New eBook Editions of Blaylock’s BALUMNIA Trilogy Available in France


James P. Blaylock‘s classic Balumnia fantasy trilogy, is now available in eBook in France. Published by Milady, the trilogy includes THE ELFIN SHIP (LE VAISSEAU ELFIQUE), THE DISAPPEARING DWARF (LE NAIN QUI DISPARAISSAIT) and THE STONE GIANT (LE GÉANT DE PIERRE). Here’s the synopsis for the first novel…

Rien ne va plus à Havreville. Les jouets enchantés et les pains d’épices fabriqués par les elfes risquent de manquer cette année à Noël! Le maître fromager Jonathan Bing, accompagné par le professeur Wurzle et le jeune Dooley, a pour mission de descendre en radeau le fleuve Oriel jusqu’à la cité portuaire de Maremme et de déjouer les forces maléfiques à l’origine de ce problème d’approvisionnement.

The trilogy is available in English as eBooks, published via the JABberwocky eBook program. Here’s the English-language synopsis for the first novel…

Trading with the elves used to be so simple. Every year Master Cheeser Jonathan Bing would send his very best cheeses downriver to traders who would eventually return with Elfin wonders for the people of Twombly Town. But no more… First, the trading post at Willowood Station was mysteriously destroyed. Then a magical elfin airship began making forays overhead: Jonathan knew something was definitely amiss. So he set off downriver to deliver the cheeses himself, accompanied by the amazing Professor Wurzle, the irrepressible Dooly, and his faithful dog Ahab. It would have been such a pleasant trip, if not for the weeping skeleton, mad goblins, magic coins, an evil dwarf, a cloak of invisibility – and a watch that stopped time. Of course, the return trip was not so simple.


James Blaylock’s latest novel, BENEATH LONDON is published by Titan Books. It is the fourth novel in his critically-acclaimed Langdon St. Ives steampunk series.


James P. Blaylock’s Complete BALUMNIA Trilogy Now Available via Audible!


We’re delighted to report that all three books in James P. Blaylock‘s Balumnia Trilogy (sometimes known as the Cheeser Trilogy) are available as audiobooks. Published by Audible, they are a great early, somewhat whimsical fantasy story by one of the Fathers of Steampunk. Philip K. Dick described this series as offering ‘A magical world, magically presented… having journeyed there, you will not wish to leave, nor ever to forget.’

We reported a little while ago that the first book, THE ELFIN SHIP, was available, but Audible has now released the final two. Here are the details…

The trilogy, while out of print for some time, was recently published as eBooks, too: in the UK, they are available through the Gollancz SF Gateway; for the US market, they are available via the JABberwocky eBook Program – along with many other titles from Jim’s great backlist.

We are also happy to tease the fact that we will be revealing the cover for Jim’s next Langdon St. Ives novel tomorrow! So, be sure to check back for that!