, сын темного лорда из Рондоваля, вернулся домой. Теперь он могущественный колдун с непревзойденными природными способностями, в мире, где сила магии — единственное, что имеет значение. Но Пол еще не до конца раскрыл свой талант, он остается, что называется, «Диким Жезлом». Чтобы обрести контроль над своими способностями и унаследовать отцовские власть и положение, он должен пройти тяжелое обучение и быть посвященным в колдовские обряды. Из друзей у Пола есть только один дракон и один вор. Враги — самые могущественные маги страны. И как минимум один из них очень хочет его смерти.

First published in 1980, Changeling was nominated for the Locus Award. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

The people had long suffered under Det Morson’s power. When at last, the wizard Mor joined the fight, Det & his infamous Rondoval castle were destroyed. But the victory wasn’t complete, for the conquerors found a baby amidst the rubble: Det’s son, Pol. Unwilling to kill the child, Mor took him to a parallel world where technology ruled & the ways of magic were considered mere legends. He substituted Pol for a baby of the same age, using a spell to persuade the parents to recognize him as their own. In order to retain the balance between the worlds, Mor took the baby from the other world & brought it back to his own, leaving it with a local artisan, Marak.

Out Now: New Audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny’s NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER

Today, W. F. Howes re-issues the audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed A NIGHT IN THE LONESOME OCTOBER! Read by Matt Godfrey, here’s the synopsis…

All is not what it seems…

In the murky London gloom, a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack prowls the midnight streets with his faithful watchdog Snuff – gathering together the grisly ingredients they will need for an ancient and unearthly rite. For soon after the death of the moon, black magic will summon the Elder Gods back into the world. And all manner of Players, both human and undead, are preparing to participate.

Some have come to open the gates. Some have come to slam them shut. And now the dread night approaches – so let the Game begin.

The novel is available in an ever-growing number of translated editions all over the world (check out Zelazny’s author page for details); it is available in the UK, published by Farrago Books.

Out Now: New Audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny’s CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS

We’re very happy to report that W.F. Howes has published a new audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed classic, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS! Read by Matt Godfrey (who has worked on a number of other Zelazny audiobooks), here’s the synopsis…

In the House of the Dead he has been given a name. That name is Wakim, but Wakim knows that this name is not his true name not the name that he carried with him in life. Wakim has been commanded by his master Anubus to find and destroy The Prince Who Was A Thousand. Wakim leaves the House of the Dead intent on carrying out his mission to destroy The Prince Who Was A Thousand, but he has a second personal mission… to find his true name. And if he does Wakim cannot even imagine how that will change everything…

W. F. Howes has published a number of Zelazny’s classic science fiction and fantasy novels as audiobooks, with more on the way! We’ll share information as and when we have it.

New Zelazny Omnibus Available in Poland!

We’re very happy to report that there is a new Roger Zelazny omnibus available in Poland! NIEŚMIERTELNY / ISTOTY ŚWIATŁA I MROKU / WYSPA UMARŁYCH / OKO KOTA is published by Wydawnictwo, as part of their Artefakty series. The omnibus includes the acclaimed classic novels THIS IMMORTAL, CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS, ISLE OF THE DEAD, and EYE OF CAT, and was translated by Piotr W. Cholewa. Here’s the synopsis…


Termin wysyłki widoczny jest powyżej w pozycji: WYSYŁKA W: … DNI ROBOCZYCH oraz w koszyku i w potwierdzeniu zamówienia wysłanym e-mailem.

Na stronie sklepu widoczny jest zawsze termin wysyłki aktualnie składanych zamówień. Zamówienia są realizowane w kolejności złożenia pod warunkiem terminowej wpłaty.

