Roger Zelazny’s THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH Out Now in Estonia!

There’s a new Estonian edition of Roger Zelazny‘s short story collection THE DOORS OF HIS FACE, THE LAMPS OF HIS MOUTH! Published by Kirjastus Fantaasia as TEMA SILMNÄO VÄRAVAD, TEMA SUU PÕLEVAD TÕRVIKUD. Here’s the synopsis…

Roger Zelazny jutukogumik sisaldab viitteist lugu tema loomeperioodi algusest kuni aastani 1971. Siin on nii pikemaid, lühiromaani mõõdus lugusid (nagu näiteks 1965. aastal lühiromaani kategoorias Nebula võitnud nimilugu) kui napilt üle ühe lehekülje pikkuseid laaste. Autor on tuntud oma oskuste poolest töödelda müüte ja asetada need kuhugi tulevikku või määratlematu asukohaga maailma, lisada neile midagi uut ja jutustada oma lugu nii, et see ka tänapäeva inimesele korda läheb. Näiteks leviaatani söödaks sattunud mehe lugu, või maailma kõrgeima mäe tipu vallutuse lugu, kus mägi tundub elus olevat ja ronijaid millegipärast tappa püüab, ja see tipp ei asu Maal.

The Estonian edition is translated by Juhan Habicht, Andrus Igalaan, Sash Veelma, Piret Frey and Arvi Nikkarev. The cover is by Liis Roden.

The titular story won the 1966 Nebula Award, and was also nominated for the Hugo Award. Here’s the English-language synopsis…

Here are strange, beautiful stories covering the full spectrum of the late Roger Zelazny’s remarkable talents. In Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth, Zelazny’s rare ability to mix the dream-like, disturbing imagery of fantasy with the real-life hardware of science fiction is on full display. His vivid imagination and fine prose made him one of the most highly acclaimed writers in his field.
· The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth · nv F&SF Mar ’65
· The Keys to December · nv New Worlds Aug ’66
· Devil Car [Sam Nurdock] · ss Galaxy Jun ’65
· A Rose for Ecclesiastes · nv F&SF Nov ’63
· The Monster and the Maiden · vi Galaxy Dec ’64
· Collector’s Fever · vi Galaxy Jun ’64
· This Mortal Mountain · nv If Mar ’67
· This Moment of the Storm · nv F&SF Jun ’66
· The Great Slow Kings · ss Worlds of Tomorrow Dec ’63
· A Museum Piece · ss Fantastic Jun ’63
· Divine Madness · ss Magazine of Horror Sum ’66
· Corrida · ss Anubis v1 #3 ’68
· Love Is an Imaginary Number · ss New Worlds Jan ’66
· The Man Who Loved the Faioli · ss Galaxy Jun ’67
· Lucifer · ss Worlds of Tomorrow Jun ’64

Kirjastus Fantaasia has also published Estonian editions of Zelazny’s and 24 VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, BY HOKUSAI and DOORWAYS IN THE SAND.

Two More Anthologies Featuring Zeno Clients…

Given the popularity of Big Books in the science fiction and fantasy genres, trying out a new author can sometimes be rather daunting proposition. Thankfully, these genres are also ripe with short story publications, anthologies, magazines, and so forth – all of which offer a perfect avenue through which you can try an author’s work.

On Wednesday, we featured the Table of Contents for the upcoming SPACE OPERA anthology from Prime Books, which featured five of our authors. This has, however, been one of the few times anthologies have been featured on the website. So, starting now, we are going to start sharing news of other collections that feature our clients’ work. Today, we have two more…

Various-YBSFF2014-BlogFirst up, and also from Prime Books, we have THE YEAR’S BEST SCIENCE FICTION & FANTASY 2014, edited by Rich Horton, which includes work by two of our authors:

Here’s the official synopsis of the book, which is due to be published in June 2014…

This sixth volume of the year’s best science fiction and fantasy features over thirty stories by some of the genre’s greatest authors, including Yoon Ha Lee, James Patrick Kelly, Ken Liu, Robert Reed, Lavie Tidhar, Carrie Vaughn, and many others. Selecting the best fiction from Asimov’s, Clarkesworld, F&SF, and other top venues, The Year’s Best Science Fiction & Fantasy is your guide to magical realms and worlds beyond tomorrow.

Various-Unfettered-BlogSecondly, we have Shawn Speakman’s UNFETTERED, which was published in the UK yesterday by Orbit Books. This anthology also includes stories by two of our authors…

Here’s the synopsis of the anthology…

Unfettered is an anthology of original fantasy fiction by some of the very biggest names in fantasy fiction, and it also features deleted scenes from A MEMORY OF LIGHT, the final book in Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.

This collection is not only a fantastic anthology in its own right, but it’s a testament to the generosity found in the science fiction and fantasy community. When author Shawn Speakman fell seriously ill and was unable to pay his medical bills, that’s when New York Times bestselling author Terry Brooks offered to donate a short story that Shawn could sell to help alleviate those bills. He also suggested he ask the same of his other writer friends, and Unfettered is the incredible result.

Twenty-four tales comprise this superb collection, and as the title suggests, the writers were free to contribute whatever they wished.

Zeno represents Peter V. Brett and Brandon Sanderson in the UK and Commonwealth on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.

Ian MacLeod on ‘Story behind SNODGRASS’…

snodgrassIan R. MacLeod fans should be sure to catch this great post about his short story collection SNODGRASS AND OTHER ILLUSIONS, and his enduring love for the short story medium.

‘… back from the time when people first gathered around a fire to shelter from the darkness, the short story lies at the heart of what we humans are. We like wonder. We like surprise. We like fresh experience. We want to be reminded how it feels to be young, or scared, or deeply in love. And then, after an hour or so (and much as with going to the movies), we’ll stretch and smile and shiver, and head off to bed. The exchange is so natural that the wonder isn’t that short stories have dwindled in popularity, but that any other kind of fiction has ever managed to succeed…

‘Short fiction isn’t a lesser form to the novel. It’s simpler different, and lighter on its toes. After all, there’s a lot to be said for brevity… It’s a fact of our existence that the very best, most memorable and exciting things we experience in life come and go astonishingly quickly. Short fiction celebrates this. We all should.’

SNODGRASS AND OTHER ILLUSIONS is available now, in eBook format from  Open Road Media, and of course, the Sky Television adaptation of  SNODGRASS was broadcast only last month.