Happy Release Day, Jan Siegel – THE DEVIL’S APPRENTICE


Today, Jan Siegel‘s new dark YA novel, THE DEVIL’S APPRENTICE is published by Ravenstone/Solaris. (Jan Siegel is a pseudonym for Amanda Hemingway.) Publishers Weekly has already described the book as a ‘tongue-in-cheek… fascinating [and] ambitious beginning’.

Here’s the synopsis…

The Devil is retiring… but who’s taking over? In the house with no front door, a group of teenagers are trapped in assorted dimensions of myth and history, undergoing the trials that will shape them to step into his cloven footwear – or destroy them…The Devil is retiring… but who’s taking over?

When teenage Pen inherits the job of caretaker for a London building with no doors and only a secret entrance from the caretaker’s lodge – which she must never use – little does she know it will lead her into unbelievable danger.

For Azmordis, also known as Satan, a spirit as old as Time and as powerful as the Dark, Immortality is running out. In the house with no front door, a group of teenagers are trapped in assorted dimensions of myth and history, undergoing the trials that will shape them to step into his cloven footwear – or destroy them.

Assisted by only by an aspiring teenage chef called Gavin and Jinx, a young witch with more face-piercing than fae-power, Pen must try to stop the Devil’s deadly game plan – before it’s too late.

Amanda is the author of the well-received Sangreal and Fern Capel series (the latter was also written as Jan Siegel). The My Bookish Ways blog interviewed Jan a couple of weeks ago – you can read that, here.