Roger Zelazny, był jednym z najbardziej wpływowych pisarzy fantastycznych naszych czasów. Z równą swobodą przemierzającym bezdroża niezwykłych światów fantasy, jak rozrzucone w głębi kosmosu niezliczone uniwersa odległej przyszłości. Często eksperymentując z formą zyskał miano jednego z najważniejszych i najbardziej wszechstronnych autorów Nowej Fali. Zdobył wiele nagród, w tym sześć nagród Hugo, trzy nagrody Nebula i dwie nagrody Locus. 

Niniejszy zbiór powieści, ukazuje wielką fascynację Zelaznego mitami oraz religią. Od wierzeń Indian z plemienia Navajo, poprzez inspiracje mitologią grecką, a skończywszy na niezwykłej wizji odległej przyszłości, zaludnionej przez byty zainspirowanej wierzeniami Egipcjan.

THIS IMMORTAL is Zelazny’s Hugo, Geffen, and Seiun awards-winning debut novel, and was first published in 1966.

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes-especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

CREATURES OF LIGHT AND DARKNESS was first published in 1969.

In the House of the Dead he has been given a name. That name is Wakim, but Wakim knows that this name is not his true name not the name that he carried with him in life. Wakim has been commanded by his master Anubus to find and destroy The Prince Who Was A Thousand. Wakim leaves the House of the Dead intent on carrying out his mission to destroy The Prince Who Was A Thousand, but he has a second personal mission… to find his true name. And if he does Wakim cannot even imagine how that will change everything…

ISLE OF THE DEAD was first published in 1969, and is the first novel featuring Francis Sandow. It was nominated for a Nebula Award, and won the Prix Apollo.

Centuries in the future, Francis Sandow is the only man alive who was born as long ago as the 20th century. His body is kept young and in perfect health by advanced scientific methods; he has amassed such a fortune that he can own entire planets; and he has become a god. No, not a god of Earth, but one of the panetheon of the alien Pei’ans: he is Shimbo of Darktree, Shrugger of Thunders. Yet he doesn’t believe that his personality has merged with the ancient consciousness of Shimbo, that he really can call down the skies upon his enemies.

The time comes, however, when Francis Sandow must use these powers against the most dangerous antagonist in the universe: another Pei’an god — Shimbo’s own enemy, Belion. And Belion has no doubt whatever of his own powers…

EYE OF CAT was first published in 1982.

William Blackhorse Singer, the last Navajo on a future Earth, is called upon to aid in protecting an alien diplomat from a powerful and hostile member of his own species. With the aid of a shape-shifting alien known as “Cat,” he carries out the mission, with one condition: when the mission is over, Cat wants a return bout with the man who captured him, a chase with Singer as the hunted instead of the hunter…

A number of Roger Zelazny’s classic novels have recently been published as new audiobooks, via Tantor.

New Italian Edition of DEUS IRAE Out Now!

DEUS IRAE, the acclaimed collaboration between Roger Zelazny and Philip K. Dick, is now available in a new Italian edition! Published by Mondadori’s Oscar imprint, it was translated by Simona Fefè. Here’s the synopsis…

Dopo la terza guerra mondiale tra i pochi sopravvissuti alla catastrofe nucleare, flagellati da terribili mutazioni, prende piede una nuova potente confessione religiosa, devota al “Dio dell’Ira”: la sua incarnazione – sostengono gli adepti – è Carleton Lufteufel, l’uomo che ha scatenato l’orrore atomico. Tibor McMasters, artista focomelico, viene incaricato di realizzare un grande affresco che raffiguri la nuova divinità. Per farlo, si imbarca in un lungo viaggio alla sua ricerca, attraverso una terra avvelenata, popolata di creature bizzarre, fanatici religiosi e macchine psicotiche. Frutto della collaborazione tra due maestri della narrativa fantascientifica, Deus Irae (1976) è un romanzo eccentrico e visionario, elaborato per oltre un decennio, che mette assieme Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie e Don Chisciotte, i road movie, la ricerca del Graal e il racconto biblico, in una sorta di allucinata parodia dell’America del Dopoguerra dalle inquietanti prospettive teologiche, che tenta di rispondere alla domanda di sempre: che cosa ci rende umani?

