Two New Simon R. Green Novels

At the end of 2014 and the beginning of this year, Jo Fletcher Books started releasing Simon R. Green‘s back-catalogue in the UK as eBooks. Today, we can share the information about the two latest additions: PROPERTY OF A LADY FAIRE and TALES FROM THE NIGHTSIDE.GreenSR-SH8-PropertyOfALadyFayreUKe-BlogPROPERTY OF A LADY FAIRE is the eighth book in Simon’s bestselling Secret Histories series. Here’s the synopsis…

Call me Drood, Eddie Drood. Some know me as Shaman Bond and most simply don’t want to know me at all. For centuries, my family has been keeping the things that lurk on the darker side of existence as far away as possible from humans like you, without you even knowing we’re there.

Unfortunately for us, not everybody appreciates what we Droods do. Recently, I personally managed to survive yet another attempt on my life, but the rest of my relatives weren’t so lucky. My parents are missing in action. My grandfather has been murdered. And the future of my family lies in the iron grasp of the Lady Faire, an incredibly seductive, mysterious, and powerful being.

She possesses an ancient object that can save them. I have to steal it from her. Easy enough to say, difficult — and very, very dangerous — to do…

GreenSR-N13-TalesFromTheNightsideUKe-BlogTALES FROM THE NIGHTSIDE is a collection of short stories set in Simon’s New York Times-bestselling Nightside urban fantasy series…

Welcome to the Nightside. It’s the secret heart of London, beating to its own rhythm, pumping lifeblood through the veins of its streets and alleys hidden in eternal darkness, where creatures of the night congregate and where the sun is afraid to shine. It’s the place to go if you’re looking to indulge the darker side of your nature—and to hell with the consequences.

Tales from the Nightside presents ten macabre mysteries that shine a dim beam into the neighborhood’s darkest corners to reveal things that should never come to light. Take a walk with such deadly and dangerous denizens of the Nightside as Razor Eddie, Dead Boy, and Larry Oblivion as they encounter things even more inhuman and inhumane than they are. And join John Taylor, the PI with a knack for finding lost things, as he confronts Sir Francis Varney, King of the Vampires, in a never-before-published novella-length adventure.

There may be nothing to be afraid of in the dark, but there’s plenty to be afraid of in the Nightside…

Both of these titles are available now. Simon is also the author of, most recently, THE DARK SIDE OF THE ROAD, which was published in the US last week by Severn House, who also published the novel in the UK.

Zeno represents Simon R. Green in the UK and Commonwealth, on behalf of the JABberwocky Literary Agency in New York.