Award Nomination for James P. Blaylock…


James P. Blaylock‘s excellent THE AYLESFORD SKULL, the latest novel in his Langdon St. Ives steampunk series, has been nominated for a 2013 Airship Award!

The nominees were solicited online from the steampunk world at large, and the pre-registered members of Steamcon V can now vote for the winners. Voting will end October 15th 2013. The awards will be presented to the winner the Airship Awards Banquet on Friday, October 25th, 2013 during the Steamcon V convention.

Many congratulations to James on this well-deserved nomination!

THE AYLESFORD SKULL was published by Titan Books earlier this year in the UK and US. Here’s the synopsis…

It is the summer of 1883 and Professor Langdon St. Ives brilliant but eccentric scientist and explorer is at home in Aylesford with his family. However a few miles to the north a steam launch has been taken by pirates above Egypt Bay, the crew murdered and pitched overboard. In Aylesford itself a grave is opened and possibly robbed of the skull. The suspected grave robber, the infamous Dr. Ignacio Narbondo, is an old nemesis of Langdon St. Ives.

When Dr. Narbondo returns to kidnap his four-year-old son Eddie and then vanishes into the night, St. Ives and his factotum Hasbro race into London in pursuit…