First published in 1976, here’s the English-language synopsis…

An artist searches for God so he can paint his portrait in Philip K. Dick’s collaboration with Roger Zelazny.

After World War III, the Servants of Wrath cult deified the mysterious Carlton Lufteufel, creator of the doomsday weapon that wiped out much of humanity. But to worship the man, they need an image of him as a god, and no one has ever seen him. So the high priests send a limbless master painter named Tibor McMasters into the wilderness on a mission to find Lufteufel and capture his likeness. Unfortunately for Tibor, the nation’s remaining Christians do not want him to succeed and are willing to kill to ensure that the so-called Deus Irae remains hidden. This hallucinatory tale through a nuclear wasteland asks what price the artist must pay for art and tries to figure out just what makes a god.

Next CHRONICLES OF AMBER Russian Omnibus Out now!

Fanzon/Эксмо continues its extensive publishing plan for Roger Zelazny‘s classic Chronicles of Amber series! A new omnibus, collecting SIGN OF THE UNICORN and THE HAND OF OBERON (books 3 and 4) is out now! Published as Знак Единорога. Рука Оберона, here’s the synopsis…

Номинация на «Мифопоэтическую премию» и премию «Великое кольцо».

Третий и четвертый романы цикла «Хроники Амбера» — грандиозной саги мастера фэнтези Роджера Желязны.

«Знак Единорога»

Враг отступил от стен Амбера, но на Черной Дороге все еще неспокойно. Кто-то убивает Каина. Корвин, которого обвинили в преступлении, замечает связь между убийством и исчезновением Бранда. Захватив власть, Корвин пытается справиться с бременем лидерства. Столкнувшись со зловещими последствиями предательства братьев и сестер, он отправляется на поиски истины, но находит лишь зловещее предсказание, которое предвещает ему скорую гибель.

«Рука Оберона»

По таинственной Черной Дороге демоны приходят из Теневых миров. Древний тайный источник могущества королевской семьи раскрыт, а нечестивый договор между принцем-чернокнижником и силами Хаоса грозит всем известным мирам абсолютным уничтожением. Час битвы близок. Теперь Корвин и остальные принцы и принцессы Амбера должны призвать на помощь все свои сверхчеловеческие силы, чтобы победить предателя, прежде чем он сможет переделать Вселенную по своему образу и подобию.

The first two novels in the series — Девять принцев Амбера (NINE PRINCES IN AMBER) and Ружья Авалона (GUNS OF AVALON) — are also available in a two-book collection, published by fanzon/Эксмо.

The Chronicles of Amber novels are published in the UK as part of Gollancz’s SF Masterworks series, collected into two omnibuses. Here’s the synopsis for the first collection…

Amber is the one real world, casting infinite reflections of itself – Shadow worlds, that can be manipulated by those of royal Amberite blood. But the royal family is torn apart by jealousies and suspicion; the disappearance of the Patriarch Oberon has intensified the internal conflict by leaving the throne apparently up for grabs.

In a hospital on the Shadow Earth, a young man is recovering from a freak car accident; amnesia has robbed him of all his memory, even the fact that he is Corwin, Crown Prince of Amber, rightful heir to the throne – and he is in deadly peril…

The five books, Nine Princes in Amber, The Guns of Avalon, Sign of the Unicorn, The Hand of Oberon and The Courts of Chaos, together make up The Chronicles of Amber, Roger Zelazny’s finest work of fantasy and an undisputed classic of the genre.


Today, Tantor Media publishes a new audiobook edition of TODAY WE CHOOSE FACES — one of Roger Zelazny‘s classic science fiction novels. Read by Andrew J. Andersen, here’s the synopsis…

Organized crime magnate, Angelo Di Negri, is a man out of time and place. He’d been gunned down more than a century ago. But through the wonders of cryogenic storage his body had been preserved until such a time as his “family” had need of him and he could be safely revived. That time had arrived. But Angela discovered that not everything was as it seemed and that the fate of mankind would be determined by his success or by his failure.

