Sarah Ash eBooks

Sarah Ash‘s first three novels are now available as eBooks for the first time, through the JABberwocky eBook Program! The fan-favourites MOTHS TO A FLAME, SONGSPINNERS, and THE LOST CHILD have also received new artwork, by the talented Marcelle Natisin


Here is the sysnopsis for MOTHS TO A FLAME

Wondrous Myn-Dhiel, home to the dynasty of the House of Memizhon, a place of gothic-Byzantine riches and opulence – but now corrupt and subject to a king and queen, the Arkhan and his Arkhys, slowly going mad inside their labyrinthine palace.

But in this stagnant land nothing can shake the powers that be – until the arrival of two young slaves, twins Lai and Laili. Lai, the man of peace, must become a warrior, or die in the Arena; chaste Laili suffers as the Arkhan’s new concubine.

Forced into submission and betrayal of principle, they nevertheless survive. And, once enmeshed in the court and its machinery of power, they rise to new prominence.

But Myn-Dhiel must change… And as the power-playing of the court reaches fever pitch, a god-driven plague – complex, disguising itself as an irresistible drug – descends. Now Lai and Laili must realise their true fate – destroyers and redeemers both.

For these are the last days.

And this is the fall of the house of Memizhon.

Sarah Ash Takes “The Page 69 Test”

Sarah Ash applies The Page 69 Test to her latest novel Flight into Darkness, published recently in the US by Bantam. Sarah says…

flight-into-darkness-thumbA reader recently emailed me, mentioning how intrigued he was at finding a fantasy series in which gunpowder and eighteenth century weaponry can be found alongside dragons and daemons. I really appreciated that comment! Because in writing this series I wanted to evoke an Age of Reason not unlike our own and confront the enlightened thinkers and scientists with the raw forces of an ancient and powerful magic that they can neither explain away nor begin to understand.” Follow this link to read more

And if this wets your appetite and you’d like to investigate Sarah’s wonderful fantasy novel further, follow this link for an excerpt of the first chapter, available to read free at

Sarah Ash Interviewed

A brand new interview with fantasy author Sarah Ash is now available on French web site ActuSF (don’t worry, any Francophiles out there, the interview is in English!), in which she discusses her influences and her future plans.