Out soon: SIGNS OF CHAOS in Russia

Today, we can announce another international edition of Roger Zelazny‘s Chronicles of Amber! This time, it is the Russian edition of SIGNS OF CHAOS, the eighth book in the series. Published by Эксмо as Знак Хаоса, here’s the synopsis…

Главный герой восьмого романа легендарного цикла “Хроники Амбера” — Мерлин из Дворов Хаоса. Растут его опыт и магическая сила, множество опасностей и неожиданных находок подстерегает его на избранном пути, но он неумолим в движении к намеченной цели — найти своего отца, принца Корвина из Амбера.

Эксмо has also published the first seven novels in the series. Here are all the covers together…

First published in 1991, here’s the English-language synopsis for SIGNS OF CHAOS

Merle Corey, son of the great Prince Corwin of Amber, has been pursued through Shadow by unknown enemies and left trapped in an Alice in Wonderland world — a bar with the Mad Hatter serving and the Cheshire Cat grinning malevolently. In a dramatic escape from a monstrous Jabberwock, Merle embarks upon a fantastic adventure, leading him back to the Court of Amber and finally to a confrontation at the Keep of Four Worlds, and here he learns the strange secrets of the Courts of Chaos and their role in his destiny.

Zeno represents Roger Zelazny in translation, on behalf of the Zelazny Estate.