Tantor has published ten of Zelazny’s other novels as audiobooks…

New Zelazny Omnibus Available in Russia

Two more of Roger Zelazny‘s classic novels — THIS IMMORTAL and DAMNATION ALLEY — are now available in a new Russian omnibus edition! Этот бессмертный. Долина проклятий is published by Эксмо/fanzon. Here’s the synopsis…

«Этот бессмертный»

Мир после Третьей мировой войны. Города разрушены, а в радиоактивных пустошах обитают мутанты. Люди почти полностью эмигрировали на другие планеты, и Земля стала модным туристическим центром для богачей из других уголков Вселенной. Конрад Номикос, комиссар по делам культуры и человек с таинственным прошлым, вынужден быть гидом у инопланетного вельможи в его путешествии, результат которого, возможно, спасет или уничтожит планету.

«Долина проклятий»

Черт Таннер — не из тех, кого можно принять за героя: он автоугонщик, контрабандист и хладнокровный убийца. Вы также никогда не подумаете, что Черт Таннер гуманист. За различные преступления ему грозит пожизненное заключение, и он поставлен перед выбором: провести оставшиеся годы в крошечной тюремной камере или проехать через всю страну и доставить в Бостон контейнер с вакциной… если, конечно, там еще кто-то остался в живых. Но не принимайте эту миссию милосердия за обычное дорожное путешествие — не сейчас, когда на каждой смертоносной миле между Лос-Анджелесом и Восточным побережьем вас ждут радиоактивные бури, стаи хищных мутантов и банды рейдеров. Это уже не Америка. Это долина проклятий.

First published in 1966, THIS IMMORTAL was Zelazny’s debut novel, and won the Hugo Award. It is available as an audiobook, published by Tantor Media, and read by Peter Berkrot. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Conrad Nomikos has a long, rich personal history that he’d rather not talk about. And, as Arts Commissioner, he’s been given a job he’d rather not do. Escorting an alien grandee on a guided tour of the shattered remains of Earth is not something he relishes — especially when it is apparent that this places him at the center of high-level intrigue that has some bearing on the future of Earth itself!

DAMNATION ALLEY was first published in 1968, and is also available as an audiobook via Tantor Media, read by Paul Bellantoni. Here’s the synopsis…

Hell Tanner isn’t the sort of guy you’d mistake for a hero: he’s a fast-driving car thief, a smuggler, and a stone-cold killer. Facing life in prison for his various crimes, he’s given a choice: Rot away his remaining years in a tiny jail cell or drive cross-country and deliver a case of antiserum to the plague-ridden people of Boston, Massachusetts. The chance of a full pardon does wonders for getting his attention. And don’t mistake this mission of mercy for any kind of normal road trip-not when there are radioactive storms, hordes of carnivorous beasts, and giant, mutated scorpions to be found along every deadly mile between Los Angeles and the East Coast. But then, this is no normal part of America, you see. This is Damnation Alley…

Roger Zelazny’s PRINCE OF CHAOS Out Now in Turkey!

PRINCE OF CHAOS, the tenth and final volume in Roger Zelazny‘s acclaimed, classic Chronicles of Amber, is now available in Turkey! Published by İthaki Yayınları, as KAOS PRENSİ, it was translated by Niran Elçi. Here’s the synopsis…


İhanetler, hileler, suikast girişimleri ve kanlı aile entrikaları Merlin’i, nam-ı diğer Merle Corey’yi Kaos Sarayları’na taşır. Kaos Kralı Swayvill’in ölümü üzerine, kendini beklenmedik bir şekilde Kara Gözlem altında bulur. Annesi Dara ve dayısı Mandor tarafından tasarlanan bir dizi geleneksel ölümcül “kaza” sayesinde tahtın üçüncü sıradaki vârisidir.

Gerçi Merlin’in bu konuda şüpheleri vardır, ancak sorularını dillendirmekten fazlasını yapamadan, Amber’deki Desen ile Kaos’taki Logrus arasındaki tüm çoklu evreni yok edebilecek mücadeleye bir kez daha kapılır.

Merlin’in nihai hükümdarlığa giden yolculuğu kolay olmayacaktır. Zira karanlık büyüler hâlâ onu beklemektedir. Amber ve Kaos arasında susturulması gereken ölümcül bir anlaşmazlık vardır. Ve uzun zamandır öldüğüne inanılan babasının, tutsak edildiği büyüden kurtarılması şarttır.

Çubuklu, Hayaletçark ve aklıyla donanmış olsa bile, Merlin’in hayatta kalması için bir mucize gerekecektir.

Amber Yıllıkları’nın onuncu kitabı Kaos Prensi, tüm zamanların en muhteşem fantastik serilerinden birine destansı bir son getiriyor!

This means that all ten of the novels in the series are now available in Turkey. Here are all of the covers, together…

PRINCE OF CHAOS is available in the UK, as part of THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus (books 6-10), published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the synopsis for that collection…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning Trumps of Doom, the Locus nominated Blood of Amber and Sign of Chaos, and the final two novels Knight of Shadows and Prince of Chaos, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

Out Now: New Audiobook edition of Roger Zelazny’s EYE OF CAT

Today, Tantor Media publishes a new audiobook edition of EYE OF CAT by Roger Zelazny. The novel is read by Jason Grasl. Here’s the synopsis…

William Blackhorse Singer, the last Navajo on a future Earth, is called upon to aid in protecting an alien diplomat from a powerful and hostile member of his own species. With the aid of a shape-shifting alien known as “Cat,” he carries out the mission, with one condition: when the mission is over, Cat wants a return bout with the man who captured him, a chase with Singer as the hunted instead of the hunter…

Eye of Cat takes a twist on the hunter turned hunted. William Blackhorse Singer is hired to protect an alien diplomat, then enlists the assistance of a shapeshifter he captured years earlier. The creature will only help on the condition that it gets a chance to try to trap Singer once the mission is completed.

Tantor has published nine other Zelazny audiobooks, to date.

Roger Zelazny’s KNIGHT OF SHADOWS Available in Turkey!

In case you missed it, the Turkish edition of KNIGHT OF SHADOWS is out now! Published by İthaki Yayınları, it’s the ninth novel in Roger Zelazny‘s classic, beloved Chronicles of Amber series (Amber Yıllıkları in Turkish). GÖLGELERİN ŞÖVALYESİ was translated by Niran Elçi. Here’s the synopsis…


Merlin sonunda en güçlü düşmanı Maske’yle yüzleşir ve onun kimliğini öğrendiğinde şoke olur. Ortaya çıkan bu gerçek bile, Düzen ve Kaos güçleri karşısında arka planda kalmak zorundadır. Zira bu güçler, karışık soydan gelen bir ölümsüz olan Merlin’in hangi tarafta yer alacağını seçme zamanının geldiğine karar verecektir. Logrus ve Amber Deseni arasındaki bu güç mücadelesi, tüm Gölge’yi parçalarına ayırmakla tehdit etmektedir.

Amber Yıllıkları’nın dokuzuncu kitabı Gölgelerin Şövalyesi’nde, Melvin Corey babası Corwin’i aramayı sürdürürken, kimi zaman ölüm saçan büyücü ailesi ve onların alternatif dünyalarının hikâyesinde, ittifak yapmak için Amber Deseni ya da Kaos Logrusu arasında bir seçim yapmak zorundadır.

The first eight novels in the Chronicles of Amber are, of course, also available from İthaki Yayınları.

KNIGHT OF SHADOWS is available in the UK as part of the SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER omnibus, published by Gollancz as part of their SF Masterworks series — all ten novels in the series are available, split into two omnibus editions. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the omnibus…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning Trumps of Doom, the Locus nominated Blood of Amber and Sign of Chaos, and the final two novels Knight of Shadows and Prince of Chaos, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

New Audiobook Edition of Roger Zelazny’s JACK OF SHADOWS Out Now!

Today, Tantor Media publishes the new audiobook edition of JACK OF SHADOWS by Roger Zelazny! It’s the latest in a slew of new audiobook editions from Roger Zelazny’s extensive, acclaimed backlist. (With more on the way!) JACK OF SHADOWS includes an introduction by Joe Haldeman, and is read by Eric Jason Martin. Here’s the synopsis…

In a world half of light, half of darkness, where science and magic strive for dominance, there dwells a magical being who is friendly with neither side. Jack, of the realm of shadows, is a thief who is unjustly punished. So he embarks on a vendetta. He wanders through strange realms, encountering witches, vampires, and, finally, his worst enemy: the Lord of Bats. He consults his friend Morningstar, a great dark angel. He is pursued by a monstrous creature called the Borshin. But to reveal any more would be to spoil some of the mind-boggling surprises Jack of Shadows has in store.

First published in 1971and long out-of-print, Jack of Shadows is one of fantasy master Roger Zelazny’s most profound and mysterious books.

Roger Zelazny’s SIGN OF CHAOS available in Turkey!

Roger Zelazny‘s SIGN OF CHAOS, the eighth novel in the classic Chronicles of Amber series, is now available in Turkey! Published by İthaki Yayınları as KAOS İMGESİ, it was translated by Niran Elçi. Here’s the synopsis…


Amber Kanı’nın heyecan dolu sonunun ardından Merlin, Çılgın Şapkacı’nın kokteyl servis ettiği ve kendini Sırıtan Kedi’yle içki içerken bulduğu, gerçeküstü Alice Harikalar Diyarında benzeri bir barda mahsur kalır. Bunun normal olmadığını hissetmekten kendini alamaz. Jabberwock ortaya çıktığında, Luke’un uyuşturucudan esinlenen halüsinasyonuna yakalandığını anlayacak kadar aklı başına gelir.

Var olan en güçlü, büyülü ve öldürücü yaratıklardan biri olan Ateş Meleği, Merlin’i öldürmek için geldiğindeyse, bir an önce bir şeyler yapması gerektiğini, yoksa hem kendisinin hem de Luke’un sonunun geleceğini anlar. Jabberwock, Ateş Meleği ile savaşında beklenmedik bir müttefik olur. Kaçmayı başaran Merlin yeni aile üyeleriyle tanışır, içlerinden biriyse onu öldürmeye niyetlidir.

First published in 1987, the novel is available in THE SECOND CHRONICLES OF AMBER, published by Gollancz as part of the SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Merlin is a Prince of Chaos and Amber, Corwin’s son and heir. He has grown up knowing that his legacy is to one day follow in his father’s footsteps, live up to his father’s legend.

When Corwin goes missing, that day comes far sooner than he could ever have expected. Merlin must find his own identity as the ruler of the worlds, and discover what kind of King he wants to be. Will he be a warrior like his father, or embrace his own path as a hacker-magician?

A generation after Corwin’s rise to the throne, Merlin is aided by powers beyond anything Corwin could have imagined. The epic magic from The Chronicles of Amber is wielded alongside sentient computers, a vorpal sword, and the ghosts of those who came before.

Featuring the Locus award-winning Trumps of Doom, the Locus nominated Blood of Amber and Sign of Chaos, and the final two novels Knight of Shadows and Prince of Chaos, the Second Chronicles of Amber continues the epic story of Amber and the Shadow worlds.

Estonian Edition of Zelazny’s LORD DEMON Out now!

There’s a new, Estonian edition of LORD DEMON by Roger Zelazny and Jane Lindskold! Published by Kirjastus Fantaasia, as LORD DEEMON, it was translated by Henrik Habicht. The cover is by Liis Roden. Here’s the synopsis…

Kai Wren, kunagisest jumalatega peetud sõjast tuntud ka kui Lord Deemon, meisterdab pudeleid. Need on erilised pudelid, mille sisse mahub terve maailm, ja paljud deemonid elavadki sellistes pudelites. Ta on üsna rahumeelne tegelane päevani, kui sajandeid tema teenistuses olnud abiline tapetakse ja ta hakkab uurima, kes seda tegi ja miks. Avastused viivad uue suure jumalatevastase sõja ettevalmistusteni ja ka kõige lähemad sõbrad võivad reeturiteks osutuda.

First published in 1999, here’s the English-language synopsis…

The great wars between gods and demons began five millennia ago–and ended with the demons’ crushing defeat and banishment from their homeland. The demon race would have surely perished in the empty dimension of their exile had they not found a secret conduit to a safe and hidden plane…called Earth.

Greatest among the demons was Kai Wren–the Godslayer and Lord Demon–a master swordsman, dreamer, and glassblower who can contain entire universes in bottles of his creation; a legendary warrior who once, long ago, singlehandedly destroyed a god. But now, Kai Wren must seek vengeance for the murder of his devoted human servant, and he fears that this one death heralds the crumbling of a peace that has reigned for a thousand years.

Forced into a series of uncomfortable alliances, Kai Wren strives to preserve the Demon Realms. But his heart has become his fatal weakness, growing soft during years of peace. He has given trust where trust should not be given, only to discover that among his closest companions are those who will betray him–even destroy him–unless he can regain that which once made him LORD DEMON.


New LORD OF LIGHT / CREATURES OF LIGHT & DARKNESS Omnibus out now in Russia!

Fanzon/Эксмо has published another Roger Zelazny omnibus! This special, edition collects LORD OF LIGHT and CREATURES OF LIGHT & DARKNESS, with illustrations by Hekkil. Published as Князь Света. Порождения Света и Тьмы (иллюстрации Hekkil), here’s the synopsis…

Два знаменитых романа Роджера Желязны. Шедевры «новой волны» научной фантастики, полные поэзии и глубокого уважения к мифологии.

Подарочное издание с дополнительными материалами полностью проиллюстрировано талантливой художницей Hekkil.

«Князь Света»

Мир, в котором власть безраздельно принадлежит бессмертным и всемогущим божествам индуистского пантеона: Шиве, Ганеше, Кали и другим. Все люди, от нищего рыбака и йога-отшельника до царственного махараджи, поклоняются, молятся и служат им. Но есть тот, кто готов подарить людям свободу. Сейчас он Просветленный, но когда-то, во времена войн с демонами, его звали Лорд Калкин, Князь Света или просто Сэм…

«Порождения Света и Тьмы»

Два бога, два Дома, один квест, и вечная борьба между жизнью и смертью. Но когда появляется угроза, которая может погубить все миры, Анубису, Повелителю Мертвых, и Осирису из Дома Жизни придется отбросить вражду, ведь иначе Вселенная может быть уничтожена.

LORD OF LIGHT won the Hugo Award for Best Novel (1968), and was nominated for the Nebula Award. It is published in the UK by Gollancz, as part of their SF Masterworks series. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Imagine a distant world where gods walk as men, but wield vast and hidden powers. Here they have made the stage on which they build a subtle pattern of alliance, love, and deadly enmity. Are they truly immortal? Who are these gods who rule the destiny of a teeming world?

Their names include Brahma, Kali, Krishna and also he who was called Buddha, the Lord of Light, but who now prefers to be known simply as Sam. The gradual unfolding of the story – how the colonization of another planet became a re-enactment of Eastern mythology – is one of the great imaginative feats of modern science fiction.